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Old 29-03-2006, 10:10   #61
Junior Member+

Re: Trouble

Originally Posted by AccyMad
Lancashire Evening Telegraph mate - local paper, cheers for your comments
No problem, just dont see why your club should have its good reputation muddied for something your fans werent a part of. Unfortunately newpapers cant be arsed to do a bit of research into the facts, so people just believe what they read.

You have to laugh though. Not only are the 20-30 lads that came to York not very good at being football fans, they're not very good at being hooligans either! Travelling all the way to York for a fight, and then 'getting done' by the York hoolies must be rather embarrasing!

Anyway, once again, all the best for next season. Hopefully the ******* who came to York on Saturday will get the idea and stay put in their caves for your big games next season. The last thing your club wants after a successful season is big policing bills every other week.

Last edited by York; 29-03-2006 at 10:27.
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Old 29-03-2006, 12:21   #62
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Re: Trouble

Nice to hear the record put straight York. Hope, and a big hope at that, that your local paper has the grace to put the record straight, however I doubt it. 48 hours since I emailed em & still no reply! As I said before, we had a good bantwer through the game & friendly converstions with your fans on the way back to the bus stop so no qualms re York fans. All the best to you all & your stewards need a thanks for their friendliness too, a change from some grounds!
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Old 29-03-2006, 16:44   #63
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Re: Trouble

Originally Posted by AccyMad
Lancashire Evening Telegraph mate - local paper, cheers for your comments
More like the blackburn evening telegraph.
<img src= border=0 alt= /> NULLI SECUNDUS
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Old 29-03-2006, 18:58   #64
Full Member

Re: Trouble

Originally Posted by FC.
Burnley AND Rovers fans/hoolies where at the game on Saturday. FACT

Burnley and Rovers 'fans' came there to fight YORK and do them over. This happened as we all know.
On the train and in the station Burnley and Rovers started fighting EACH OTHER. Burnley hoolies then met up with Rovers for another scrap with the Rovers fans on the way back from Sunderland.!
they were at the game supporting stanley

so you stayed in york till 10pm to watch the rovers fans on the way home meet up with those dingles?
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Old 29-03-2006, 19:00   #65
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Re: Trouble

[quote=Willie Miller]
Originally Posted by big al

I'm overjoyed that we only Conference & not Premiership, the Premiership is for the armchair, football in real life should be on a terrace with your mates, allowed to stand, sing, swear, joke, cuss, fall over, terrace run etyc etc

Conf/League 2 for ever!!!! please
thats just a pathetic argument

armchair fans, thats why the average attendence for a premiership game is 35,000 people :engsmil:

on terracing, yes id love to go to a premiership game with terracing, unfortunatly because of hillsboro we cant.
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Old 29-03-2006, 19:12   #66
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Re: Trouble

Originally Posted by Willie Miller

thats just a pathetic argument

armchair fans, thats why the average attendence for a premiership game is 35,000 people :engsmil:

on terracing, yes id love to go to a premiership game with terracing, unfortunatly because of hillsboro we cant.
So? I guarantee more people watch it on the TV!

That says everything about Rovers contribution to the Premiership...

And I do believe it was lower than that last season! You're just a plastic club with plastic fans. If it weren't for Jack Walker...

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Old 29-03-2006, 19:18   #67
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Re: Trouble

two reasons why people watch non-league football.

1/ Support your local team or town that you were born in

2/ Able to watch real grass roots stuff. When you sing - your voice means something as only a handful of people are joining in with you. You dont want to be the one that stops first cos everybody stops then. Everybody (to a degree) knows you. It may only be a cursory nod but they all recognise your face. The players, chairman, manager and kitman know you, and frequently by name. When you fundraise it is because they really need it whether for a tin of paint or diesel for the team coach. You are a part of the club rather than a face in a crowd.

For a few hundred pence more I could support Rovers or Burnley. I could travel on a full coach to away games and urinate in nicer bogs. I could get served within a couple of minutes at the half time bar rather waiting 10 minutes or missing 10 minutes of football to sit inside and drink from a glass. I could sit rather than stand, I could sing songs about Crows arses or Jack Walker asking me to play, No nay never, give me real football every week. If I called Robbie Savage a dirty welsh git would he hear me let alone remember me? No he wouldn't, but Colin Caton will always remember Loweiy. Arthur Williams will always remeber Plum soiling his towel with a freshly liberated from the pie shed brown sauce squeegee bottle. Hanson Jerome will always remember me singing my liltman song to him and I'll aways remember nearly crapping myself when he telled me to 'shut yoo fooking mooth man'.

The crowds have gone up since them days but the craic is nearly the same. I dont think we'll ever get high enough to lose that, but Premiership? I dont ever want to be there thank you
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Old 29-03-2006, 19:22   #68
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Re: Trouble

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
two reasons why people watch non-league football.

