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Old 29-10-2009, 14:52   #31
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Re: Tonight's Events

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
Some like Mr. O’Neil have to go soon, other have to stay.

Can I take it then Doug that you are actually defending a Management Team who, by defying all those principles by , and through which, any organisation or business achieves success, have led Accrington Stanley to the brink of ruin and destruction ?? .

Irrespective of the double-speak, prevarication and lying practised by the Co-Chairperson and CEO which well-informed contributors to our Forum are quite rightly laying at their respective doors, their incompetent ignoring of these Principles of Good Management cannot be overlooked or forgiven.

It seems logical then to conclude that if these two obviously unskilled and
ill-prepared individuals are allowed to continue practising their random Management fumblings on the future corporate life at the FES, then the downward spiral towards oblivion towards which they have already made a sizeable contribution, is the only option in view!.

They have FAILED MISERABLY in every respect, and any self-respecting Manager in their shoes would by now have acknowledged their own weaknesses and failings, fallen on their sword, and disappeared into that darkness which only a true 'Failure' can comprehend...OR been shown the door which opens into that world of 'those who are not up to it !!.'

My opinions do not emanate from a 'Hang 'en High' standpoint...for as Ilyas Khan rightly advised last night, to vilify those of an Obdurate Nature will only
make them dig their heels in defiance!...

My opinions are based on a logical assessment of many obvious Management and Operational weaknesses demonstrated by those directing events at Accrington Stanley over a protracted period of time, and to which I have made numerous allusions over and over again.

This weak, inefficient, ineffective, and dishonest Management Structure now existing at the FES is just NOT GOOD ENOUGH to guide our club towards any success, and should make way for one which will devote itself to the instillation of Positive, Effective and Honest Management and Business practice based upon Sound, and accepted Management Theory and Principles, and a desire to do WHAT IS RIGHT !

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Old 29-10-2009, 15:22   #32
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Trust !!!.

Ever since our meeting with Ilyas Khan last night, and assessing the many utterings, predictions, prevarications, and ,as many have reported... LIES given and told to Fans, The Media, and probably to each other!!..One thing has becoming more and more clear in my mind and this is quite simply... Can I listen to, or read any Declarations or Statements made by David o'Neil and Rob Heys without disbelieving every word which they happen to be uttering at the time ??.

The answer is I am afraid an emphatic 'NO'...and thus I conclude that they have lost something that I see as being of paramount importance to my thinking in every facet of my life...and that is my Trust!.

This being the case, although I will continue to support John Coleman and our Great Team as well as I am able!... I will never support either one of these two 'Stanley-Slayers' again !.

Am I, in my dotage, being the over-sensitive Yonmon again ?.....
Is 'TRUST' just an old-fashioned notion for old men to pontificate upon?...
Or does it matter where Accrington Stanley are concerned...?

Some advice on my thoughts and feelings would be appreciated !!.

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Old 29-10-2009, 15:25   #33
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Re: Trust !!!.

Yonmon, imho, all relationships are built on trust of some degree or another...............when that trust is lost or abused then it goes without saying that the relationship is doomed to failure.

Just my 2penneth worth!


Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

Thursday 31st. March 2011, a new dawn over the Crown ground.
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Old 29-10-2009, 15:26   #34


Re: Tonight's Events

No; I am not defending anyone. One slight issue at the moment is that Mr. O’Neil owns the club and won’t go easy unless it’s worth his while as for the rest; they will have to be replaced by more capable individuals before they jump/pushed and the non persona Directors/Share Holders will have to be bought out by some degree…….

Mr. Khan asked that individuals aren’t targeted at this moment (that’s how I understand it) and I’m sure as a skilled person/man manager Mr. Khan won’t want anyone jumping ship until a capable team is identified/in situ and waiting to take control.

I do agree that people will have to fall on swords, but whom and when isn’t going to be that easy, every one of the board played a part, every departmental manager (if there is any) played a part you just can’t ask for there heads and not have anyone to replace them; there is no reason why some shouldn’t continue in some form or is that you just want to cap anyone who disagrees with the current trend?

I would like to see Mr. O’Neil resign and leave as soon as; I would like Rob Heys to explain his role and his expectation of accountancy for his actions that may have damaged the club or himself. I would like to hear both side of the story in respect of the two Directors who are alleged to have offended Mr. Khan and to what degree (be very carful how you respond to that) and to have the rest of the Board explain why they didn’t act in the best interest of the club if they believed that the Khan/ASSF was or wasn’t in the best interest of the club.

