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Old 18-08-2021, 23:44   #16
Full Member+

Re: We Happy Few

The queue for tickets went back to the half way line, not sure many more could have made it in for the kick off.

There may have been no live league games for 17 months, but it is the same for everyone and more deprived areas were hit worse by COVID as the better paid jobs just worked from home and saved a few quid, and the people in lower paid employment were more likely to lose their jobs or be furloughed. Lots of people have moved into more expensive housing in the last year or so, and car prices and many day to day expenses have shot up. Pubs in Accy which were cheap around £2.40/£2.50 a pint have put their prices up 50p, and so have Stanley, with winners' hour also going from £1 a pint to £2.50 a pint.

Fan bases were built in a different era, now it is near impossible to build one, too many other things going on. Blackburn got 10k for their first Saturday home game back. The crowd shaming stuff is what Eric Whalley did after promotion in 2006, "we would get more for a bbbb bloody baby show" , and fans who go can take it to heart a bit and feel not appreciated, whilst those who don't go have no concern about the crowd numbers. Therefore it is futile lamenting about it. Go on a local derby cricket game when it is a bit overcast in the Lancs league, and 20 fans have paid to get on, while the BBC shows pantomime cricket.

How many people on Ormerod Street have heard of Brett? I met two young men in the Railway pub a few years ago, brothers, one said he supported Real Madrid and the other Barcelona, lived in Accy all their lives, out for their twice a year tv football game. Different world now and regulars are over 40, and a lot at the older end, there is a threat support will dwindle over time all other things remaining the same, and with COVID and no restrictions whatsoever at the game I expect a few are giving it a miss thus far.
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Old 19-08-2021, 08:01   #17
God Member

Re: We Happy Few

Originally Posted by Chewbacca View Post
The queue for tickets went back to the half way line, not sure many more could have made it in for the kick off.

, there is a threat support will dwindle over time all other things remaining the same, and with COVID and no restrictions whatsoever at the game I expect a few are giving it a miss thus far.
the first point you make will hopefully be rectified once the jack barrett stand is finished. at the moment you seem to be trailing all round the place which does not help. as for gates, every club in the country have a minimum and a maximum amount of fans who will ever turn up. ok, the attendance has dropped but still higher than it was a few seasons ago where 1,200 seemed the norm. as for covid, what we might have lost through no restrictions will be about the same as the club would lose if there was restrictions like muzzle wearing. rather go round the shops than that.
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Old 19-08-2021, 17:20   #18
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Re: We Happy Few

Originally Posted by Chewbacca View Post
The queue for tickets went back to the half way line, not sure many more could have made it in for the kick off.

There may have been no live league games for 17 months, but it is the same for everyone and more deprived areas were hit worse by COVID as the better paid jobs just worked from home and saved a few quid, and the people in lower paid employment were more likely to lose their jobs or be furloughed. Lots of people have moved into more expensive housing in the last year or so, and car prices and many day to day expenses have shot up. Pubs in Accy which were cheap around £2.40/£2.50 a pint have put their prices up 50p, and so have Stanley, with winners' hour also going from £1 a pint to £2.50 a pint.

Fan bases were built in a different era, now it is near impossible to build one, too many other things going on. Blackburn got 10k for their first Saturday home game back. The crowd shaming stuff is what Eric Whalley did after promotion in 2006, "we would get more for a bbbb bloody baby show" , and fans who go can take it to heart a bit and feel not appreciated, whilst those who don't go have no concern about the crowd numbers. Therefore it is futile lamenting about it. Go on a local derby cricket game when it is a bit overcast in the Lancs league, and 20 fans have paid to get on, while the BBC shows pantomime cricket.

How many people on Ormerod Street have heard of Brett? I met two young men in the Railway pub a few years ago, brothers, one said he supported Real Madrid and the other Barcelona, lived in Accy all their lives, out for their twice a year tv football game. Different world now and regulars are over 40, and a lot at the older end, there is a threat support will dwindle over time all other things remaining the same, and with COVID and no restrictions whatsoever at the game I expect a few are giving it a miss thus far.
I agree with all of this post. However, Holty is trying to do something about it. The whole ethos of a community club is in its infancy at Accrington Stanley. The new facilities will attract more revenue and also reward the "long suffering" hard core of Stanley supporters .....including me!.......We are in transition, the world is changing with wall to wall pub and armchair TV. Mr Holt has a vision and is doing his best to implement it at Accrington Stanley. As a Community club is I think the only way we will survive.......and if in the short term I have to queue round the main stand and drink in a tent and pay £2.50 a pint when we win.......then so be it.....
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Old 20-08-2021, 07:50   #19
God Member

Re: We Happy Few

would love to know the difference in a club that brands itself as a Community club to one that does not. this happens a lot in non league and for me there seems to be no difference before or after this is done.
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Old 20-08-2021, 10:21   #20
God Member

Re: We Happy Few

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
would love to know the difference in a club that brands itself as a Community club to one that does not. this happens a lot in non league and for me there seems to be no difference before or after this is done.
Maybe it depends which ‘community’ you live in, MH?
The club and the Supporters Trust seem to be doing a bit in and around Accy.
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Old 20-08-2021, 10:34   #21
God Member

Re: We Happy Few

Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St View Post
Maybe it depends which ‘community’ you live in, MH?
The club and the Supporters Trust seem to be doing a bit in and around Accy.
but is it anymore than they previously have done. seen many things over the years that have been tried at stanley without the need for the community club branding. bit like clubs that give an impression of going the extra mile to make there clubs all inclusive anti this pro that. fact is they are just the same as they were before but gives someone a warm cozy feeling by telling everyone else this.
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Old 20-08-2021, 12:24   #22
God Member

Re: We Happy Few

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
but is it anymore than they previously have done. seen many things over the years that have been tried at stanley without the need for the community club branding. bit like clubs that give an impression of going the extra mile to make there clubs all inclusive anti this pro that. fact is they are just the same as they were before but gives someone a warm cozy feeling by telling everyone else this.
I know what you mean, MH, and agree it is toe-curling when big, ruthless, global, companies pretend suddenly to be green, or trans, or whatever is the latest media-driven branding trend.
However, I do think Stanley are going an extra mile and can genuinely claim to be part of the local community in more ways than they just happen to play professional football in the town.
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