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Old 02-03-2013, 18:58   #31
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Re: Torquay thread

A point is a point, at this stage of the season things are bound to be tight especially when playing fellow strugglers. However I would have found it difficult to name a man of the match.
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Old 02-03-2013, 19:27   #32
Resting in Peace

Re: Torquay thread

Originally Posted by football19 View Post
My moan today is our front twos movement(or lack of it),if the ball player looks up,the strikers movement dictates the pass.
They challenged for the same ball on numerous occasions,Beattie just doesn't want to run beyond the challenge,simple as.
My other moan is the keeper,kicking poor,struggles to catch and won't come,all the back four were onto him on a number of occasions.
Positives,another clean sheet,Aldred and Deans performance against two/three good forwards.
Nicky Hunt solid and reliable and Bocco was excellent despite carrying a pull.
If we had a player like Howe,I would play Bocco off him all day long.
For those having a pop at Murph,I would love to see them play 5v2 in a 30m square,not easy,and a clean sheet suggests he did what was asked of him
Nothing wrong with Gray's movement! He makes Beattie look like a statue. I don't think we can carry our ex England striker through most games on the off chance he might find himself with a free shot at goal. It's not enough to justify a start IMO, and surely we would be better off giving Carver a chance to put himself about from the start, with James on the subs bench? As for Murph, if, as you say, he did what was asked of him he is obviously not being asked the right questions. I appreciate that he is a battler, but is it too much to ask for less wastefulness in possession from a midfielder?
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Old 02-03-2013, 19:35   #33
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Re: Torquay thread

Originally Posted by Redraine View Post
Nothing wrong with Gray's movement! He makes Beattie look like a statue. I don't think we can carry our ex England striker through most games on the off chance he might find himself with a free shot at goal. It's not enough to justify a start IMO, and surely we would be better off giving Carver a chance to put himself about from the start, with James on the subs bench? As for Murph, if, as you say, he did what was asked of him he is obviously not being asked the right questions. I appreciate that he is a battler, but is it too much to ask for less wastefulness in possession from a midfielder?
(Agree with the Beattie comment)
Things are not going for Leam & the team,
On the pitch what looked like a foul in the box given as a free-kick on the outside of the box, then what looked to me like a perfectly good goal being ruled offside.
Off the pitch, an abysmal attendance of 1197 coming after the super result away to Dale,
as for Stanley’s performance not brilliant but workmanlike, I thought we contained their danger man Howe very well, more of a threat was their No. 15 Bodin who I thought had an excellent game,
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Old 02-03-2013, 20:06   #34
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Re: Torquay thread

MoM should have gone to Aldred - him and Deano had their strikers sewn up for most of the game
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Old 02-03-2013, 20:39   #35
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Re: Torquay thread

After today, I seriously think Leam should be looking at putting the captain's armband on somebody who actually deserves to wear it.

Joyce was an absolute waste of a selection today.....and he is the "leader" on the pitch???

He wandered around midfield looking like a little boy lost, ducked out of nearly every 50/50 ball, never put in any sort of telling tackle and his distribution was absolute garbage.

In the predicament we're in at the moment we need a captain who is an inspiration to those around him. Who will actually motivate those around him. Who will put in a shift and use the sort of effort required to win the battle. At the moment, Joyce doesn't tick any of those boxes.
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Old 02-03-2013, 20:39   #36
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Re: Torquay thread

just seen a still of will's 'offside' goal on twitter....never in a million years! That's what we have had for so long and I hope it doesn't mean too much come the end of the season
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Old 02-03-2013, 20:40   #37
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Re: Torquay thread

Very similar performance to Rochdale 1st half today, 2nd half a slight improvement.

Agree with earlier post that Aldred should have been MOM, and the whole back 4 did well.

We still struggle to create in midfield especially in the middle we play too many sideways and backwards passes instead of playing into Beattie and Grays feet, which leaves our front two fighting for scraps again. How many times today did we hump it up to Beattie who can't jump anymore and gray who to be fair puts himself about even though he's not the biggest. They both need better service

Linganzi has got to start, from the few appearances I've seen I've looks a class above any of our centre midfield players - I'd play him and Joyce.

Still positive we've got enough to avoid relegation if we dont get any key injuries
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Old 02-03-2013, 21:46   #38
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Re: Torquay thread

Didnt go today, my mate did.

Said first half was dull, Torquay probably just shaded it and shoud have gone in ahead.
2nd half stanley improved and should have had a penalty.
His main concern was the managers persistance with the midfield which simply is not working.
Improvement needed but a welcome point.

