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Old 27-03-2006, 11:52   #16
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Re: Trouble

not a bad idea :P

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The Day The Ultras Formed The Cowshed Choir
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Old 27-03-2006, 12:03   #17
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Re: Trouble

Oh Deary me you northern lads tut tut ,
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Old 27-03-2006, 12:17   #18
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Re: Trouble

take the point that this does stanleys good name harm, but the reality is that those involved are not fans of any club they are merely thugs who want to fight each other, and sadly dispite arrests will get away with it. a life time ban from ALL football grounds and a stiff jail sentence please, fines and communuity service just doesnt seem to work.
rant over
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Old 27-03-2006, 13:09   #19
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Re: Trouble

I agree, saturday had nothing to do with accrington fans, it was burnley fans, and possibly a few rovers aswell
As i got towards the Minster, there was alot of police, and fair play, they seemed on top of it at all times
It was pretty common knowledge that it was going to happen, plenty of rumors, and none of us should be surprised that the trouble has been routed back to us.
But all in all, i found the York fans very friendly, and a safe journey home on the train
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Old 27-03-2006, 13:26   #20
Senior Member+

Re: Trouble

Originally Posted by DanTheMonkey
I agree, saturday had nothing to do with accrington fans, it was burnley fans,
what do you expect from inbred neanderthals .....
blackburn rovers born n bred since 1977

a proper football club,built on the foundations laid by a true fan..andy dunn notw 08....fantastic !!!
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Old 27-03-2006, 13:51   #21
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Re: Trouble

Have posted am email to the editorial at York. We shall see what comes back!!!
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Old 27-03-2006, 14:58   #22
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Re: Trouble

My club always blames ,non fans for the aggro that follows us,it must be true then if your lot say the same.
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Old 27-03-2006, 15:27   #23
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Re: Trouble

'Cos Herefords obviously located in a real hotbed of football

Best Drummer in the land
The Day The Ultras Formed The Cowshed Choir
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Old 27-03-2006, 16:32   #24
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Re: Trouble

Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER
what do you expect from inbred neanderthals .....
It was also rovers aswell
we are the clayton end......
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Old 27-03-2006, 18:32   #25
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Re: Trouble

Article in tonights LET which doesn't help the name of stanley either

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 27-03-2006, 20:04   #26
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Re: Trouble

The article reads as though it was us but then it quoted home fans on the forum, but having read the forum, everybody seems to be aware that we had nothing to do with it and it was Burnley/Blackburn. Complaint e-mailed.
email [email protected] for all window cleaning quotes

Last edited by maccawozzagod; 27-03-2006 at 20:13.
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Old 27-03-2006, 22:00   #27
Senior Member+

Re: Trouble

Originally Posted by Scott_ASFC
It was also rovers aswell

1. why would rovers n burnley combine forces (so to speak) and fight YORK fans ?....i mean cmon they aint exactly preston bolton or wigan are they ?

2. if they didnt combine and fought each other in york, why the hell go all that way (88 miles ish) for a scrap when they live 13 miles apart ?

3. EVERY club has a minority ...sooner you realise that stanley are also in that group the better....

it wasnt me officer im not a stanley fan im a rovers fan.....
blackburn rovers born n bred since 1977

a proper football club,built on the foundations laid by a true fan..andy dunn notw 08....fantastic !!!
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Old 27-03-2006, 22:05   #28
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Re: Trouble

Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER
1. why would rovers n burnley combine forces (so to speak) and fight YORK fans ?....i mean cmon they aint exactly preston bolton or wigan are they ?

2. if they didnt combine and fought each other in york, why the hell go all that way (88 miles ish) for a scrap when they live 13 miles apart ?

3. EVERY club has a minority ...sooner you realise that stanley are also in that group the better....

it wasnt me officer im not a stanley fan im a rovers fan.....
To be honest anyone who goes looking for a scrap is not any team's fan, just a complete d***head

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 27-03-2006, 22:31   #29
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Re: Trouble

Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER
1. why would rovers n burnley combine forces (so to speak) and fight YORK fans ?....i mean cmon they aint exactly preston bolton or wigan are they ?

2. if they didnt combine and fought each other in york, why the hell go all that way (88 miles ish) for a scrap when they live 13 miles apart ?

3. EVERY club has a minority ...sooner you realise that stanley are also in that group the better....

it wasnt me officer im not a stanley fan im a rovers fan.....
Stanley ARE not in that group! I have seen other Stanley fans have a word with people for swearing etc

We would not put up with people troublemaking, we would end it on the spot. There is no place for hooliganism, and any of these idiots that think they can attach themselves to a proud club like ours had better think again. Stanley fans WILl NOT stand for it

Best Drummer in the land
The Day The Ultras Formed The Cowshed Choir
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Old 27-03-2006, 23:24   #30
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Re: Trouble

Nobody knows everybody in a crowd but in a small community everybody knows everybody! That is where the heart of Accrington Stanley is, we are not faceless nonentities & that is why we follow the Reds, for the true face of football. No players on ridiculous wages, who are paid by the fans & will integrate with them, a chairman with an open door & management who know the true fans-try saying that about Blackburn, Burnley etc. By the comments on this site regarding the trouble at York & all true Stanley fans speaking out aginst it & singing from the same hymn sheet let it be known to the morons who dare to try to blacken our name- you will be named & shamed so simple solution - stick to your own club where you can be a non entity & leave us to enjoy the beautiful game that is football!
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