Originally Posted by Doug
It was done in the glory days….not sure if you would need a licence and a bond; you could also get screwed for money laundering if the financial records aren’t **** hot……
I’m in if you can do it without risk to yourself or the club.
Should be no risk, I run a lottery syndicate at work for 30 members, you need an agreement/contract which is downloadable from the lottery site, its just to stop you paying tax, ie the ticket holder gets it tax free, when he pays the other members out its classed as a gift if there is no agreement/contract and they pay tax on it.
How this works with the donation to the club I don't know, was mentioned a while back and it was being looked into, haven't heard anything since.
Back to the contract.
When I have a list of everyone who's willing to do this I will fill the contract form out and send it to everyone so we are all covered.
Originally Posted by simon
If you won ??
Would you give over £300,000 without conditions ??
NO - I'd pay what shortfall there is of the £308K and divide the rest up between them who are in the syndicate, its up to them if they want to donate more, it won't have cost me £300K it cost me £5

The way its divided is - lets say we do 20 lines, Mr A does 10, Mr B does 6 and Mr C does 4
Divide the amount won by 20, then times Mr A's by 10, Mr B's by 6 and Mr C's by 4.
Easier still if we all put the same in, you all get the same out