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Old 15-08-2004, 00:33   #1
Senior Member+
Willie Miller's Avatar

Today - your views

Well here's mine

MOM Quite a few but thought again Paul Mullin who does everything very very well

CROWD a little disappointing but will pick up if the results keep coming. High spirits, good atmosphere. will be louder at 'Cambe

REF the usual, very poor, especially stopping the game for minor injuries although Stanley then used it twice to our advantage in the second half. Made a rod for his own back!

Kennedy 6
Steady but must've been at fault for their goal as he was lobbed & I think he was on his line
Cav 8
Fantastic goal & got forward as the game went on
Bimson 7
his best game so far
Hacker 7
Solid, dependable & unfussy
Willliams 7
Jaggers 6
His curling shot deserveed a goal but noy invloved so much 1st half
Brennan 7
destined to play all season & worth his weight in gold! uncomprimising
Craney 6
More to come from Ian i'm sure
Lute 8
Back to his DAZZLING ENERGETIC self, good finish for his goal
Mcevilly 8
Frightening yet a little wasted on the left, deserved a goal
What can I say, class, if Turner wants him he'll have to pay £300,000

Can't wait till Tuesday, see ya all there, the flags & banner should be finished in time (they promise)


The Voice of the Terrace

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Accrington Web
Old 15-08-2004, 00:59   #2
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KIPAX's Avatar

Re: Today - your views

Cant say for individual players as I dont get a proper view of game.. All in all wasn't pretty first half but improved....We won 3-1 and sorry but I didn' expect that...ecstatic of course though... I was right to advise forget the friendlies.. this is what counts... different game.

Outsung by the Burton fans... Sorry but from the touchline I could hear a lot more from the cowshed than either end... even after 3-1 the accy fans where quiet... Heres hoping we can impress Morecambe as much as last time we visited when they gave us a massive thumbs up for our non stop support
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Old 15-08-2004, 01:07   #3
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Re: Today - your views

3 men & a roof sound louder than 50 singing into the afternoon sky.


The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 15-08-2004, 09:54   #4
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Ceejache's Avatar

Re: Today - your views

First half was very stodgy, second half was a massive improvement with McEvily's performance standing out for me. Lutel and Jaggers also stood out, Mullin tireless as always. Defence looked OK, but they didn't carry too much of an attacking threat to be honest - but the back four coped well with what they did occasionally throw at us.

I thought the ref wasn't the worst we've seen at the Crown by a long, long stretch, his linesmen didn't give him much assistance. We should have had a penalty (Mullin was held back) but I dont think he could see it whilst the liner could. A lot of strong, over exuberant tackles went in without him blowing which I quite liked as I get sick of refs blowing for defenders breathing on strikers - quite how Halford got away with what looked like a definite penalty and red card I dont know (first half) but I was an t'other end of the pitch so I could have seen it wrong!
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Old 15-08-2004, 12:39   #5
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Re: Today - your views

Mullin was quite excellent again yesterday, but my MotM would have to go to Brannan. Yesterday was probably the best game I've seen him play. Strong and commited, whilst his reading of the game was first class.

Let's hope he keeps it up all season.
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Old 15-08-2004, 13:10   #6
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baldy's Avatar

Re: Today - your views

yeah good game not the best ref for stopping the game when someone was down
injuired but seen worse all the lads played well just wait till rorys back

roll on morcambe.....jonny colemans red and white army, jimmy belld red and white army

did anybody time how long we sung that.....was it about 40 mins?
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Old 15-08-2004, 22:46   #7
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Re: Today - your views

I would suspect about 30 mins.. it was fantastic, I cant wait till Tuesday
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Old 16-08-2004, 07:36   #8
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Wynonie Harris's Avatar

Re: Today - your views

Thought the first half was a bit disjointed. The second half was a different story, though. We played some beautiful football and if we carry on like that, we should have something to celebrate at the end of the season.

The gate was very disappointing. A nice day and the first league match as full-timers should have attracted at least 300 more to the IES. I'm sure Eric must be wondering just what he has to do to rouse the local citizens out of their apathy. If we are progress further up the football ladder, we really do need bigger gates than this.
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