I went to Bradford. Wet and miserable day.

Another great Ultras effort with big flag display and constant vocal support!!

First half fairly even except for Bavs mad run into "No mans land" for their goal. Phil was unfortunate finding difficulty judging ball skidding off wet turf and not realising there was no Bradford players behind him.

We tried to play better passing game in first half. Second half was more frantic and end to end as both teams tried to press forward and defences struggled with the wet skiddy conditions. We scored great goal. Symes was very cool with his finish.

Final minutes saw Bradford press forward as one or two of our players tired due to amazing amount of running done earlier. Procky was tireless in his efforts and Bobby too did a lot defensively. Bobby ran so much and looked out on his feet towards the end and maybe Coley bringing on King as sub would have been a good idea with 10 minutes to go. Exciting closing minutes as we were under the cosh.

Bobby did a "Maradona" at the near post from a corner. Bavs helped to put off penalty taker by going the right way.

Then they hit the post but we immediately broke out and should have scored in dying seconds. " I would have loved it", (Keegan style), if we had scored the winner then!! Bradford also had a goal disallowed for offside somewhere in this final frenzy!! Can't understand why more Stanley supporters did not make the trip to Bradford.

We are the smallest club in the league and Bradford is a "City" club with a fairly recent Premier League history and for us to continue to get any kind of a result there is amazing. Well done Stanley and our loyal small band of amazing supporters.

Opinions from Bradford Forum -Our 11,000 were outsung by 50 Stanley supporters!!