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Old 01-06-2006, 09:38   #31
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Re: Welcome to L2 badges

Originally Posted by Oggy
Hadn't seen this earlier, so seems to be you as well!

Two faced or what!
oh dear.... why the personal insult...

I havent hidden anything.. I made it quite clear where you quote and other places on this forum that I am dissapointed with the missed opportunities.. However I understand why.. you dont... and for this you resort to childish name calling
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Old 01-06-2006, 12:01   #32
I am Banned


Re: Welcome to L2 badges

I think Accy Stanley club should get in a bit more on merchandise & offer a wide range either in shop or online so that way people wouldn't need to look elsewhere for the ASFC brand therefore money stays with the club. Personally speaking whats on sale are pretty bland basic stuff for sale & they could broden their merchandise section as like other clubs certainly as we are in league 2, it would give more scope to generate money to the club & likewise people here have said if they could keep a more watchful eye out of people capitalising on the club then action should be taken to get this stopped.

I think with variety of quality merchandise & availability will bode well as its alternative ideas for present shopping then i can have my ASFC wish list pmsl & also that itself promotes the club name.

Last edited by accymel; 01-06-2006 at 12:04.
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Old 01-06-2006, 12:06   #33
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Re: Welcome to L2 badges

accymel shall I summarise the thread and other threads n this subject?

there are a wider choice of goods in the club shop but not online

the choice is being increased in time for the new season

the online shop is being updated now and you can see new leasiureware being aded...

ebay will always ahve chancers trying to make money from other clubs.. the ones that can be stopped will be but others wont... a badge with the club name on saying welcome to the league would be hard to stop

keep your eye on the online shop as it will soon reflect whats in the club shop

there now.. no need to bother reading the subject your replying to eh
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Old 01-06-2006, 12:27   #34
I am Banned


Angry Re: Welcome to L2 badges

Kipax - there is absolutely no need for your flippant attitude on thread thats un-acceptable & something i didnt expect from you

I was mearely saying without need of my head being bitten off which has now happened on more than one occaision now!! Yeh im female [oh dear gategrashing boys brigade] but i am a fan & support ASFC as best i can do, you're lucky to have the position you do so therefore you are in the know as to what goes on at the club - whereas i & many others are mearely jo public whom are not privvy to such details, so theres no need for the way you have come across.

The impression on the Accrington Stanley forum is only the select few may comment or of the hardcore support, which is why many except the same few dont post on this section of Accyweb!!! Also not a good impression on getting as much support for the club [but dont worry i'll take my queries to the club direct from now on because i am a fan whether this forum likes it or not - & im sure i will not get this attitude from them]

Thank you for letting me know to the point Kipax i shall keep looking for updates at the club site rather than enquire here.

Opologies in advance to the moderators but feel that this should be aired in order of improvement.
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Old 01-06-2006, 12:37   #35
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Re: Welcome to L2 badges

Originally Posted by accymel
Kipax - there is absolutely no need for your flippant attitude on thread thats un-acceptable
un-acceptable ? you seem to have accepted it and responded to it... you cant not accept it and accept it at the same time.. how does that work then?

Just because you read it as flippant doesnt mean it was posted as flippant.. I will post the way I post all day long... its how I have posted from the start and it will be how i post to the end... if you dont like it then i suggest you dont accept it.. but you seem to have a problem in that area dear

if your going to respond to a thread or comment on a thread its usually good manners to take the time to read it....

theres a pretty little complaint button just up there a bit... press it if you feel so inclined
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Old 01-06-2006, 12:44   #36
I am Banned


Re: Welcome to L2 badges

By the way i did read the thead & mine was not hugely different than others yet mine got the flippancy.

Well i've made my point - it still stands & as i say i shall deal with the club from now on & take no further part in the ASFC sub forum because you have given me the impression i dont belong - despite it being a forum for fans!