Roll on Northampton.
Hopefully Exeter can do us a favour on Wednesday.
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Old 02-03-2013, 22:24   #39
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Re: Torquay thread

Should have had a penalty,also had a goal wrongly disallowed imho. yer mates correct about midfield which was dire until the sub came on.
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Old 02-03-2013, 22:39   #40
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Re: Torquay thread

With the system they played we were out numbered at one point 5 to 2,that's why I have never been a fan of 4-4-2,it's nearly impossible to influence the game in there.Remember when we played with two holding players,the cbs split,the fullbacks pushed on and the keeper rolled the ball out to Joyce .
There forwards were also dropping deep to get on the ball and link play,did our forwards drop to help out?,answer NO !.
The goal was also two yards on side,the Lino made a really bad call,and I would like to see the pen claim again.
No ones mentioned the pitch either,tricky surface to play on,and both sides were struggling,it was a bobbly surface
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Old 03-03-2013, 08:32   #41
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Re: Torquay thread

Just watched the Football League Show that I recorded last night.
I was stood with my usual group in the Clayton End and even from centrally behind the goal we could not believe that he had been given offside! Having watched it on TV it is easy to see that as Hatfield comes into view the ball has left Rommy's foot by several yards and Hatfield is level with his marker just outside the penaltry box but the central defender, number 15, is a yard and a half inside the box, thus clearly Hatfield was ONSIDE. Add to this the clear penalty which we were denied earlier and we can consider that we were [COLOR=red]WELL AND TRULY ROBBED BY REFEREEING INCOMPETENCE!!COLO R]
Having said that we didn't play all that well and we really failed to put together any decent passages of fluid football. Torquay were pretty innefective for all their possesion and their shots at goal were awful. I agree that Lingazi must start as he has much more physical presence and skill in midfield that we have lacked all season. Boco and Aldred were our best two players IMHO.
It is difficult to accept somebody saying that the referees can make errors just like anybody can when our lifeblood as a Football League club is being sucked out of us by sheer incompetence like this!!COLO R=red][B]COME ON STANLEY...KEEP THE FAITH...IF WE HAVE TO BEAT A "TEAM OF 13" THEN WE WILL!!!:

Last edited by choirboy; 03-03-2013 at 08:35.
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Old 03-03-2013, 09:57   #42
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Re: Torquay thread

Originally Posted by choirboy View Post
Just watched the Football League Show that I recorded last night.
I was stood with my usual group in the Clayton End and even from centrally behind the goal we could not believe that he had been given offside! Having watched it on TV it is easy to see that as Hatfield comes into view the ball has left Rommy's foot by several yards and Hatfield is level with his marker just outside the penaltry box but the central defender, number 15, is a yard and a half inside the box, thus clearly Hatfield was ONSIDE. Add to this the clear penalty which we were denied earlier and we can consider that we were [COLOR=red]WELL AND TRULY ROBBED BY REFEREEING INCOMPETENCE!!COLO R]
Having said that we didn't play all that well and we really failed to put together any decent passages of fluid football. Torquay were pretty innefective for all their possesion and their shots at goal were awful. I agree that Lingazi must start as he has much more physical presence and skill in midfield that we have lacked all season. Boco and Aldred were our best two players IMHO.
It is difficult to accept somebody saying that the referees can make errors just like anybody can when our lifeblood as a Football League club is being sucked out of us by sheer incompetence like this!!COLO R=red][B]COME ON STANLEY...KEEP THE FAITH...IF WE HAVE TO BEAT A "TEAM OF 13" THEN WE WILL!!!:
Agree with your post apart from the Cental defender who was playing hatfield onside it was thier No. 16 Angus MacDonald, No.15 was Bodin the attacking midfielder who I would have made M O T Match
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Old 03-03-2013, 10:43   #43
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Re: Torquay thread

Originally Posted by nige b View Post
just seen a still of will's 'offside' goal on twitter....never in a million years!
Link: Thanks to Podge/Dany.
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Old 03-03-2013, 10:46   #44
Resting in Peace

Re: Torquay thread

Sorry guys, but unless you have "smart" TV's which show things outside the camera picture, the replay is inconclusive. At the moment Rommy hits the ball Will is not in the picture and only appears when the camera pans to follow the shot. Be honest, how many of us were watching Will when Rommy shot? Only those who were in line with the play can say whether he was offside or not. Where were you standing, Bernard Dawson?
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Old 03-03-2013, 10:48   #45
Resting in Peace

Re: Torquay thread

Originally Posted by MikeA View Post
Ah.... that's better. We wuz robbed!
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