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Old 16-09-2010, 23:08   #106
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Tuesday Meeting

Originally Posted by bdc View Post
I would imagine it would be to do with the fact that DON has put over £100,000 into the club which in reality he will never get back. I have always had a sneaking suspicion that DON has been used as a puppet in game of EW vs IK. I think that is one of the reasons the protracted takeover by DON has taken so long and IMO it will never happen. If Ilyas is successful in his share issue then DON will have no powerbase and will have take listen to Ilyas/ Committee telling him what to do and possibly criticising him for the current regime and decisions made. I think that DON will also feel as if he is having the rug pulled from underneath him without being able to do anything about it (kind of a siege mentality). I would just like to add that I do not support DON at all I am just trying to suggest reasons for the current comments from him i.e trying to answer the questions above.
Why then if ya don't support the DoN, or so ya say, are ya trying to suggest reasons fer him? is he not man enough to tell the truth n speak fer himself?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 16-09-2010, 23:33   #107
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Re: Tuesday Meeting

I dont support DON, if you read the comments I have posted through my history most of them criticise DON. However Valairian was asking questions so I posted suggest ideas to answer them. Don't see anything wrong with what I have posted
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Old 16-09-2010, 23:37   #108
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Re: Tuesday Meeting

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
Ilyas can do what he wants as far as the share issue is concerned because (and I can't remember the jargon and aint got the paper in front of me) the loans he made to the club were agreed and signed off as 'convertible' to equity. It is (apparently) legally binding and he can convert the loans (thus making the club free of its debt to him) into the agreed (at a Directors and shareholders meeting) 200,000 shares at the drop of a hat. That would make him the 66% major shareholder and Eric/Don would own 51% of the remaining 33%. Peter Marsden has also agreed the same.

That will be why the club wont make a statement until their legal team has formally told them that they have sold themselves down the river (allegedly).
I sincerely hope this statement and it's implications are fact, for that, I hope, would spell the end for the Don and the cardboard millionaire. The arrogance of these two,whichever of the two who claims to be majority shareholder, is truly astounding.

Idly, they both stood by, this time last year, while the club came within hours of folding, again. Like the emperor Nero, who reportedly played his fiddle while Rome burned, one fed us all with lies whilst the other lurked in the shadows.

Alas, our shining knights rode to the high court with the capital to vanquish the taxman and thankfully save the club.

Now the decent thing to do, at that point, would have been for both of them to do the honourable thing; and fall upon their own swords. But the events and subsequent supposed power struggle between the two has hung over the club like an eternal fog that just doesn't seem to want to shift.

NEITHER O'Neill or Whalley have the club's or fans best interests at heart; and seemingly like preverbial parasites; are both determined to dig in deeper than a tick on a hound and try to cling on to some sort of power; and O'Neill says he isn't prepared to resign or step aside " unless he is sure that Illyas Khan's plans are in the clubs best interests"

Whalley lied when he made the statement about "stepping aside as soon as he got the club back to the football league." Did he not say upon our return to the league, that he would step aside to somebody who would take the club forward, who had the financial clout to take the club to the next level, or did I dream that ??? He clung to power for three years, before disappearing into the shadows allowing for another liar to take his place at the helm.

O'Neill upon arriving at the helm, then openly admitted HE didn't have the financial clout to provide substantial investment. Quite possibly one of only a few true statements the man has ever uttered.

I don't doubt that without Whalley, the club would have probably not reached the league; and for his effort and financial backing during that time (i.e the rise up through non-league) I'm sure we were and will continue to be grateful.

O'Neill's current actions smack of the last struggles of a desperate man, drowning and clutching for straws to try and keep his powermongering ambition afloat.

NEITHER O'Neill or Whalley have the financial clout or intention to provide the investment that our generous benafactor has and ( hopefully) will continue to provide.They both cling to the idea that despite standing idly by while the club nearly went bust again, they can either stay in power at the helm, or in Whalley's case get a good deal for a shareholding that would have been worthless but for Mr Khan and Mr Marsden's actions and financial inputs this time last year

Mr Khan has at least outlined his vision on how he sees the club's future progress. He has in the past (and I sincerely hope he will in the future) offered substantial revenue to keep the club afloat. He has also outlined his plan to help fund a new stadium to help the clubs progression. Could either of these two provide that sort of input / assistance????

If you're both reading this Messrs Whalley & O'Neill, reach for your swords and do the honourable thing. Step aside and allow the club to move onwards and upwards.
"Once in a while you will stumble upon the truth, but most of us manage to pick ourselves up and hurry along as if nothing happened" -

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Old 17-09-2010, 09:19   #109
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Re: Tuesday Meeting

Good luck to you all and I sincerely hope it works out for the best. O'Neil is a liar as you are all aware and I am from first hand experience last year. Unfortunately so is Rob Heys as he even told me he was remortgaging his house to raise money to save the club last year at the same time as I met O'Neil !!!!!! What a load of rubbish that turned out to be, I really thought they were going to save the club but they just stood aside and let the people of Accrington raise money and for Ilyas to step in at the last minute.

I said then I wouldn't go back (although I'd struggle to get to many games anyway) until they were gone, I nearly returned for the Newcastle game as it was Stanleys biggest ever but got a reality check from Kipax who pointed out what I'd said previously so I gave my tickets away.

