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Old 10-06-2010, 19:14   #1
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Firstly, please forgive the somewhat long winded nature of this post

In light of recent events and rumours, once again this word rears its head. We were promised that the club would be much more open and accountable, but today's L.E.T. article and the comments on the other thread with regard to the funding issue / application (or apparent lack of!!) may just be the final straw that's breaking my camel's back, so to speak.

Whilst we all know Rome wasn't built in a day; and in light of last season's close shave with the taxman which threatened the very existence of the club, we all expected a little more clarity / enlightenment. Despite Ilyas' apparent trust in Mr. O'Neill, it seems that not much has changed. Worryingly, Ilyas placed faith in him by stating he was stepping down this summer and leaving O'Neill in overall charge.

By my last statement, I mean that, my own personal opinion, probably shared by others, put simply..... Mr. O'Neill cannot be trusted. I appreciate that whilst the financial mess that nearly cost the club dearly last year may take time to sort out, certain pressing matters still remain unresolved, namely....

1) Coley & Bell's contracts. Apparently we are told these are nearly finalised, three year deals have been talked of, however still neither have had a contract to sign ??? Nigh on six months to draw up a contract to keep hold of what are now recognised as envied assets. What's the hold up ???

2) Player's contracts and wages. We have lost some of last years better performers, some may say inevitably due to their raised profile due to their performances, however we all know that we have missed out on another because the of the wage budget. We've been told that the club would have to become self sufficient and operate on lower budgets, given the amount of revenue generated by our low gates, this was always a situation likely to be on the cards.

We're now hearing rumours that players haven't been paid or have been paid late.

Whilst knowing that the summer is probably a very testing time financially for the club and the obvious reason why (i.e. lack of income) If you add the sitaution with Coley & Bell's contract fiasco, suddenly things become more worrying. Whilst not wishing to knock signing players like Lindfield (who may or may not turn out to be an un-polished gem), what sort of message does this send out to potential new blood??? Not a very good one I'd say!!!

3) Ground redevelopments.....or lack of. I'm sure the Football League amongst others, would like to know whether the Crown will be up to scratch by early August. We've now got statements along the lines of the club hasn't applied for funding to help with ground redevelopment, wether they be LEGi grants or football trust money?

New structures to be built, whether they're the temporary stand from Blackpool or an alternative, show no signs of appearing any time soon. The clock is ticking towards August; and in a little matter of eight weeks, the new season will be upon the club. The club seems to highlight that they're spending a small fortune on the long needed drainage problem, however talk of building work has gone quiet.

Anyone see a very worrying pattern emerging here???

4) Ownership. The takeover that is taking an eternity. More twists than a latin dance class. The cardboard millionaire's spectre still lurks around the Crown. The more facts come to light, the more it seems E.W. is still holding out for his money. Whilst I personally haven't been on Company House's website, the transfer of ownership still rumbles on with no sign of it being resolved.

It came straight from the horses mouth, that the man ( O'Neill )didn't have the financial clout to massively improve the club, however the more the saga drags on, the more it seems to suggest that he hasn't got the necessary to stump up for E.W's shares?? So WHO really is in charge???

Miss Lazarus has long disappeared of the radar, so this situation (and you'll have to forgive the pun) raises talk of a comeback.....or did E.W. ever leave???

These four points beg the question, which demands a clear and precise answer.

What is the financial position at the club?? Are we treading water, sinking slowly or are we slowly swimming towards a bright new dawn ???

It would be nice to have answers, but for me and a few others it's TRANSPARENTLY CLEAR that Mr O'Neill needs to come clean and pretty quickly, otherwise we risk deja vu and lurching from one financial calamity towards another. This current shroud of mystery that surrounds the goings on at our beloved club does nothing for fan confidence, nor does anything for increasing it's stature within the town / borough. What hope of attracting new players or new fans for that matter when all these questions remain???
"Once in a while you will stumble upon the truth, but most of us manage to pick ourselves up and hurry along as if nothing happened" -

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill.
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Old 10-06-2010, 19:31   #2
Senior Member+

Re: Transparency....

Great post Carpon.

Couldent agree more.

After the quite unbelievable account that last season provided im just hoping Ilyas sorts it out if he can.

Its quite clear to EVERYBODY that DON has nor the finances or expertise to run a league football club and should depart and save us all the hassle.

As for the whole shares issue.............. The mind boggles :S
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Old 10-06-2010, 19:45   #3
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Re: Transparency....

Good post
Its da beast!!!
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Old 10-06-2010, 20:45   #4
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Re: Transparency....

Excellent post & valid questions that need answering, frustrating when rumours are flying and hope the tax issue doesnt come up again...but ...its hard not to beleive or wonder when the same old questions keep circulating fueling fire with silence.


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Old 10-06-2010, 20:46   #5
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Re: Transparency....

You took the words out of my mouth Carpon. Excellent post that demands clear and concise answers. Just don't expect DON to oblige!!


Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

Thursday 31st. March 2011, a new dawn over the Crown ground.
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Old 10-06-2010, 21:54   #6
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Re: Transparency....

