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Old 06-12-2007, 19:51   #31
Senior Member+

Re: tonite v rochdale

Originally Posted by JEFF View Post
How many games did he play for Rovers at right back, and how many games has he played for Stanley at left back. Maybe Rovers played him in his wrong position as well.

at rovers i think he played in the region of 25 games at right back,

not sure what position he played at bolton and blackpool etc

and as for stanley iv'e not got a clue how many games he has played at lb but he started his career as a right back thats all im saying, not causing arguments just stating a fact.
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Old 06-12-2007, 20:41   #32
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Re: tonite v rochdale

Originally Posted by JEFF View Post
The management team is not good enough, some of our players were not even good enough for the Conference yet they are first choice in the Football League. Coley's favourites are the first on the team sheet when they are fit - Cav, Rocky, Procky, and Mully - personally I don't think any of that four are good enough for the Football League .
I'd have to agree with the comments about the management team. They are the main reason for the crap performances at home. Coley doesn't have a clue with team selection or tatics and is subsequently costing us the game even before kick off. He makes changes to late and when he does they don't seem to make sense. What worries me is that he is making the same errors every week and isn't learning from them. I've been patient with him like many other fans, remembering that this is only our second season back in the league, hence he is still learning and that we are only a small club with limited resources. Without a doubt, he has done a great job but perhaps it is time for a change. We should be playing a lot better at home and especially against 10 men. Clearly the players aren't in the right spirit (as previously mentioned) which is his responsibility as manager- he's got to get them motiviated.
Jeff mentioned Procky, Rocky, Cav and Mullin not been good enough for league 2. Agree with Rocky but not the other 3. Procky was fantastic earlier in the season and got an award, Cav as been good going forward and sticking some good balls in into the box for Mullin who is 11th in the top goalscorers for league 2 with 7 goals. Clearly these 3 players (in particular) aren't in the right frame of mind and are not getting the motivation from the manager. By the way Branch go now- you are a lazy ****e who is only here for my hard earned cash which I won't be wasting if I have to watch the same rubbish in the future. I understand that as a football fan you will experience highs and lows and we are going through a bad patch at home. I can take defeat but not when there is no pride or passion. We need to get it sorted.
Final point-training. What the f**k do they do all week? Can't do throw ins, passing, attacking and defending corners etc Same rubbish again every home match I go to.
Coley has got to turn it around quickly or go and take Branch with him. Rant over
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Old 06-12-2007, 20:46   #33
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Re: tonite v rochdale

sorry sent it twice
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Old 06-12-2007, 20:48   #34
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Re: tonite v rochdale

Right I am unsure but if Coley doesn't have a clue how has he got Stanley to where they are today?? I know what the comeback is going to be that he knows what he's doing in non-league and maybe League football is a step to far but it was counted a success last season for staying up, so this season what do the fans realistically want when you look at what the club has as a whole!!??? Realistically you have to look at Branch and think he was against Higginbotham all night and 18 year old Rookie who's already caught the eye of many, so maybe was tough night for him!!

Realistically who would you bring in as a manager?? Would you sack Coley AND Bell or just one??? You have to be realistic in situations like this!!
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Old 06-12-2007, 21:08   #35
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Re: tonite v rochdale

Originally Posted by stanleysnumber1 View Post
Right I am unsure but if Coley doesn't have a clue how has he got Stanley to where they are today?? I know what the comeback is going to be that he knows what he's doing in non-league and maybe League football is a step to far but it was counted a success last season for staying up, so this season what do the fans realistically want when you look at what the club has as a whole!!??? Realistically you have to look at Branch and think he was against Higginbotham all night and 18 year old Rookie who's already caught the eye of many, so maybe was tough night for him!!

Realistically who would you bring in as a manager?? Would you sack Coley AND Bell or just one??? You have to be realistic in situations like this!!
if you cant beat 10 players in 70 mins there is something seriously wrong its like dejavu every home game do you think people are going to keep paying 13 quid watching something repetitive .its happening every home game.
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Old 06-12-2007, 21:16   #36
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Re: tonite v rochdale

To a certain extent winning away and losing at home is not a bad thing for survival in the league, it does however have a serious impact on revenue.

