08-05-2006, 22:39
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Re: Today at Morecambe
Heres a couple of things I thought of the game for anyone who cares. Firstly - I know Mr K likes postin pics of fit lezzers (and why the hell not)but I thought I'd point out this one containing one handsome devil of a Morecambe fan (second in from right) to highlight exactly what the dangers of inbreeding are : (Take note Barrow) :
Secondly, that was never a penalty. What is it with Hereford and penalties? That 2nd Morecambe goal was legit - the guy flagged for offside had nowt to do with the goal or the buildup to it.
Thirdly - what a superb one handed reaction save that was from Drench. You all know the one I mean..
Fourthly, McLachlan is a moaning git. You could see the ref was getting really fed up with his whinging later on in the game.. Thats all he did - moan...
Morecambe were robbed of a win and once Hereford scabbed their way back into the game with ANOTHER dodgy penalty decision, Morecambes heads went down big time and unfortunately it was all Hereford from then on in... Complete contrast from the 1st half. Perkins did sod all when he came on and Im glad to see Twiss has had a haircut - but he still has man boobs. Morecambe will have to play better and for longer if they are to get anything at Edgar St. but all the best to em - I hope they do it...
Jimbo T  blower
Born and Bred in Accrington - You cant BUY class
"We invented the big time now we're back in the big time" ( Loweiy circa 2006 )
Last edited by Jimbo T Hornblower; 08-05-2006 at 22:45.