I support Accrington Stanley and always will I miss going to the games but until the people who let this Great Little Club down last year are gone I won't be returning. These people nearly cost the town its club and in my opinion took the pee out of the people of Accrington who raised money and luckily for them still have blind faith because they love the club.

All the best with your efforts and again I sincerely hope a 'New Era' in the clubs history is one day on the horizon. As for as I'm concern Ilyas is the only way forward for the club in the long run.
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Old 17-09-2010, 10:44   #110


Re: Tuesday Meeting

Originally Posted by Shurm View Post
Good luck to you all and I sincerely hope it works out for the best. O'Neil is a liar as you are all aware and I am from first hand experience last year. Unfortunately so is Rob Heys as he even told me he was remortgaging his house to raise money to save the club last year at the same time as I met O'Neil !!!!!! What a load of rubbish that turned out to be, I really thought they were going to save the club but they just stood aside and let the people of Accrington raise money and for Ilyas to step in at the last minute.

I said then I wouldn't go back (although I'd struggle to get to many games anyway) until they were gone, I nearly returned for the Newcastle game as it was Stanleys biggest ever but got a reality check from Kipax who pointed out what I'd said previously so I gave my tickets away.

I support Accrington Stanley and always will I miss going to the games but until the people who let this Great Little Club down last year are gone I won't be returning. These people nearly cost the town its club and in my opinion took the pee out of the people of Accrington who raised money and luckily for them still have blind faith because they love the club.

All the best with your efforts and again I sincerely hope a 'New Era' in the clubs history is one day on the horizon. As for as I'm concern Ilyas is the only way forward for the club in the long run.

Gutted to here this coming from a true grassroots supporter. this is the price that Accrington Stanley supporters are paying. self exiled from their own soil because they have been robbed of their faith in those trusted to lead. I still can't put my hand on my heart and say the Ilyas path is the right one; but I trust he will put a stop this this and lead us now; not in years to come.

On Stanley On!

Self exiled from their own soil

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 17-09-2010, 11:39   #111
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Re: Tuesday Meeting


...If you're both reading this Messrs Whalley & O'Neill, reach for your swords and do the honourable thing. Step aside and allow the club to move onwards and upwards.[/quote]

Excellent post, Professor Carpon. But don't hold your breathe waiting for the cardboarrd millionaire or DongetGon to do as you hope. Given past events and what evidence we can glean from the lies and deceit that appears to pass for official statements and promises, I doesn't seem to be in their nature.
The sooner the club issues new shares, the sooner all this unseemly business will be over.
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Old 17-09-2010, 15:13   #112
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Re: Tuesday Meeting

Great post Carpon.

Mr Khan, over to you: If the situation is how Macca understands it (and from what I've gleaned from Ilyas and Macca from here it seems likely), then the time has come to call the debt it, transfer it to equity and seize control. The owner, be it the cardboard milionaire or his patsy (who seems a better storyteller than Hans Christian Andersen), doesn't want to work with the only people willing and able to take the club forward and seems intent on crossing his fingers and hoping for something else. The only way any of these fine plans are going to come to fruition is if they are given no choice, and the only way that seems possible is in the dilution of their stake on the club.

Perhaps an early item on the agenda might be decided who can travel on the team coach. If Eric's ego needs a bus, he can travel with the Ultras.
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Old 17-09-2010, 15:23   #113
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Re: Tuesday Meeting

Originally Posted by BedsRed View Post
Great post Carpon.
If Eric's ego needs a bus, he can travel with the Ultras.
It would have to be a double-decker.
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Old 17-09-2010, 15:50   #114
Resting in Peace

Re: Tuesday Meeting

One of the many appalling facts about the ongoing EW situation is that he was quoted at the time of his linking up with Vaughan at Chester that he was keen to put money at their disposal, after leaving Stanley a busted flush. Now I don't know if that ever transpired in fact, but for him even to have floated the idea disqualifies him morally from any involvement with the new Stanley regime, never mind still being treated as a "Special one" in the boardroom or the team coach..
As an aside, surely today's Observer article is incorrect in giving Frank Martindale and Mark Turner director status?
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Old 17-09-2010, 16:27   #115
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Re: Tuesday Meeting

Redraine: The fact that he was even willing to become involved with the Vaughans should disqualify him from any involvement with any football club. Ever.

I can't for the life of me see what EW is looking to achieve. Already, he's poisoned his own legacy. Surely he should leave now whilst he retains at least a modicum of self respect.

Last edited by BedsRed; 17-09-2010 at 16:36.
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Old 17-09-2010, 17:00   #116
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Re: Tuesday Meeting

Im suggesting a huge party when Iylas debt is converted into shares and bill & ben are no longer majority owners. I for one will ae celebrating with a half year season ticket.
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Old 17-09-2010, 18:07   #117
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Re: Tuesday Meeting

Originally Posted by Redraine View Post
As an aside, surely today's Observer article is incorrect in giving Frank Martindale and Mark Turner director status?
yes, they are life Vice-Presidents. I was quoted in the Telegraph as Supporters Club chairman last week as well.
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Old 18-09-2010, 00:48   #118
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Re: Tuesday Meeting

Originally Posted by BedsRed View Post
If Eric's ego needs a bus, he can travel with the Ultras.
Any day buddy
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