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Old 18-06-2006, 09:10   #76
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Not bothering to respond to my post Mr Clogger?
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Old 18-06-2006, 09:19   #77
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

answering one question would go a long way to helping the OSC.

What is the purpose of the OSC?

Its not fun because it is old hat ideas in general being organised in order to pay for old hat things.

The club doesn't need the money - it needs people through the door.

Raise money for needy local causes and get in the news as ASFC OSC buys wheelchair for local child. One or two knobs on here would think that is bigging yourself up "I want to be in the paper" rubbish. Anything and everything that can get us into the media is a good thing.

Put on some kind of event that everybody in town can get into somehow. The Carnival events were the right kind of thing because everybody sees it. Can something else be done along those lines? The OSC used to organise the end of season open day at the ground. Where did that go? Can it be revived? If you can find the right events that people can really get their teeth into then they may want to get involved.

The biggest gripe is against both the OSC and ASFC. The lack of communication around the place is amazing. It is like a secret society where any absentees are excluded. Their is a website for both clubs that takes no time whatsoever to update. As long as the information is conveyed to the relevant person. Let people know what has been said. If it is crap then they can ignore it and the same old few people can carry it out. If it is worthwhile or likeable then more people can get involved and just maybe they will get invovled in more things in future.

Yes, you need our memberships. But if we haven't paid up can we not get involved. Membership is an option and we feel obliged to pay it anyway. Membership should entitle you only to feel that you have done your first bit of the season. It is a belonging thing only. Maybe you could send out minutes of the meetings, or christmas cards or itineraries or something. If not just to let people in on whats happening but so that they feel like they belong.

Foster the team spirit. Not everybody feels like they would be welcome by the Ultras. Well you would be. Likewise not everybody feels like they would be welcome at the OSC as it is 'clicky'. Let everybody know they are welcome and that we are a family club. Red and white fortnight should be an excellent Google Page Ranking exercise, is there anything you can contribute in terms of manpower and presence? Maybe a marquee/caravan on Broadway giving out literature or membership applications? Parked up next to the LET caravan giving out car stickers should be worthwhile.

There is no such thing as them and us. Lets help each other this year and see just how far a positive outlook can get us.
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Old 18-06-2006, 09:47   #78


Re: Two important meetings coming up

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
There is no such thing as them and us. Lets help each other this year and see just how far a positive outlook can get us.
Well said. Lets hope all sides are listening.

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Old 18-06-2006, 10:05   #79
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

this is what ive been trying to get at ..thats why i have started a new thread so everybody can air some positive ideas
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Old 18-06-2006, 10:45   #80
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

It seems as if the Supporters' Club is caught in a vicious circle. People won't go to meetings because nothing ever changes, but nothing can ever change unless "new blood" gets involved. Maybe the best end to all this would be to disband the Supporters' Club and think about setting up an Independent Supporters' Trust (or whatever you wanted to call it).
Maybe people who've been involved in the OSC in the past but got fed up for whatever reason might be interested in getting involved in a new set up (but it would have to be different than the OSC or we would be back to square one!) The first thing to do would be to have a constitution and decide what the profile should be. As Maccawozzagod suggested, raising the profile of the club is probably the way forward.

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Old 18-06-2006, 10:45   #81
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

The next meeting of the supporters club will be on 10th of July. Hope to see lots of you there. Bring your good Ideas and your friends to vote them through.
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Old 18-06-2006, 10:59   #82
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Originally Posted by stanleybabe
Maybe people who've been involved in the OSC in the past but got fed up for whatever reason might be interested in getting involved in a new set up (but it would have to be different than the OSC or we would be back to square one!)

Things did get changed... then when no one was looking they got changed back to the old way

As for new setup...Already up and running.. unofficial supporters club.. lots of things organised.. all out in the open.. no secrets. nothing hidden... and bags full of ideas all in motion... some advertised on here .. and sorted in one meeting ... A meeting i didnt go to and not involved with before anyone asks.... but I have followed the progress and offered my support
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Old 18-06-2006, 11:02   #83
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

stop tkaing karma off ossyclogger.. its not a crime to be passionate about the supporters club just cus we are fed up doent mean he has to be..
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Old 18-06-2006, 11:05   #84
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

what time does it start??
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Old 18-06-2006, 11:10   #85
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Originally Posted by Bottletop
Not bothering to respond to my post Mr Clogger?
Didn't deem it worthy of a reply bottletop. I had a higher opinion of you than that, but since you ask:-

I have not retired, I am merely on long term sick. You say you cannot get to every single meeting. I haven't seen you at one since you resigned from the commitee. Yes I have heard of proxy voting. I used it for many years while I was living away from home, and nothing happened at the last meeting because not enough people turned up to make things happen. As usual.
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Old 18-06-2006, 11:24   #86
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

what time does the supporters club meeting start????????
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Old 18-06-2006, 11:29   #87
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Originally Posted by waltergalbraith
what time does the supporters club meeting start????????
1900 hours or even 7 P.M.
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Old 18-06-2006, 11:48   #88
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

check my diary and get permission off missus....
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Old 18-06-2006, 13:01   #89
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

Quote: Ossyclogger
I haven't seen you at one since you resigned from the commitee

one of the reasons that I resigned was the fact that I knew I wouldn't be able to attend all future meetings due to other commitments.

I have attended meetings since my resignation, the last one I attended I received a phone call and had to leave early to sort out a problem.

That is the all point of asking for proxy voting, minutes of meetings passed to members etc.

Maybe the sup club need to experiment with meetings held at different times or dates? not just what suits 1 or 2 committee members.
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Old 18-06-2006, 13:18   #90
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Re: Two important meetings coming up

If the minutes of a previous meeting are published then people will know whats happening.. if those and the agenda for next meeting are published then people might make an effort depending on the subject at hand.... just an idea some wont want to go about one thing but might make a special effort to attend about somehting else..

keeping everything secret just makes a mockery of the whole thing.. the "you should be there" line doesnt work... look how many members abroad? let alone as bottletop points out the people of accy who simply cant get there..
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