I think I want the same as you do; but I don’t want to hang them before all of the facts are out in the open.

The Fact Remains; Mr. O’Neil and others own the Club until they decide their next course of action we are stuck with them.

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 29-10-2009, 15:28   #35
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Re: Trust !!!.

"Trust" is a dirty word that comes only from a liar.

But "respect" is something to be earned

I have respect to Mr Khan

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Old 29-10-2009, 15:30   #36


Re: Trust !!!.

Originally Posted by ukcowboy View Post
Yonmon, imho, all relationships are built on trust of some degree or another...............when that trust is lost or abused then it goes without saying that the relationship is doomed to failure.

Just my 2penneth worth!

However; sometimes you have to walk over fields of **** to reach the fence.

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 29-10-2009, 15:35   #37
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Re: Tonight's Events

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
The Fact Remains; Mr. O’Neil and others own the Club until they decide their next course of action we are stuck with them.
Legally Mr. O'Neill does not own one share in Accrington Stanley, EW still owns 51%
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Old 29-10-2009, 15:37   #38
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Re: Trust !!!.

I know exactly where you are coming from and although I want to agree with you,I can't help feeling that Rob Heyes is only the messenger .At the end of the day he is an employee and I assume ( maybe wrongly) that he is only delivering the messages that he has been told to deliver. As for D On , I really, really did give him the benefit of the doubt , I thought he had not been given the chances he needed. How gullible I was, I will trust that man no more, never. How he could look folk in the eyes and suggest the sleepless nights be left to him, well I hope he has lots of them . He needs to go NOW.
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Old 29-10-2009, 15:38   #39
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Re: Tonight's Events

Originally Posted by JEFF View Post
Legally Mr. O'Neill does not own one share in Accrington Stanley, EW still owns 51%
and Ilyas has passed his shares over,hasn't he?
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Old 29-10-2009, 15:49   #40
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Re: Trust !!!.

if I was able to forget the lies that I have been fed for the last two months we could move on.

However, for the very simple act of going to London without the money I cannot forget, or forgive. Even the night before they went Rob failed to answer the phone to Ilyas. He shouldn't have even needed to answer the phone because he should have been ringing Ilyas.

There is however a very good point that somebody needs to be the continuity at the club. To lose one of two figureheads shouldn't be a problem, to lose them both could be.
O'Neil has to go, that is irrefutable, but there is an argument both ways over Rob.

The bigger question though is whether the general publi will ever regain any semblance of trust or faith in the club without the 'new brush sweeps clean' syndrome being played out. I dont think they will.

My vision of a football club is one that is the hub of its community, where all its constituents play a part in the well being of the club without necessarily having to be a supporter. With only the 1000 hardcore to prop us up we absolutely need that wider support network. Would a non-supportive local company be prepared to pay £1000 a match to sponsor it? no. We are in for some lean times anyway, but they will be a lot leaner if any of the current management are allowed to remain in place.
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Old 29-10-2009, 15:58   #41
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Re: Trust !!!.

Yonmon got to totally agree with you, but today I would have EXPECTED a statement from the board as to the true goings on yesterday (glad I did,nt hold my breath) in a way wiping the slate clean, but as usual even with the goings on of the last two evenings they decide to keep quiet.
I at this moment in time feel totally washed up with them, do they care about our football club? do they care about the LOYAL band of supporters ? quite simply IMHO not a dam jot.
It is time for the truth or ship out and let someone who is stanley though and through take the helm. It saddens me to think that if Ilyas and Peter had.nt stepped up to the plate yesterday ASFC would be no more after next Wednesday as there was no way the funds would have been in place then. Im sorry but I wouldnt trust this lot with me grannies pension.
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Old 29-10-2009, 16:00   #42
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Re: Tonight's Events

Originally Posted by Fourth official View Post
and Ilyas has passed his shares over,hasn't he?
Yes Ilyas has confirmed he is no longer a shareholder at the club as shares had been passed onto the assf.


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Old 29-10-2009, 16:00   #43
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Re: Trust !!!.

Agreed macca.

I think the ONLY thing that alot of people would accept is that O Neill and RH go.

we need to sweep this away from our thought.

New Board, New regime, NEW STANLEY!
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Old 29-10-2009, 16:02   #44
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Re: Tonight's Events

Tis as I suspected, and therein lies the problem.
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Old 29-10-2009, 16:07   #45
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Re: Trust !!!.

Trust in my book is always earned, they sure aint earned it. simple as.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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