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Old 05-10-2009, 23:23   #1
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maccawozzagod's Avatar

we'd rather go under than ...

This is a jointly issued statement from ASSF/OSC/Ultras

On Saturday afternoon following the defeat at Chesterfield, the then Vice-Chairman Peter Marsden called a meeting of the following people:

Geoff Heap DIRECTOR Mark Turner DIRECTOR, Rob Heys CHIEF EXECUTIVE (which carries Director), Marcelle Lazarus JOINT CO-CHAIRPERSON, Frank Martindale EX DIRECTOR believed to be there in a minute taking capacity, Peter Marsden VICE CHAIR, Bill Holden DIRECTOR.

Not present who maybe would have been expected at such a meeting were Dave O'Neil JOINT CO-CHAIRPERSON, John De-Maine DIRECTOR and Jim Kenyon DIRECTOR

Peter called this meeting in order to try to garner support for a share issue. He, in his capacity as Vice-Chair, believed that re-capitalisation was the only way forward for the club in its present situation. Not only do we owe £308,000 to HMRC, but it is believed we are in debt to a sum of money in excess of twice this figure. Mr Marsden realised that without external funding this club could only continue to fight fires rather than move the club forward. He was trying to ascertain how much board room support there was to such a notion as a new share issue.

At the conclusion of this meeting it is alleged that a statement was made by two directors that included the words "we would rather the club go under than be run by ASSF or Ilyas Khan"

Members of the ASSF are very concerned by this derogatory comment aimed at a group, a collection of fans that undoubtedly have the absolute best interests of the club at heart. The second part of that statement is irrelevant. However the first part of that statement should be of grave concern to every supporter of Accrington Stanley Football Club. Two people who have the future of the club within their control have stated that they would rather the club go under than ....
We will take this opportunity to remind every director and every fan that as a director of a company one has a responsibility to act in the best interests of said company. With 23 days to go until the club closes its doors for the final time there were no alternative options on the table other than the one issued by ASSF. The best interests of the company were to work with that group and ensure that by the time of the next hearing there is £308,000 to give to HMRC.

Throughout the last four months since proceedings began, the three collective fan groups have tried at all times to act in what they, individually, believed to be in the best interests of the club. We don't believe that the board of directors, led by Dave O'Neil and Marcelle Lazarus as joint co-chairpersons have.

Furthermore it is of no surprise that these individuals have refused to listen to offers of help as neither of these are listed as shareholders nor directors in the latest available Companies House listings.

The collective fan based groups would appeal to all those concerned to put their collective weight behind a motion for the Board of directors to either step aside or carry out their legal, and moral, obligation to do what is in the best interests of the club.

Rob Russell
on behalf of Accrington Stanley Supporters Fund, Accrington Stanley Official Supporters Club and Stanley Ultras
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Last edited by maccawozzagod; 05-10-2009 at 23:30.
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Old 05-10-2009, 23:31   #2
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Smile Re: we'd rather go under than ...

If we did not know better, we would not believe it We would rather go under than let a group of loyal fans - if not true Help us out!!! How can this be????

19 Years in the Football League

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Old 05-10-2009, 23:38   #3


Re: we'd rather go under than ...

I need to sleep on this; it’s not what I feared but its bad enough. What level of information have you received from inside the meeting itself and what is hear say? I mean that with the utmost respect Rob.

If true and you have taken this collective step then perhaps you should name those responsible for these comments and what the response was of the other Directors that where there, other than Peter’s which we are aware of.

In respect of other debts. The lights are on, there’s water and the pitch is Green and only one, maybe two CCJs, what is this other debt? We can’t combat this if we don’t know.

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- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 05-10-2009, 23:47   #4
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Re: we'd rather go under than ...

If this is true that TWO of our Directors have said or ( alleged )to have said ,They should be named and shamed and resign from the board of Directors,whats wronge with these people
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
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Old 05-10-2009, 23:56   #5
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Re: we'd rather go under than ...

at this point in time we are not willing to publicy hang people - they must live with the consequence of their actions. The two names are known and will come out as and when the time is right.

Their was a discussion tonight as to whether we should wait a while before releasing this information. But the clock is ticking and you people are the ones who deserve to know what is said behind closed doors. If information is ever withheld it is done so for a reason. This information could not be held back. Two directors are willing to see the club fold. Those directors that are not willing to see the club fold need to head for the last lifeboat and hope that it hasn't already sailed.
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Old 06-10-2009, 00:06   #6
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Re: we'd rather go under than ...

well this cannot be allowed to happen!
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Old 06-10-2009, 01:16   #7
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Re: we'd rather go under than ...

Hate to say this .. but why are they directors if they'd rather see it go under .. and plus do they really, really understand what would happen to them if it does?
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 06-10-2009, 01:51   #8
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Re: we'd rather go under than ...

If there is substance to this latest announcement then I'm disgusted....

For two of our "so called directors" to alledgedly utter such a statement shows the utter contempt of which they hold the true lifeblood of our club (our loyal supporters) in.....

Talk about Deriliction of duty ???? If true, this latest statement beggars belief.

As for the true levels of debt, we had a good idea and Mr. Khan had the insight, that the true figure of debt this club owed was far more than the £308K owed to H.M.R.C.

Our Chairman has released a statement in the last 24 hours stating that he is aware of his responsibilities and states that he will not allow our club to fold again.