1/ Support your local team or town that you were born in

2/ Able to watch real grass roots stuff. When you sing - your voice means something as only a handful of people are joining in with you. You dont want to be the one that stops first cos everybody stops then. Everybody (to a degree) knows you. It may only be a cursory nod but they all recognise your face. The players, chairman, manager and kitman know you, and frequently by name. When you fundraise it is because they really need it whether for a tin of paint or diesel for the team coach. You are a part of the club rather than a face in a crowd.

For a few hundred pence more I could support Rovers or Burnley. I could travel on a full coach to away games and urinate in nicer bogs. I could get served within a couple of minutes at the half time bar rather waiting 10 minutes or missing 10 minutes of football to sit inside and drink from a glass. I could sit rather than stand, I could sing songs about Crows arses or Jack Walker asking me to play, No nay never, give me real football every week. If I called Robbie Savage a dirty welsh git would he hear me let alone remember me? No he wouldn't, but Colin Caton will always remember Loweiy. Arthur Williams will always remeber Plum soiling his towel with a freshly liberated from the pie shed brown sauce squeegee bottle. Hanson Jerome will always remember me singing my liltman song to him and I'll aways remember nearly crapping myself when he telled me to 'shut yoo fooking mooth man'.

The crowds have gone up since them days but the craic is nearly the same. I dont think we'll ever get high enough to lose that, but Premiership? I dont ever want to be there thank you
Not forgetting Tony Roberts telling Jase "I've never even been to Dagenham!" after Jase claimed he'd seen his council house!

Best Drummer in the land
The Day The Ultras Formed The Cowshed Choir
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Old 29-03-2006, 20:26   #69
Full Member

Re: Trouble

Originally Posted by slater_scott
they were at the game supporting stanley

so you stayed in york till 10pm to watch the rovers fans on the way home meet up with those dingles?
And i suppose you was also there wasnt you.... NO !!

I have been told about this off a person who WAS there.
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Old 29-03-2006, 21:39   #70
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Re: Trouble

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
two reasons why people watch non-league football.

1/ Support your local team or town that you were born in

2/ Able to watch real grass roots stuff. When you sing - your voice means something as only a handful of people are joining in with you. You dont want to be the one that stops first cos everybody stops then. Everybody (to a degree) knows you. It may only be a cursory nod but they all recognise your face. The players, chairman, manager and kitman know you, and frequently by name. When you fundraise it is because they really need it whether for a tin of paint or diesel for the team coach. You are a part of the club rather than a face in a crowd.

For a few hundred pence more I could support Rovers or Burnley. I could travel on a full coach to away games and urinate in nicer bogs. I could get served within a couple of minutes at the half time bar rather waiting 10 minutes or missing 10 minutes of football to sit inside and drink from a glass. I could sit rather than stand, I could sing songs about Crows arses or Jack Walker asking me to play, No nay never, give me real football every week. If I called Robbie Savage a dirty welsh git would he hear me let alone remember me? No he wouldn't, but Colin Caton will always remember Loweiy. Arthur Williams will always remeber Plum soiling his towel with a freshly liberated from the pie shed brown sauce squeegee bottle. Hanson Jerome will always remember me singing my liltman song to him and I'll aways remember nearly crapping myself when he telled me to 'shut yoo fooking mooth man'.

The crowds have gone up since them days but the craic is nearly the same. I dont think we'll ever get high enough to lose that, but Premiership? I dont ever want to be there thank you
I wouldn't normally quote the full post, but this is pure poetry.

More power to your elbow.

(No, I've no idea who he is, but he's well on form!)

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 29-03-2006, 21:40   #71
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Re: Trouble

I know who Macca is, and he usually talks like this over a bevvy or ten too!

Best Drummer in the land
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Old 29-03-2006, 21:45   #72
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Re: Trouble

Originally Posted by Diesel
I know who Macca is, and he usually talks like this over a bevvy or ten too!
(Stunned) Bloody hell, Diesel that was quick.

And here's me thinking he'd be tea-total, (I don't even know how to spell that). As long as it doesn't go to his head.

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 29-03-2006, 21:46   #73
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Re: Trouble

Teetotal? Macca?

Best Drummer in the land
The Day The Ultras Formed The Cowshed Choir
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Old 29-03-2006, 21:50   #74
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Re: Trouble

Originally Posted by Diesel
Teetotal? Macca?
Teetotal, looks a bit better, but not a real word is it.

(Yes, I know they sell Sasparilla in Rawtenstall.)

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 29-03-2006, 23:47   #75
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Re: Trouble

Re earlier Slater Scott: Quote was from Willie Miller-why is it showing on your post as from me. As for BRFC theres more atmosphere on the moon than at Ewood on match day. We all know who the core supporters are at the Stanley-how many of the 8000 core Blackburn fans do you or the players or manager know by name? The rest of your crowd are either away fans or hang on to the tails glory seekers-come out of the woodwork when the going is good! Whether Stanley stay in Div 2, go up or go down our chairman, manager & players will still appreciate our true support.
"Ian Rush says if you don't drink your milk you'll only be good enough to play for Blackburn Rovers"-Just doesn't have the same ring to it!
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