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Old 14-01-2007, 16:45   #1
God Member
maccawozzagod's Avatar

tonights open day meeting

in lieu of not being able to get hold of Rob to confirm tonights venue, the alternative will be the arden inn on Abbey st. The confirmed attendee's are me, Spud, Kipax, Gayle, Outback Ozzy, Accy Red, Harwood Red and Zero. UK Cowboy and Sparkie have just sent their apologies. For any others who WILL be attending please let me know NOW. I will go to the clubhouse just in case anybody does not get this message inorder to give lifts down to the Arden, I will leave when the car is full or at 7:15 no later.

Sorry to change the venue at the last minute but it could not be helped. I dont want people hanging around up there in the dark and rain and puddles if there will be nobody there to let us in. Not a good start to proceedings.

This is our chance to take the club where the club seem incapable of going. Right into the heart of the community. We can make this a success, will we do it with you or in spite of you?
email [email protected] for all window cleaning quotes

Last edited by maccawozzagod; 14-01-2007 at 16:55.
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Accrington Web
Old 14-01-2007, 18:16   #2
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harwood red's Avatar

Re: tonights open day meeting

I'll be there...oops but you already know that

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 14-01-2007, 20:41   #3
Senior Member


Re: tonights open day meeting

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
in lieu of not being able to get hold of Rob to confirm tonights venue, the alternative will be the arden inn on Abbey st. The confirmed attendee's are me, Spud, Kipax, Gayle, Outback Ozzy, Accy Red, Harwood Red and Zero. UK Cowboy and Sparkie have just sent their apologies. For any others who WILL be attending please let me know NOW. I will go to the clubhouse just in case anybody does not get this message inorder to give lifts down to the Arden, I will leave when the car is full or at 7:15 no later.

Sorry to change the venue at the last minute but it could not be helped. I dont want people hanging around up there in the dark and rain and puddles if there will be nobody there to let us in. Not a good start to proceedings.

This is our chance to take the club where the club seem incapable of going. Right into the heart of the community. We can make this a success, will we do it with you or in spite of you?
Good luck Macca, can't be there, but will be with you in spirit!!
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Old 14-01-2007, 20:43   #4
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Re: tonights open day meeting

He has my apologies for not ebing there.. no sooner back form doncaster and had to go to preston... he is aware of what my hand is up for doing so should manage wihtout my big gob
Photographer :
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Old 15-01-2007, 00:32   #5
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Re: tonights open day meeting

some good things came out of tonights meeting. Myself, Spud, Harwood Red, Mr and Mrs Ozzy, Zero and Dave, Mick Schultz and Phil made it. Again nothing was nailed tonight but we managed to get some expansion on the ideas already on the table. We now have people making phone calls in the direction of getting answers. We now have firm ideas of what we need to address. We now have answers to various questions that needed asking and can work from them.

As I said earlier, this event will go ahead in spite of public apathy, if we have to reign it in a little in order to fit to what we have organisation wise then so be it.

It is still not too late to volunteer your services either organising or just on the day.

The one thing we have decided is that the accompanying night event WILL take place on the sunday itself. Live music and expensive, authentic auction to start with.
email [email protected] for all window cleaning quotes
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Old 15-01-2007, 22:48   #6
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Re: tonights open day meeting

Apologies for not coming. I'd been working all day and have to be honest - I'd forgotten all about it until you rang.

Anyway, please don't take my no show as a sign of apathy, in fact, don't take anybody's as a sign of apathy - you'll find that people start appearing towards the end of the organising period in the last few weeks.

As with everything though - a few people will end up doing all the work!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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