It would be nice to have answers, but for me and a few others it's TRANSPARENTLY CLEAR that Mr O'Neill needs to come clean and pretty quickly, otherwise we risk deja vu and lurching from one financial calamity towards another. This current shroud of mystery that surrounds the goings on at our beloved club does nothing for fan confidence, nor does anything for increasing it's stature within the town / borough. What hope of attracting new players or new fans for that matter when all these questions remain???
You say come clean!! what about?? 1/we know shares haven't changed hands yet,Jeff in another thread has already mentioned(told us that) 2/redevelopment of the ground like i posted in another thread is all about bringiing the crown ground up to league standards,read it in Ilyas's own words, 3/Money matters and contracts .whos the chairman and whos the managing director and who holds the purse strings,playing bugets must have been oked at a board meeting at some point.
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
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Old 10-06-2010, 21:59   #7
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Re: Transparency....

Think we should have another whip-round n buy em a bloody dictionary, "Transparency" they don't know the meaning of the word.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 10-06-2010, 22:25   #8
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Re: Transparency....

Problem is mab is the TRUST aspect, stanley fans have been put thro the mill and when your trust has been broken it takes great re assurance and proof that lessons learnt and promises kept. It applies in any relationship - personal, consumer and business, without it that relationship breaks down then doomed to failure. People will only take so much, which this is starting to re surface those bad feelings and worry again. Its not about knowing everything its about assurance that the club is keeping its word and that more importantly stays alive, no club no players, the duo or ground, and supporters left with nowt again.
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Old 10-06-2010, 22:40   #9
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Re: Transparency....

Originally Posted by Stanleymad View Post
Problem is mab is the TRUST aspect, stanley fans have been put thro the mill and when your trust has been broken it takes great re assurance and proof that lessons learnt and promises kept. It applies in any relationship - personal, consumer and business, without it that relationship breaks down then doomed to failure. People will only take so much, which this is starting to re surface those bad feelings and worry again. Its not about knowing everything its about assurance that the club is keeping its word and that more importantly stays alive, no club no players, the duo or ground, and supporters left with nowt again.
Posted via Mobile Device
I do agree with what your saying Mel!!
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
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Old 10-06-2010, 22:47   #10
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Transparency....

Originally Posted by Stanleymad View Post
Problem is mab is the TRUST aspect, stanley fans have been put thro the mill and when your trust has been broken it takes great re assurance and proof that lessons learnt and promises kept. It applies in any relationship - personal, consumer and business, without it that relationship breaks down then doomed to failure. People will only take so much, which this is starting to re surface those bad feelings and worry again. Its not about knowing everything its about assurance that the club is keeping its word and that more importantly stays alive, no club no players, the duo or ground, and supporters left with nowt again.
Posted via Mobile Device
In a nutshell! allowances/ respect has to be earned Mab, with the track record they certainly have not earned it.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 11-06-2010, 05:19   #11
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Re: Transparency....

Has anybody spoke or contacted Ilyas or David directly?
Working Towards Change

One thing I can give and still keep: my word.

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Old 11-06-2010, 12:00   #12
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Re: Transparency....

I agree, it seems like deja vu all over again.
Usually companies are not transparent because they have something to hide. Unfortunately, in Stanley's case, I suspect the "something" they don't want us to see is actually that they have "nothing". No money, no accounts, no contracts, no wages.
Stanley are swimming at the bottom of a murky football pool where a few sharks at the top are being fed and fattened by debt and greed. Football clubs are in a worse shape than an Icelandic bank sitting on top of a volcano, but no-one is going to bale out the minnows. That's transparent.
£80K to improve the pitch is possibly as much as the club can afford in a season. New stands, roofs, training grounds, long term contracts may come, if they do, slowly. Step by step, one at a time.
It would be great to get a different regime in charge of the club but even with Messrs Khan and Marsden, the club will have to struggle to survive. It always has, and always will, I guess.
But, heh, we're still in the Football League next season. Stanley, in the league! So enjoy it while we can can because we, more than any other fans, know "nothing" can last forever.
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Old 11-06-2010, 13:11   #13
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Re: Transparency....

Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St View Post
I agree, it seems like deja vu all over again.
Usually companies are not transparent because they have something to hide. Unfortunately, in Stanley's case, I suspect the "something" they don't want us to see is actually that they have "nothing". No money, no accounts, no contracts, no wages.
Stanley are swimming at the bottom of a murky football pool where a few sharks at the top are being fed and fattened by debt and greed. Football clubs are in a worse shape than an Icelandic bank sitting on top of a volcano, but no-one is going to bale out the minnows. That's transparent.
£80K to improve the pitch is possibly as much as the club can afford in a season. New stands, roofs, training grounds, long term contracts may come, if they do, slowly. Step by step, one at a time.
It would be great to get a different regime in charge of the club but even with Messrs Khan and Marsden, the club will have to struggle to survive. It always has, and always will, I guess.
But, heh, we're still in the Football League next season. Stanley, in the league! So enjoy it while we can can because we, more than any other fans, know "nothing" can last forever.
Well said, Exile, but if the management were open and honest with us about having "nothing" and taking things step-by-step, we'd be better disposed towards them. It's coming out with grandiose statements about large-scale ground improvements and the like, followed by the inevitable letdown that causes bad feeling and disillusionment.

Agree with you, be thankful we're still in the FL and enjoy next season for all it's worth, away trips and all. As a good Stanley fan mate of mine always says: "que sera sera".
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