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Old 05-04-2009, 17:50   #31
Full Member

Re: Today's game

to leave Mullin J and Murdock on the bench says it all. Both players have given there all in the recent unbeaten run.
Mullin hasnt played in the last 6 Murdock has played in 2, Williams in 6 Cav in 4 it would appear to me that the latter two players had more to do with the unbeaten run then the previous 2. A defeat and its the usual scapegoats, there wasnt many outstanding performers yesterday but also none that were really poor on what looked like a difficult pitch. If we are being critical both goals were scored by the centre midfielder after some poor tracking/marking by both our centre mids. but that would mean having a go at ryan or proctor much easier to target the scapegoats williams grants etc
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Old 05-04-2009, 17:54   #32
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Re: Today's game

Originally Posted by coley1957 View Post
Are you for real, or do you just see what you "want to see"? Some of the whining that goes on this site beggars belief at times. As a fan of the club, perhaps it would be better to actually encourage some of the younger players than coming on here and slaughtering them.

You get people whinging about stopping cheques for season tickets after one defeat in 7 games, you get people sarcastically questioning the "football genius" if he doesn't do what you specifically want him to do and you get people quoting "facts" that are way off beam.

As I've said on this site before, I respect anyone's right to have an opinion, but what kind of supporter just waits for players who have been playing really well to make one mistake, then they get labelled as "has beens" or Coley Favourites?

Let's look at the facts: yesterday we outplayed Lincoln for long periods of the match - the difference being that they punished us for two momentary lapses in concentration - so to suggest that they were by far the better side is stretching it too far. Another fact was that Chris Turner went into a challenge with Cav in training and got hurt. He was in the side at the start, but pulled up in the warm up. Would he have made a difference? - I think we would all agree he would, as his confidence is high and he's playing well. Young Granty comes in and the first time he makes a mistake, the groans start. A great confidence booster that is eh?

In the second half, the swirling wind got up a bit, making control on a bumpy pitch that more difficult. Sean McConville coming on and running at them caused a few problems, but in the end, the players ran out of steam and performance wise, they fell a bit short by their own standards.

It must be really galling for those who regularly snipe at the team through this forum to eat humble pie, as up until yesterday, we were the form team in the division. We have no divine right to win every game - what we do expect is to compete to the best of our ability, but sometimes, even that isn't going to be enough, especially when we come up against forwards of the quality that they had yesterday and most teams have in this league.

To get were we have in such a short time is unbelieveable - to stay in the division as we have is astonishing. To do it with half the support coming through compared to attendances in the Conference - well that's just about miraculous!

Appreciate what you've got, support the whole team, not just the players you want to be selected and stop questioning the manager's reasons for leaving players on the bench. He makes the substitutions based on how the game is going, whether a player is struggling or perhaps to change things around from a tactical point of view. He makes / does not make substitutions just to p*** some of you off!

Keep the faith!

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Old 05-04-2009, 18:11   #33
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Re: Today's game

Originally Posted by MCR ADIM View Post

Surely the last 6 games we played outweigh this game by far! We all knew the run could not last forever! If you wanted the club to do well and progress than surely you would be buying a season ticket! Showing your support for the club no matter how we play on the pitch! Specially when people moaned about the prices, just find excusses not to buy one. Soon as we lose this board is back to the moaning. Am not buying a ticket because we lost and played rubbish! What about the run of wins we had that should sway you enough to buy one. We have been playing some great football this year, with some great players we have and hopefully keep them for next year. Jimmy Ryan, Kenny, Turner, Lindfield, Charnock, Edwards. Next year looks very positive if we can keep the squad together! Yeh we did not play well at all, but where safe for next season, the seats are going in and should be in before May! New owner's are just round the cornor to coming into the club and taking the club into a new direction! New terrace songs have been aired on the terrace this season! We love you Stanley we do!!!

