Illyas, if reading this, in my humble opinion, please take note.
Priorities......Get J.C. & J.B tied down on long term contracts. What they have done for Stanley in the last ten years under their tenure, should give them the freedom of the borough by now.
This season may, and probably will, prove pivotal in the fortunes of A.S.F.C.
Getting grants to improve facilities, do building work etc, etc, is all well and good.
In my opinion, financial constraints permitting, the only way to increase gates and thus increase available revenue,will be to continue to build upon what has already transpired. Lose any part of the current set up, be it prized and envied management or our prized and envied players, we risk tearing apart a Jigsaw that has taken a decade to put together.
Accrington went forty years without a league side. A Lost generation so to speak.The progress J.C. & J.B. have overseen beggars belief, the stuff of fairytales...
Inside the last decade, Bradford played in the prima donna league. Their fall from that so called land of milk and honey has been pretty rapid. I remember trips to places like Hyde......ala " call for the doctor !! "
Our first game back in the football league....
Chester away.
I am proud to say I was there. Look where Chester are now.....enough said.