The one thing football fans want more than any result is effort and passion, losing a few games doesn't matter as much if the team goes down fighting. Reading the posts and living with a Stanley fan suggests those ingredients are missing and that is what everybody is so annoyed about.

I can tell you living with a Stanley fan is not a pleasant experience today
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Old 06-12-2007, 21:24   #37
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Re: tonite v rochdale

Very true C'monstanley & its getting worse, its not about losing - its about losing without any effort to try or passion to try not to, if we'd of lost & played our hearts out there wouldnt be this uproar, was u there last night stanleyno1?? seems u didnt see the same game as rest of us


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Old 06-12-2007, 21:27   #38
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Re: tonite v rochdale

I was there last night............ and haven't really commented on the game as such just feel maybe more time is needed. I's a massive step-up and Branchy I agreed had a mare which he has had a few times but its just one of them things I guess!!
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Old 06-12-2007, 21:32   #39
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Re: tonite v rochdale

When u have been to every home match so far as most of us have u will understand the pi**ed offness we have with it & tbh time has been ticking for things to have improved or changed how long do u leave it ??? - when back in conference again or blue square thingy.


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Old 06-12-2007, 21:40   #40
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Re: tonite v rochdale

One of them things? ... so we should just accept it?

Not when Phil is on the bench to go at right back and put Leam on the left!!

I wouldnt mind if he has shockers every now and then but its happening regular

Harsh just to blame one player though

Originally Posted by stanleysnumber1 View Post
I was there last night............ and haven't really commented on the game as such just feel maybe more time is needed. I's a massive step-up and Branchy I agreed had a mare which he has had a few times but its just one of them things I guess!!
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Old 06-12-2007, 21:42   #41
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Re: tonite v rochdale

Originally Posted by stanleysnumber1 View Post
I was there last night............ and haven't really commented on the game as such just feel maybe more time is needed. I's a massive step-up and Branchy I agreed had a mare which he has had a few times but its just one of them things I guess!!
In an ideal world more time would be great but performances need to be better quickly if we are going to keep the no. of current fans, let alone extend it.

I admire your optimism for Graham Branch but as far as I'm concerned he is past it, is picked on the basis of his "big name" and is simply cashing in before retirement. It annoys me that he is played when we have a better alternative on the bench in Phil Edwards. That's what I mean when i say Coleman is clueless, logic would tell me that if a player was playing consistantly bad over a no. games then change it around- give Edwards a run out. Can't understand why Leighton was brought off, his pace could have really opened up the 10 men.
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Old 06-12-2007, 23:21   #42
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Re: tonite v rochdale

Originally Posted by stanleysnumber1 View Post
Realistically you have to look at Branch and think he was against Higginbotham all night and 18 year old Rookie who's already caught the eye of many, so maybe was tough night for him!!!
When you think back to Paul Cook he was past it speed wise and not one of my favourites... BUT he did give it a lot of effort..Branch just did not give any effort....

Never heard a song like "WE got graham branch iiioooo you got not a lot iiiooo" ????

Lets have a BIG sort out, come ERIC i am sure this is where you are 100% the right man for the job, Get shut of the wasters and get some grafters in...

Is toddy not available ??????????????????
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Old 08-12-2007, 11:19   #43
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Re: tonite v rochdale

I think following comments made after the game that Mark Roberts should be made aware that we fully appreciate his composure and contributions this season. He has been a rock in Stanley's defence.

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Old 08-12-2007, 22:42   #44
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Re: tonite v rochdale

Originally Posted by Haggis316 View Post
He has been a rock in Stanley's defence.
Theres been no rocks - a few stones but no rocks.
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Old 09-12-2007, 12:14   #45
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Re: tonite v rochdale

Originally Posted by Haggis316 View Post
I think following comments made after the game that Mark Roberts should be made aware that we fully appreciate his composure and contributions this season. He has been a rock in Stanley's defence.
I agree. Mark Roberts has been excellent. Tackling, heading, positional awareness, covering for others at the back - I dread to think how many goals we would have concered without his presence.
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