How come you can protest about what the club does, yet it's not right for other fans to complain about what they have paid out good money for
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Old 05-04-2009, 18:32   #34
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Re: Today's game

Originally Posted by SamF View Post
To be fair to the lads their heads dropped after the period of play where there was 2 penalty appeals turned down and they were being hacked down with challenges from behind constantly and the ref just played on. The ref lost the game early in the first half when he didn't book their number 5 for the bad challenge and then he complained and complained. Ref could have nipped the problem in the bud by showing him a yellow and not discussing it but he showed himself soft there and they were taking every advantage of the refs incompetance.
Right on the button samF this ref mist everything,very poor even JC was at aloss with his desitions
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Old 05-04-2009, 18:43   #35
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Re: Today's game

Originally Posted by coley1957
Let's look at the facts: yesterday we outplayed Lincoln for long periods of the match - the difference being that they punished us for two momentary lapses in concentration - so to suggest that they were by far the better side is stretching it too far.
Originally Posted by coley1957
what we do expect is to compete to the best of our ability, but sometimes, even that isn't going to be enough, especially when we come up against forwards of the quality that they had yesterday
Are you for real? Was it bad defending or were they better? You can't even agree with yourself.
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Old 05-04-2009, 19:04   #36
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Re: Today's game

The most boring and dire games ive seen for ages. It just seemed that the players thought we were safe and that because of that they didnt look to be botherd and Lincoln looked up for it! Lincoln arent that much of a better side at all but wanted it more! We should of took are chances in the first half when we looked like scoring!

What anoyed me most was Bobby Grant, the ball was spread out to him many times today and this was his chance to impress! We all know hes a good player and what he can do but he was awfull! He had no pace and looked like he couldnt be botherd!
I thought Rocky once again had a very good game!

Rubbish rubbish game overall !

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Old 05-04-2009, 19:12   #37
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Re: Today's game

I thought it was my beer goggles making things look bad, looks like I wasn't as bad as I thought

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Old 05-04-2009, 19:44   #38
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Re: Today's game

Originally Posted by coley1957 View Post
To get were we have in such a short time is unbelieveable - to stay in the division as we have is astonishing. To do it with half the support coming through compared to attendances in the Conference - well that's just about miraculous!
That should be set in stone and placed at strategic intervals all around the ground. It is the truth and no one should ever forget it!

However, I thought yesterday was a poor performance, but I don't think we should get too upset about it, coming, as it does, at the end of an excellent 6-match run, which included some truly magnificent performances (Exeter, for instance), which proves to me that we are probably a couple of players short of a highly successful team for next season.

And, yes, sometimes there is too much whinging on here, but, let's face it, it's a forum where people express their feelings. If a fan has paid their hard-earned dosh to see a match and seen a poor display by a player should they say to themselves: "better not say anything on Accyweb, it might hurt their feelings."? These lads are professional footballers and they have to accept that criticism, both in "real life" and on websites comes with the job. If the TV series is anything to go by, your kid gives 'em much worse in the dressing room! As Macca once said, the forum is our "dressing room" and it's where we vent our feelings, good or bad.

Personally, I think yesterday was a blip and we'll put in some more good performances before the end of the season...there's one hell of a lot of ability in this team. As for those who put off the decision to buy a season ticket on yesterday's performance, I'm sure they'll buy one in the end...only problem is, thay'll now have to pay an extra fifty quid for it!
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Old 05-04-2009, 19:58   #39
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Re: Today's game

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
That should be set in stone and placed at strategic intervals all around the ground. It is the truth and no one should ever forget it!

However, I thought yesterday was a poor performance, but I don't think we should get too upset about it, coming, as it does, at the end of an excellent 6-match run, which included some truly magnificent performances (Exeter, for instance), which proves to me that we are probably a couple of players short of a highly successful team for next season.

