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Old 01-07-2010, 21:39   #1
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True grit !!

What a refreshing change to see someone at Accrington Stanley Football Club uttering other than vague and seemingly meaningless words to the Media...Seen in tonight's Telegraph :-

ACCRINGTON Stanley boss John Coleman says his own reputation as a manager is his best hope of attracting players as the club struggle to compete with non-league clubs for summer signings.
Stanley are resigned to the fact that financially they cannot compete with many Blue Square Premier sides, having already seen Darran Kempson and Kenny Arthur opt to sign for relegated Grimsby with John Miles, Ian Craney and Peter Cavanagh choosing to join Fleetwood.
“It’s difficult but that’s the situation we are in, that’s life,” said assistant Jimmy Bell.
Stanley have agreed to sign Craig Lindfield, Michael Hall and Alex Cisak, while former Macclesfield captain Sean Hessey is one of several players currently on trial – together with released Burnley duo Ben Hoskin and Liam Newman.
A return for former Reds star Rommy Boco has not been ruled out, although no approach has been made for the Benin winger.
And Coleman believes his own track record in management is the most compelling reason for players to sign.
“It’s difficult because everyone’s looking for the same types of players,” said the boss.
“Everyone wants a big strong leader-type centre half who chips in with 10 goals, a big dominant midfielder, a big striker, a quick striker, a creative midfielder and a dependable solid full back.
“There’s not a wealth of them out there but we’re all fighting for the same players and often we’re not in the position to pay the best wages.
“But hopefully there are some out there who we can mould into our type of player.
“What I’ve got to try to do is sell myself and the club and the fact that I have been able to develop younger players.
Tom Lees came on leaps and bounds last season, as did Dean Winnard and Bobby Grant. Michael Symes’ career was in the doldrums until he came here.
“I’ve got to sell myself as the resurrector of careers and the developer of young careers.”

It does demonstrate that in John Coleman the Club has a Manager who not only as a clear vision of what he wants to achieve on it's behalf, but also the grit to stake his reputation, (so well earned !) to bring this about.
The quotes from John also show that at least one Manager at 'The Crown' doesn't merely pay lip-servce to the policy entitled 'Transparency', but is again willing to lay his thoughts bare on the problems besetting the Club at this early point in the 2010/11
Season .
For this. I feel that even his most outspoken detractor

must join me in a quick round of applause, and with me

wish our Manager and his Assistant every success in all they attempt to do for their Team and it's Fans over the coming Months.


Last edited by yonmon; 01-07-2010 at 21:40. Reason: Poor Grammer !!.
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Old 01-07-2010, 22:02   #2
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: True grit !!

agree totally mate, the sad thing though is the guy deserves better fer what he has achieved at stanley,
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 01-07-2010, 22:18   #3
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Re: True grit !!

Nice post Yonmon!! Our management team of John & Jimmy have worked wonders for the club and have delivered every time and i to join you in a round of applause
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
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Old 01-07-2010, 22:33   #4
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Re: True grit !!

Yes, I too agree with Yonmon. It was great to read JC's vision of his role at the club.

So what, I wonder, is DO'N's vision of his role? What are his qualities and skills?

Come on, Mr O'Neill, tell us how YOU plan to play a part in attracting players and spectators to the Crown Ground. Tell us your business plan for the next year. Tell us where you would like to see ASFC in three years time.

Stop making a mockery of Transparency.
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Old 01-07-2010, 22:38   #5
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Re: True grit !!

Totally agree, although in the past I have called for JC to step down I also know when to hold my hands up and say I was wrong. I only hope that he gets the support from those who aren't quite so transparent.


Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

Thursday 31st. March 2011, a new dawn over the Crown ground.
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Old 02-07-2010, 16:45   #6
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Re: True grit !!

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
agree totally mate, the sad thing though is the guy deserves better fer what he has achieved at stanley,
And still he waits Cashy !!..From today's Observer ! :-

'Coleman and Assistant Jimmy Bell are still waiting to sign a three-year contract extension.This has been going on a while with the Red's Boss still not sure what's happening.
'It's like deja vu at the moment as I am asked the question and it is still the same answer. I am waiting for the Contract to be put in front of me to sign '.

As you say Cashy..He deserves better !!
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Old 02-07-2010, 17:48   #7
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: True grit !!

Another pearl of wisdom n truth from they who i shall not name yonmon! but i seem to recall it was to be sorted at the "Board Meeting" this week.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 02-07-2010, 22:50   #8
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Re: True grit !!

I agree with everything said on here. Like others, i have not always agreed with JC & JB's decision making, but year on year improvement is the best testament to the both of them. And long may they continue

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 03-07-2010, 15:37   #9
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Re: True grit !!

The John 'n Jimmy team are nothing short of miracle workers. I've said it afore, but if the off-field team don't sort themselves out pdq - well they just aren't on the same planet. And don't we all wish it wasn't the same old story - but why do I keep getting flashbacks of the old Danny Kaye song about a king and his new magic clothes ?
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Old 03-07-2010, 18:19   #10
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Re: True grit !!

support john, jimmy and the players not the suits
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