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Old 17-06-2006, 15:49   #61
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
As I said originally, don't bloody criticise others when you won't do anything yourself.
I have tried, helped out, inputted into meetings with new ideas and yet you collectively share a mental block which refuses to accept ideas from people who are either a woman or under 60. Makes sense when most of the new supporters are under 16.

While you are at it why don't you stop insulting people everytime you post a message.
I voice my opinions - get over it. Surely you can't see a way forward in the endless drone that is a supporters meeting.
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Old 17-06-2006, 16:03   #62
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Originally Posted by shakermaker
I have tried, helped out, inputted into meetings with new ideas and yet you collectively share a mental block which refuses to accept ideas from people who are either a woman or under 60. Makes sense when most of the new supporters are under 16.

I voice my opinions - get over it. Surely you can't see a way forward in the endless drone that is a supporters meeting.
Twaddle. You and your mates don't attend any meetings ,so how do you expect to change things. You are completley apathetic. It is so much easier to do nothing and blame the people who try to do something for any failures.
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Old 17-06-2006, 16:07   #63
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
Twaddle. You and your mates don't attend any meetings ,so how do you expect to change things. You are completley apathetic. It is so much easier to do nothing and blame the people who try to do something for any failures.
so i didn't attend meetings for the best part of 2 years?
didnt help out with carnival floats etc?
didnt join in discussion for the junior reds making a second coming?
funny - could've sworn i was there.
must be leading a double life that even i dont know about.
funny how the 'wise & informed' amongst us act so immature.
nice sig by the way, you're lovely

Last edited by shakermaker; 17-06-2006 at 16:10.
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Old 17-06-2006, 16:11   #64
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Insults now ossyclogger tut tut
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Old 17-06-2006, 16:22   #65
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

I don't understand how the Supporters club can justify the pathological narcissism which infatuates them with trying to run things like their 60's predecessors.
We are not in the north west counties anymore.
Wake up.
Or else you will very quickly see the supporters club driven into a rut of obscurity which will be extremely unattractive to everyone outside of your little gentlemans club.

Last edited by shakermaker; 17-06-2006 at 16:24.
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Old 17-06-2006, 18:49   #66
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

hang on ossyclogger.. your the one insulting everyone.. all the people complaining about the supporters club have been active members for the last few years... me and julie went for 3 years ang got very active involved.... bottletop was the treasurer for a good while and got involved wiht lots of stuff as did accymad and shakermaker.... now where fed up and packing it in.... how can you post here saying none of us do anything. ?
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Old 17-06-2006, 18:58   #67
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Spot on Kipax - as you know some of us 'moaners' as Ossyclogger calls us have tried over the last few years to push for changes but there's only so long you can bang your head against a brick wall before you get fed up of having a permanent headache!
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Old 17-06-2006, 21:21   #68
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Originally Posted by waltergalbraith
jump to your own conclusions im not saying anything
In other words, you haven't got the bottle to say who you think is "jumping on the bandwagon" why say it in the first place?
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Old 17-06-2006, 22:25   #69
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Originally Posted by KIPAX
hang on ossyclogger.. your the one insulting everyone.. all the people complaining about the supporters club have been active members for the last few years... me and julie went for 3 years ang got very active involved.... bottletop was the treasurer for a good while and got involved wiht lots of stuff as did accymad and shakermaker.... now where fed up and packing it in.... how can you post here saying none of us do anything. ?
Because you're packing in. All one can do is to keep turning up and keep on trying. All it would take is 10 or12 like minded members to turn up at a meeting and all sorts of things could be voted on and changed. As things stand the whole setup is likely to grind to a halt. We have no vice chair, no secretary, no membership secretary. No-one comes to the meetings with the expertise to fill the vacancies. As Gayle says, we need a written constitution to run the club correctly. Without this we cannot apply for a lottery grant. Without a lottery grant there can be no great exhibition . And so it goes on.

Here's a great example of the type of constitutionwe are looking for.,10373,00.html

Obviously we can't just rip this off, but would anyone like to help draft something similar ? I am trying to be more postive, but its hard work when people don't come and help.
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Old 17-06-2006, 22:39   #70
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Originally Posted by FC.
Insults now ossyclogger tut tut
Me ! Insult people ! Never.
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Old 17-06-2006, 23:03   #71
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
Because you're packing in. All one can do is to keep turning up and keep on trying. All it would take is 10 or12 like minded members to turn up at a meeting and all sorts of things could be voted on and changed. As things stand the whole setup is likely to grind to a halt.
But your not looking around and asking why everyone is jumpin ship. your just telling everyone off

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
We have no vice chair, no secretary, no membership secretary. No-one comes to the meetings with the expertise to fill the vacancies. As Gayle

Theres good reason no one comes to the meetings anymore.. sorry to be brutal mate but the supporters club needs a good kick up the backside into the current century

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
but its hard work when people don't come and help.
people wont come? people have been, got fed up and left. you really shouldnt be attacking the couple of people who have at least tried... what about the two thousand or more stanley fans who havent tried ?

I dont know the answers.. all I know is regular hard working contributors to the supporters club are not renewing and not going to meetings.... and your slagging them off for it..

my answer would have been new blood and i was thinking Kate to run it... but she has opted out....... now I am stumped... But I wont go back to spend 20 minutes arguing over who turns the tellies on before a game or to organise events then advertise them two days before they happen.... this years supporter of the year voting upset a lot of people.. it was an absoloute farce... sorry but theres lots wrong and it needs sorting in my opinion..... but as you rightly say .. not enough people interested to sort it out.... so where do you go from there?

my answer woud be to discuss it.. but you dont like that... seems unless your praising the supporters club then you ahve to keep quiet..
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Old 17-06-2006, 23:03   #72
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
Me ! Insult people ! Never.
hehehe get him told
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Old 17-06-2006, 23:15   #73
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Originally Posted by KIPAX

my answer woud be to discuss it.. but you dont like that... seems unless your praising the supporters club then you ahve to keep quiet..
I never said anything about praising the supporters club Kipax, there's very little to praise at the moment, and as for discussing things : the best way to do that is by meeting..but you don't like that...
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Old 17-06-2006, 23:18   #74
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Originally Posted by shakermaker
I don't understand how the Supporters club can justify the pathological narcissism which infatuates them with trying to run things like their 60's predecessors.
We are not in the north west counties anymore.
Wake up.
Or else you will very quickly see the supporters club driven into a rut of obscurity which will be extremely unattractive to everyone outside of your little gentlemans club.
Not quite so literate on the karma comment board, are we ?
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Last edited by ossyclogger; 17-06-2006 at 23:29.
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Old 17-06-2006, 23:30   #75
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
Not quite so literate on the karma coment board, are we ?
I use my right to use words on there that I can't say on here, nevertheless must be noted

and erm...where's the reply to that post ossyclogger?
You're half right about the meetings needing people to attend to move forward; but it is a two way street ossyclogger.
In order to keep people interested there needs to be a certain level appeal to fuel their efforts.
Grumpy old men banging on (for what seems like an eternity to any soul with a drop of lifeblood inside him/her) about ****** all - then getting shot down for bringing up a new point to get something positive acheived; is definitely not appeal.

Last edited by shakermaker; 17-06-2006 at 23:55.
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