And, yes, sometimes there is too much whinging on here, but, let's face it, it's a forum where people express their feelings. If a fan has paid their hard-earned dosh to see a match and seen a poor display by a player should they say to themselves: "better not say anything on Accyweb, it might hurt their feelings."? These lads are professional footballers and they have to accept that criticism, both in "real life" and on websites comes with the job. If the TV series is anything to go by, your kid gives 'em much worse in the dressing room! As Macca once said, the forum is our "dressing room" and it's where we vent our feelings, good or bad.

Personally, I think yesterday was a blip and we'll put in some more good performances before the end of the season...there's one hell of a lot of ability in this team. As for those who put off the decision to buy a season ticket on yesterday's performance, I'm sure they'll buy one in the end...only problem is, thay'll now have to pay an extra fifty quid for it!

Good post Mr H. Football fans are the most fickle people in the world, but those same whinging fans are also the most loyal. If those who defend the club at all costs spent £13 at Asda and the product was off they would be writing to head office and demanding a refund and compensation

Fifty quid extra eh, you sure about that ?
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Old 05-04-2009, 20:13   #40
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Re: Today's game

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Fifty quid extra eh, you sure about that ?
Well, Dave, it's now April 5th, and according to t'fishy site, those standing season tickets which yesterday cost £140, are now priced at £190. Of course, you never know, the club may (in the words of Lindsay O., while talking about something else) have "a sudden attack of common sense". Do you know something I don't?...
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Old 05-04-2009, 20:41   #41
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Re: Today's game

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Do you know something I don't?...

Just guessing
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Old 05-04-2009, 22:54   #42
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Re: Today's game

Originally Posted by SamF View Post
To be fair to the lads their heads dropped after the period of play where there was 2 penalty appeals turned down and they were being hacked down with challenges from behind constantly and the ref just played on. The ref lost the game early in the first half when he didn't book their number 5 for the bad challenge and then he complained and complained. Ref could have nipped the problem in the bud by showing him a yellow and not discussing it but he showed himself soft there and they were taking every advantage of the refs incompetance. Rocky is always a liability and im just glad he's managed to play as many consecutive games as he has without conceeding a goal. I have always said Grant isn't up for league football and he's proved me right once again, what's wrong with Turner ? Would have started McConville if turner was not available.
agree the ref n officials were real bummers, but whats new about that?some of what coley57 says is good stuff, pity he mixed tripe in with it. fact remains they did not look up fer it on sat as much as lincoln, as mab said a bad day at the office, which all teams suffer,n fans on all the notice boards ive seen, play hell about. n anyone who sees it different from those notice boards,needs there eyes testing.
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Old 06-04-2009, 05:42   #43
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Re: Today's game

There's certainly been a lot of over-reaction on the forum to Saturday's result, which is a shame because I see the forum as a positive resource, but the moaning merely reaffirms many people's view that it's full of whingers. I believe that (at least) one of the people posting comments on the game wasn't even at the match, which says everything really.

Comments like, "I'm not buying a season ticket now because we didn't win", are simply ridiculous! OK, so we seemed to be lacking steam on Saturday, but Lincoln were a big, powerful side and you can bet that players like Anthony Elding are being paid wages far in excess of anything we pay for the majority of the squad. We've competed with some very good teams this season and sometimes we've been turned over. So what? That's football.
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Old 06-04-2009, 05:43   #44
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Re: Today's game

The lads displayed very little confidence and that contributed to our lack of threat going forward. Players such as John Miles and Michael Symes need momentum and confidence to use their full ability, in my opinion, and it just wasn't there. We simply weren't prepared and got punished for it. It's not the end of the world. Coley needs to pick the lads up and get them ready for pasting Grimsby as they are more than capable.
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Old 06-04-2009, 06:57   #45
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Re: Today's game

we looked off the pace and some of the lads wheren't on the same wavelength with the final pass into their box - just a bad day at the office- the crap games make the good uns more appreciated and we should know! Thing is, its not a product so you can't ask for your money back - thats football- the odd whinge is a fans right- premier league fans whinge all the time- aslong as we keep coming back- need to get the crowds up to 2000 to be a force in this league
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