I have a right to reply as you but doesn't mean to say that i've accepted your point of view as much as you dont with mine!
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Old 01-06-2006, 12:51   #37
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Re: Welcome to L2 badges

Well I did explain that just because you read it as flippant didnt mean it was posted as flippant.. you dont want to believe that and still persist in telling me how I post.. thats your choice

Try not to slam the door on the way out
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Old 01-06-2006, 13:09   #38
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Re: Welcome to L2 badges

accymel ... sorry... kissy kissy ... dont take it to heart so much its only a messageboard.. your not supposed to get upset... keep smiling
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Old 01-06-2006, 14:12   #39
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Re: Welcome to L2 badges

theres lots of stuff in the club shop that should be online ... loads of stuff.... i would guess thousands of pounds in sales being lost and I am like the rest of you.. just cant understand why

i am guessing the boat has been missed now though ...<!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
A little harsh... she is doing a good job and generating a lot of new income for the club as well as the revamped and much improved program and lots of ideas she has had implimented at the club. All the new sponsorship deals blah blah..

Your just concentrating on soemhting you can see.. A bit like a good goalkeeper is only known by his one bad save and not the thousand good saves...

I agree... online shop is a missed opportunity and lots of sales missed when we got promoted/champions .... but lots of other stuff has gone on off the back of that...

Only one pair of hands... she will get it sorted by start of next season ready for the league
I think Accy Stanley club should get in a bit more on merchandise & offer a wide range either in shop or online so that way people wouldn't need to look elsewhere for the ASFC brand therefore money stays with the club. Personally speaking whats on sale are pretty bland basic stuff for sale & they could broden their merchandise section as like other clubs certainly as we are in league 2, it would give more scope to generate money to the club & likewise people here have said if they could keep a more watchful eye out of people capitalising on the club then action should be taken to get this stopped.

I think with variety of quality merchandise & availability will bode well as its alternative ideas for present shopping then i can have my ASFC wish list pmsl & also that itself promotes the club name

Seems like our Commercial manager needs an assistant or ASFC needs to employ a professional intenet marketing company/person. Lots of opportunities gone begging, the next ones will be when we kick off next season, all the news and TV that will be there, I'm sure Eric woundn't let that one slip? After that we will have lost our 2 main times for generating hard needed monies to the club.

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Old 01-06-2006, 14:28   #40
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Re: Welcome to L2 badges

As of this morning (US time), a promotion T-shirt and a polo and sweatshirt from the new kit manufacturer are available for purchase from the online club shop. Many thanks to the ASFC staff. I shall be placing my order shortly.
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Old 01-06-2006, 14:33   #41
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Re: Welcome to L2 badges

Theres more stuff going on all day and presumably rest of week.. a certain someone (no not me) is photographing and adding stuff to the shop as we speak.. keep checking
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Old 01-06-2006, 14:48   #42
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Re: Welcome to L2 badges

Hiya Guys,

After reading through what has been said I felt I had to reply as I believe many of you have misconceptions of my actual duties at the football club. I know in a lot of companies the Commercial Manager has major direct contact with the lines and choice of stock that we have within a store or shop, at Stanley that is different. I have no handling on what we can and can't order. I am not passing the buck at all and I like you would like to see new and improved revenue streams here at the club coming through the club shop and elsewhere and in a month or so you will probably see the media and promotional outcomes of the said new revenue streams (which is my job! both promotional and gaining new businesses :-) ) but the ordering of stock is not one of my duties at Accrington Stanley. As many of you know there are a lot of changes going on behind the scenes at the club, which means that there are greater workloads for each member of staff but I can assure you that many of the issues raised will be covered and sorted within the next few weeks by the appropriate persons involved.

But I can assure you that I am doing my utmost to bring as much revenue into the football club as I can. The outline of my job in case some of you don't know is to bring revenue into the club through schemes/sponsorship and advertising, making use of the locality and nationwide businesses. Some examples of which are sponsorships such as perimeter boards, stand sponsorships, match sponsorships, shirt/short sponsorships etc, etc. I understand why some of you think that the club shop is my domain but in reality it really isn't. The commerical aspects are directly contacting businesses for continued support throughout the season and not really the merchandise side of things.

I hope that helps! And if you have any good ideas that you think we could implement then please let me know....................



Last edited by KarenFaz; 01-06-2006 at 15:15.
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