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Old 08-02-2010, 19:36   #31
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Pendle Red's Avatar

Re: We want your manager!

Coley & Jimmy as with certain players through their achievements so far this season are going to attract interest from other clubs that is part and parcel of the game.

Bradford may have a large fan base, great training facilities, a great stadium but they are still very much a Club in transition, unlike the Reds who have come through the Leagues and with everything that has happened this season are probably as daft as it sounds maybe on a more sound footing?

All we can hope is that both the management duo carry on enjoying what they do and carry on building upwards with Stanley

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Old 08-02-2010, 20:06   #32
Junior Member

Re: We want your manager!

Apologies for the prick above. I am a city fan, but nothing like him.
What i think hes getting at is that we have massive respect for your management team and cant quite understand how a team can improve every year for 10 years seen as we've managed the opposite.
The majority think he would be a great replacement for McCall because for his outstanding record at Stanley.
As much as you are above us in terms of league position, you cannot doubt the potential of our club and whilst our current position is deserved, should have the means of getting out of this position soon.
Surely the prospect of a massive budget (in comparison to Stanley's) and the relative potential of the club are an attractive propect to your manager.
I for one want him to come to the club after he has done such an outstanding job over there in Lancashire on a tiny budget.

Oh, and our training facilities are **** so dont worry, that wont swing it.

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Old 08-02-2010, 20:24   #33
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Re: We want your manager!

I am sure the lure of a City Club with all that brings would open most peoples eyes but big budgets count for next to nothing in League 2 & probably League 1.

I would have thought that any vacancy at the Bantams will attract high calibre & high profile candidates that may be more in keeping with your massive budgets?
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Old 08-02-2010, 20:43   #34
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Re: We want your manager!

Im not suggesting we have a huge budget, we dont.
Just the success he has had with your club with such a small budget puts him in good stead for having a larger one. We had to make massive cuts this year budget wise but it is still massive compared to yours.
I know it counts for little but should mean we can attract better players.
If they are then coached in the right way, success should follow.
Personally i dont want anyone high profile.
I want a league 2 manager that knows league 2 and conference players.
I want the new man to build a good league 2 side playing decent football. Ala Rochdale, Bury.
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Old 08-02-2010, 21:04   #35
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Re: We want your manager!

All things considered, I can't see Coley leaving for Bradford. Not now, not in the summer, not ever. Of course Bradford have a large infrastructure, reasonable budgets and a guaranteed big following for years to come... However it'll take time to sort out Bradford's squad and nobody gets enough of that in football these days, especially with how 'supportive' the bantams tend to be when things aren't going their way at home. Coley's built a brilliant team here and won't want to let that go (nor will Bradford be able to afford the players he'll want from us now we don't have to sell anyone). Here we have what most clubs don't; potential and room to grow in every direction. As a club, we're in the most positive position in the land; no debts, a young talented squad and belief oozing bouncing between the dressing room and the stands. There's no reason for Coley to leave as the journey is only just beginning.

Let's leave this silly talk and pick it up again when the inevitable nears its reality (after Rafa gets sacked )

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Old 08-02-2010, 21:26   #36
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Re: We want your manager!

Coley for Bradford!!!!! He thinks we are some of the best fans in the country and we want him!!!! Come on coley !!!!! Be a bantam!!!!!
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Old 08-02-2010, 21:30   #37
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Re: We want your manager!

Gee someones on the giddy juice lol, u can dream on its always better the devil u know than dont
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Old 08-02-2010, 21:32   #38
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Re: We want your manager!

Originally Posted by strangeways View Post
Coley for Bradford!!!!! He thinks we are some of the best fans in the country and we want him!!!! Come on coley !!!!! Be a bantam!!!!!
The rubbish you are talking seems to me you have just come out of strangeways.Please dont come on here and disrespect our club with the comments you have made.
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Old 08-02-2010, 21:46   #39
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Re: We want your manager!

I really thought post five by BantamAbroad , really summed up what i think :-

Bradford City Football Club • View topic - John Coleman!!! Yes Please!!

And thats your own fans !
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Old 08-02-2010, 22:25   #40
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Re: We want your manager!

one name not mentioned in any of their threads is the McPartland fella who got bombed out of Notts County when they thought they had money. My fiver goes on him getting the job.
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Old 08-02-2010, 22:44   #41
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Re: We want your manager!

You couldnt blame coley to be honest! Such a massive massive club with an enormous town! The facilities and ground are second to non and they have a massive fan base! But with the amount of years coley has been here and also with the team he has created this season there is no way he will leave! Its a little worrying as you can understand the temptation. Playing in an enormous ground, having 1,000 travelling fans follow you across the country, having 12,000 fans watching you at home, having indoor and outdoor training facilities, getting a bigger wage, having more options to get players in and having more attractive pluses to get better players to the club etc etc. It wont happen though, especially not this season and hopefully not for a long time to come!

Also aswell dont forget that this is a thinking time for a manager like Coley, he may be thinking if i dont go for this could i regret this opportunity because in all honesty all managers want to progress! He can do this with Accrington however not taking the opportunity to move to a big club and a big opportunity he could regret for the rest of his life! If he stayed at Accy forever he will always wonder how far he could have gone, given the right opportunity, it is human nature unfortunatly. Anyways i dont think he will, he loves Accrington Stanley and Accrington Stanley love him!!


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Old 08-02-2010, 22:59   #42
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Smile Re: We want your manager!

Great post fc!! If I were Coley - which I am not - I would stay after reading that!!!

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Old 08-02-2010, 23:00   #43
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Re: We want your manager!

I heard Benito Carbone isnt doing much at the moment, that would be a good choice in my eyes.
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Old 08-02-2010, 23:59   #44
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Re: We want your manager!

Burys manager ruled him self out of the Bradford job on tonight tv footie show.
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Old 09-02-2010, 12:03   #45
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Re: We want your manager!

Look this is how it works, we are a big fish in your small pond, if we want your manager we will have him, its DOG eat DOG. He would def leave for the mighty bantams. Why begrudge a man a great chance in life.
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