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Old 09-08-2006, 19:17   #31
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Talking Re: We're learning the hard way

Just a note for Smudgie. Granted I havent seen anything of the games this season but I still want to make a point. Im not havin a go fella but just expressing how I feel. After only 2 games how do you know theyre one of the best sides in the division?? What say if 13 other teams come along and are better than Darlington??? Its possible! Its far too early to say whats what at the moment - I could understand that sort of comment at the 3 quarter stage when weve seen everyone play against us but after 2 games? Come off it... Anyway I think someone else said this earlier but I think we are just luring the opposition into thinking we are a 'push over' side... Watch us fly... This is how silly all this is - if we get three points on Saturday we could potentially go 10th...

Jimbo T blower

Born and Bred in Accrington - You cant BUY class

"We invented the big time now we're back in the big time" ( Loweiy circa 2006 )


Last edited by Jimbo T Hornblower; 09-08-2006 at 19:22.
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Old 09-08-2006, 20:45   #32
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Re: We're learning the hard way

imo browny has to start he was the leading goalscorer in preseason and therefore his confidence must have been sky high, then come first couple of games hes back sat on bench... i think we have bullied out of these first two games and with the lack of league experience i think it will be a long season....wheres John durnin when u need him
The Voice of the Terrace
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Old 09-08-2006, 21:18   #33
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Re: We're learning the hard way

Getting wet on an open terrace, try getting wet in the stands... something has to be done with the leaking roof. Then to add insult to injury we leave the ground early to get away and are told to wait until 15 mins after the final wistle before moving from a parking space which we have paid for. #The stewards felt I had insulted them and called for a plain clothes policeman to advise me about my future conduct.... This from an ex JP. Not impressed Eric. Get it sorted
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Old 09-08-2006, 21:24   #34
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Re: We're learning the hard way

Originally Posted by fettler
Getting wet on an open terrace, try getting wet in the stands... something has to be done with the leaking roof. Then to add insult to injury we leave the ground early to get away and are told to wait until 15 mins after the final wistle before moving from a parking space which we have paid for. #The stewards felt I had insulted them and called for a plain clothes policeman to advise me about my future conduct.... This from an ex JP. Not impressed Eric. Get it sorted
Could be wrong here, but isn't this down to the council and/or police advice? If everybody tried to get out at the same time, there'd be chaos! We had trouble getting away at Chester as well.

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Old 09-08-2006, 21:36   #35


Re: We're learning the hard way

I was parked on the verge on Livingstone Road, about ten yards down from the gate, and I had to wait for at least ten minutes, I got away a few minutes after the Darlington Fans buses left the ground. It took me a further 15 minutes to get to the lights at Church Lane. For the time it takes to get home and the camaraderie of the club I’m more than happy to put up with it.

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Old 10-08-2006, 08:54   #36
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Re: We're learning the hard way

Originally Posted by JEFF
Before his injury I don't think Procky was playing regularly, Cav wasn't playing regularly last season - Edwards kept him out until we were desperate.
If I remember correctly Procky was injured in a pre-season friendly which is why he never played last season. Similarly with Cav, his ankle injury kept flaring up and he was unable to play. Not that I have anything against Phil Edwards - he's a brilliant defender and can play anywhere across the back line
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Old 10-08-2006, 11:56   #37
Resting in Peace

Re: We're learning the hard way

[quote=Doug]I was parked on the verge on Livingstone Road.

Whatever you do, don't park on the verge on the "mini triangle" down First Avenue - some jobsworth parking warden did me 30 quid last season for "parking within 9 yards of a junction". It was worth it, though,as we'd just robbed Burton with Mully's last minute bullet header!
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Old 10-08-2006, 13:31   #38
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Angry Re: We're learning the hard way

Originally Posted by fettler
Then to add insult to injury we leave the ground early to get away and are told to wait until 15 mins after the final wistle before moving from a parking space which we have paid for. #The stewards felt I had insulted them and called for a plain clothes policeman to advise me about my future conduct.
I was one of the three stewards you DID insult!!! Okay love?... Sorry I forgot you don't like people calling you love and thats why you felt it necessary to verbally abuse myself, UKCowboy and Ian one of the other stewards, and that is why we as stewards felt it necessary to get one of the plain clothes coppers to come down and have a word with you.

As far as movement of vehicles goes, football league and county council rules state that there should be no movement of vehicles within the carparks of the ground from an hour before kick off until fifteen minutes after the game has finished or until the pedestrian crowd has left the vacinity. This includes people who pay for their parking spaces, whether you are a life member of the football club, the chairman of the football club, the press or joe bloggs, this applies to every body. If you are unhappy about this I'm sure you could complain to the council or the football league but I'm sure you would get short shrift. We as a football club are sorry for any inconveniance this may cause you personally but it is out of our hands.

Their are a lot of things that are very new to all of us this season, fans and staff alike, including the parking restrictions and the segregation, but its what has to be done. This is what it means to be in the football league.
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Old 10-08-2006, 13:47   #39
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Re: We're learning the hard way

Please accept my unreserved apology for any insult. I accept I was in the wrong and appreciate the difficult job you have to do. The name is Mike, by the way, and I accept you call everybody love, including the policeman who had a friendly chat with me, lol. Hope we can carry on supporting the club we all have a deep affection for.
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Old 10-08-2006, 15:31   #40
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Talking Re: We're learning the hard way

Originally Posted by sparkie

As far as movement of vehicles goes, football league and county council rules state that there should be no movement of vehicles within the carparks of the ground from an hour before kick off until fifteen minutes after the game has finished or until the pedestrian crowd has left the vacinity.
Sparkie was this explained to fettler at the time?? Just a thought because after your post explaining why he couldnt move, an apology was forthcoming. Just thinking it maybe wasnt explained at the time and perhaps the situation could have been diffused a lot easier without having to involve the police.. note for next time maybe??? Not everyone is going to be aware of all league/council regs...

Jimbo T blower

Born and Bred in Accrington - You cant BUY class

"We invented the big time now we're back in the big time" ( Loweiy circa 2006 )


Last edited by Jimbo T Hornblower; 10-08-2006 at 15:38.
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Old 10-08-2006, 16:25   #41
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Re: We're learning the hard way

Thanks for the apology fettler its accepted gratefully.

Jimbo we did attempt to explain at the time but found the car window shut!!!!
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Old 10-08-2006, 19:29   #42
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Talking Re: We're learning the hard way

Ahh ok so you would have had to talk through glass then DAWNT DO PEES MATE... DAWNT DO CUWWY SAWCE - CURRY SAUCE NOO GOOO...

Jimbo T blower

Born and Bred in Accrington - You cant BUY class

"We invented the big time now we're back in the big time" ( Loweiy circa 2006 )

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