Despite this statement, The club and it's board have not offered any insight into:

a) How the initial debt to H.M.R.C. will be satisfied....

b) Any concrete offer of their own financial input...figures,amounts, dates???

c) The true level of debt the club is accountable for....


d) Why they, if as a collective???, have chosen to dismiss the offer from the ASSF, the very generous offer which includes funding from a very generous man, who, like all fans, wants to see the club survive.

Instead, we are offered statements which do nothing to appease our concerned fans. They do nothing to clarify the whole mess the club is in. They appeal for the help from the very people who they are treating in (my view at least) a very contemptous manner , asking us to work together in difficult times.....

If this latest statement (the so called attitude of two of our directors) has substance...IN MY VIEW.....the two involved have no sentiment for our club. And the two concerned have no place within this club....

If Mr O' Neil and the directors have the best interests of this club and it's survival at heart, then now is the time to step up to the plate:

a) Set in Stone, I.E. make as a collective a statement that will once and for all settle the matter.Put forward their collective response, i.e. their own offers of financial assistance and concrete plans on how they, as the board intend to satisfy all debts.....or

b) Admit that the clubs present board does not have the necessary collateral or any strategy to get us out of this mess, be it temporarily or long term....

If they (As the board of this club) choose to sit in their collective "ivory tower" and act in the manner with the attitude of the "supposed two" directors who "supposedly" have uttered this contemptous statement....then this sorry situation has only one outcome.....

The clock is ticking and ASSF's and Mr Khan's very generous offer of financial input, albeit to the present dislike of the current powers that be, has been rebuked, refused or whichever words the present board may wish to attach to this offer may choose....on numerous occasions. I hope like many, Mr Khan reconsiders and may yet step in to help avert this potential catastrophe.

If the club is to be saved, then actions speak louder than words...Time is short....and one thing I cannot understand and perhaps the present board can enlighten us all on, brings me to my final point......

IF Mr Khan (and ASSF's) offer is so unpalletable, what do the current board think their shareholdings will be worth if this club goes to the wall in 18 DAYS TIME????
"Once in a while you will stumble upon the truth, but most of us manage to pick ourselves up and hurry along as if nothing happened" -

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill.

Last edited by carpon; 06-10-2009 at 01:54. Reason: typo
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Old 06-10-2009, 03:33   #9
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Re: we'd rather go under than ...

This statement amazed me to say the least, as a person who is not a Stanley fan, but have contributed to the SOS fighting fund, I sit here shaking my head, if directors don't care what happens and would rather the club folded, what chance is there of survial. As carpon has said the curtain will come down in 18 days time, and unless there is a change of heart by these people, I will have witnessed the demise of Stanley twice in my lifetime, it sure as hell wasn't nice the first time around, but maybe those directors weren't here to see it and don't have any real love for the club, so I would ask why the hell did they get involved in the first place
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Old 06-10-2009, 05:56   #10
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Re: we'd rather go under than ...

Reading the above I only have questions (some might see it as a Devils Advocat angle but I dont care), not angry statements. Perhaps they truly do not see ASSF as the way forward for the club? Do we know for certain that ASSF is the only 'offer on the table'? It certainly was one that had a LOT of oomph behind it but was/is it the only one? Was this 'rather go under' statement just simply a case of engaging mouth before brain (easily done in these times)? Perhaps a more diplomatic response would have been the appropriate one?

Questions questions questions - as someone else's Gran said in another thread, there are 3 sides to every story...

Jimbo T blower

Born and Bred in Accrington - You cant BUY class

"We invented the big time now we're back in the big time" ( Loweiy circa 2006 )

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Old 06-10-2009, 07:31   #11
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Re: we'd rather go under than ...

What do i say? If we still have a club after all this i'll rename myself stanley! Just to reiterate that this is an alleged aligation and doubt that the truth will be known or admitted UNLESS there's EVIDENCE be careful what u say from a legal point of view.


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Old 06-10-2009, 08:15   #12
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Re: we'd rather go under than ...

If they did utter those idiotic words, then they are dickheads of the highest order.I tend to agree with JIMMY T re the making of the statement. I am very curious to know WHY there is this anomosity from within towards Ilyas and the ASSF. I seem to recall reading that ERIC had a gripe with Ilyas as well... No smoke without fire.
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Old 06-10-2009, 09:08   #13
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Re: we'd rather go under than ...

Originally Posted by Kiwi John View Post
I seem to recall reading that ERIC had a gripe with Ilyas as well... No smoke without fire.
These two Directors are probably friends of EW and are carrying on his gripe. They should be named and shamed so that the fans can let them know what they think of them.
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:10   #14
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Re: we'd rather go under than ...

I think the key point here is whether or not the statement cited above is the genuinely held belief of those who said it, and that they really would rather have no club (and no investment) than have someone they disapprove of in charge, or rather if it's just bluff and bluster; fighting talk if you will.

If it's the former, then it will not just be them that lose their investments, but everyone else who is a shareholder. And, most importantly, there will be no Stanley.
All the best,

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Old 06-10-2009, 10:38   #15
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Re: we'd rather go under than ...

Originally Posted by Fatso View Post
If it's the former, then it will not just be them that lose their investments, but everyone else who is a shareholder. And, most importantly, there will be no Stanley.
According to the shareholders list the Directors don't have much shareholding investment to lose except Peter Marsden

Peter Marsden has 631 x £1 shares + 549 x £10 shares
Geoff Heap has 50 x £1 shares
John Demaine has 10 x £10 shares
Mark Turner has 1 x £10 share
J. Kenyon has no shares
W. Holden has no shares
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