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Old 17-10-2005, 12:28   #16
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Re: Treasure Hunt, Sun October 2nd

Due to the fact that my vehicle has been nicked I won't be attending the treasure-hunt
If you don't drink your milk you'll only be good enough to be a "REFEREE"
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Accrington Web
Old 17-10-2005, 22:42   #17
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Re: Treasure Hunt, Sun October 2nd

Originally Posted by Bottletop
Due to the fact that my vehicle has been nicked I won't be attending the treasure-hunt
Nissan Hunt ?
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Old 18-10-2005, 10:38   #18
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Re: Treasure Hunt, Sun October 2nd

Nissan Hunt ?

I didn't expect such a sarcastic comment like that from you mr morton.
If you don't drink your milk you'll only be good enough to be a "REFEREE"
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Old 18-10-2005, 22:48   #19
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Re: Treasure Hunt, Sun October 2nd

Why do you think it's sarcastic ? I never meant it sarcastically, and I'm bewildered that you think it is.
If I may spell it out , (a) it's a punning reference to an ancient corrugated iron structure called a Nissen Hut which you may be too young to remember, and (b) we are all sympathetic to the disgraceful robbery which you experienced and we're on the lookout for your vehicle as you asked.
No need to be quite so po-faced, I think mate.

Last edited by Henry Morton; 18-10-2005 at 22:51.
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Old 19-10-2005, 12:44   #20
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Re: Treasure Hunt, Sun October 2nd

I took it to be a punning reference to "nissan navara double cab pickup" hunt

that it why it upset me mr morton and i'm sure knowing your type of witt that it was what you where thinking anyway.

Not po-faced mate I am absolutly DEVASTATED by what as happened
If you don't drink your milk you'll only be good enough to be a "REFEREE"
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Old 23-10-2005, 00:18   #21
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Re: Treasure Hunt, Sun October 2nd

Originally Posted by Bottletop
that it why it upset me mr morton and i'm sure knowing your type of witt that it was what you where thinking anyway.
I work in a rural area where ownership of 4-wheel drive vehicles is far,far above the national average. I spend all my working day driving up and down steep valley roads - today I did 140 miles taking passengers from town to farm, farm to farm, farm to rail station, farm to leisure centre, rail station to hotel, hotel to farm.
I imagine that you've got the picture.

Every other vehicle which I pass is a 4x4 , so on the very day that your burglary and car-theft was reported on this website I passed on all the information to my friendly farmer. He put it on the grapevine instantly. As a result, many people in the Huddersfield area have been watching out for a newish Nissan to your spec (but not paying too much attention to the Registration Number PE 05 HHV, as these things are easily changed) and are still looking for some local ne'er-do-well who has suddenly acquired a vehicle which might be considered beyond his means.

We've all being doing the best we possibly can.

I've read tonight on another thread that you've now recovered the stolen Nissan, so of course I'm pleased that it hasn't been illegally exported as happens in so many of these thefts. I hope that the insurance is sorted quickly and without any penalty for you.

Tomorrow , I'll tell my friendly farmer that the crisis is over and I've no doubt that he'll acknowledge it with a simple shrug.

So, knowing my type of witt [sic] , what exactly was I thinking ?
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Old 24-10-2005, 11:05   #22
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Re: Treasure Hunt, Sun October 2nd

Where was everyone yesterday for the Treasure Hunt?!! I couldn't believe it - me and Guy and NOONE else!... At least we thought we had a chance to win the loot, but of course it had to be cancelled. I feel sorry for Budmak who had put all that time and effort it, the clues were really good and well thought out. Well done Budmak for organising it, just a shame noone turned up.
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