Oh Well !
It was a great atmosphere.
Horrible way to lose it, I`m sure you Stockport boys wont be entirely satisfied that the only way you won was a lucky break away goal after a period of serious Stanley pressure.
Could have been 2 a piece really and that might of rewarded the excellent turnout.
Well done County fans for the best visiting support I`ve seen this season.
Brilliant to see both sets of colours flying so proud. Come Again.
It is true ! Podgers is a lazy fat ya Kna and cant be bothered to run for anything I lost count of how many times someone had to go and sort it out for him.
Almeida look pretty solid though, cant say I remember him doing much wrong. Keeper is good but cant kick so why not roll it out (just once for a laugh) Boco improving, Leighton McGivern running up and down happily before the game. Couldn`t understand when Coley said Monday Welch was one of his Free Kick men that he never took the field when there were 2 Free kicks in the 2nd half in carbon copy position to the Mansfield beuty.
Squandered into the wall.
Defence looked better and when Stanley had the ball on the ground passing it a round they enjoyed good spells of possesion and pressure, but they didn`t do it enough. Face it the whole team looked like midgets compared to them big ugly thingummies best of our play was neat and quick, that`s how we need to play the whole time. Stockport were fit they ARE a good team but it was only a lucky break that got them the points, think Stanley were well worth the draw and positives can be taken and Stanley will steadily improve, the players will start to gel and a couple more will return from injury.
The Ref was a muppett who seemed to think the ball entering the same quarter of the pitch as Paul Mullin was time to blow for a foul, but be fair to him he didn`t just restrict it to Mullers. Cowshed Liner was great at spotting the offsides though (which our defense played much better,)although he liked to wait to see if they could score before putting the flag up.
All in all it was a great day out (Sunglasses weather as well

) shame there wasn`t a few more from accy. Ultras were doing a great job and from the middle of that row I could hear a lot of noise from other areas so well done everyone on the vocals.
Cart On Stanley !!!