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Old 13-01-2010, 13:06   #16
God Member
Pendle Red's Avatar

Re: whalley to return?

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
And I thought we were having a bad news day down the road
Between both bits of news, there will be more raised eyebrows than a Roger Moore Convention
Working Towards Change

One thing I can give and still keep: my word.

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Old 13-01-2010, 13:37   #17
God Member

Re: whalley to return?

Remember this quote form the Chester Chronic?
“I think they’ve got absolutely brilliant facilities for a club of Chester’s size and that is one advantage they have over someone like Accrington, who have certainly got the worst facilities in the league and the lowest gates."

You don't have to be a psychologist to note that whoever said this referred to of Accrington (Stanley) not as a club but as a person, a "someone".
If the LET is to be believed ( I know, I know ) perhaps whoever was quoted above now regards Stanley and himself are one and the same person.
On an unrelated subject, it's been suggested that a person needs to exhibit five or more of the following to be suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder:
1. An exaggerated sense of self-importance
2. Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power,
3. Believes he is "special" and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people
4. Requires excessive admiration
5. Has a sense of entitlement
6. Selfishly takes advantage of others to achieve his own ends

7. Lacks empathy
8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him

9. Shows arrogant, haughty, patronizing, or contemptuous behaviors or attitudes

Can someone have some matches handy just in case this is indeed the second coming of the Cardboard Messiah.

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Old 13-01-2010, 14:42   #18
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Re: whalley to return?

Good afternoon everyone. And a very very happy new year to you all.

I have received a few emails privately and therefore, as usual, when the volume of enquiry is this heavy, and the subject is so open, I decided to come onto the forum and allow the largest audience of interested people to get a chance to see my view, and also to ask any other questions they might have.

firstly, on the article itself. I do sometimes wonder what journalists and newspapers think when they craft their sentences. Flanagan has, in the past, been both accurate and relevant. On top of that he has written well. There are a couple of occasions however when he destorys all his good work, and when he has put his name to something that is to the detriment of both his employer and himself. This latest article about whalley is another of those occassions. The article is badly written, open to interpretation, without attribution, and could add fuel to the long standing view that the LET is more interested in controversy than news. I was called by Flanagan last night, and (as always) i entertained the call and explained that I had not heard about the rumour from Chester. I do not know why he and his editors thought they had a story, but we can now expect this thread to continue.

As far as the question of Whalley and his "return" is concerned, I will let you all know whether and when anything happens at the club to suggest this might be true. As you are aware, as non exec chairman, I am not involved in the day to day running of the club, and over the christmas period, with all the games being cancelled, I have not been able to attend the meetings with Rob Heys and Dave ONeil that would have normally constituted the debrief. I am looking forward to a meeting this weekend, and nothing has occured to suggest that my counterparts at that meeting will be anyone other than David and Rob and Peter Marsden. I cannot be more categoric than that, and i hope that my words are not ambiuous. If you feel that you need further clarity or if you misunderstand or dont quite know what i mean by what i have said, then by all means ask again.

Finally, on the shares. The equity has been for some time and will continue to be for some time to come, almost irrelevant in terms of control. Our club has large costs and requires massive further investment, and unless and until an equity shareholder has the wherewithal and committment to stump up that cash, he or she has no practical say. This is as true of stanley as any other club. If Whalley were to come back at any time in any position of authority - and lets just assume for a second that is possible, then I cannot honestly see how I would still be involved. It simply cannot happen. Indeed, as I have been at the club and more involved over a period of time from the Salisbury game, I have become more aware and educated about the consequences of Whalley's period of ownership, the most significant of which was hundreds and hundreds of thousands of pounds of debt that were effectively concealed until he walked away.

this much is factually clear and accurate, and known to people on this bulletin board as well as more widely. I cant add to those facts, but I would say that in my view, the set up that was agreed at the salisbury game, where David and Rob take care of the club, and I financed the shortfall as well as some further expenditure, has gone reasonably well. I have stood by my comiitment and fully expect to have to fund various shortfalls going forward in the near term. On top of that, I have committed to put more money into the club on a serious basis once I am satisfied that all the relevant facts are audited and documented. I think this will take a while, probably till the end of the season. The real time for reflection and decision on larger capital would, therefore,in my view, have always taken place over summer. By then, with the season under our belt, and the playing squad having really given it their best, we could look at things such as the ground, the pitch, the faciities and also the broader squad with a view to taking the bite sized steps that would prudent and necessary to help our beloved club remain solvent and healthy.

In closing for now I would also like to say how much I have appreciated and enjoyed being involved stanley, and how gratified I am (as are all of you) at the "winning" formula that seems to be emerging. I dont have the words to adequately reflect my admiration of Coley, Bell and Proccy and the rest of the guys. I hope that my continued presence in the clayton end at home games will go some way to demonstrating that what we have in place is for the good of the club, the town and the fans.

Accy Stanley are a community club in all respects. The club belongs to the people of the town, not to any one individual or company. My philosophy remains unchanged.

I hope this might help, but if you have other questions, please address them on this bulletin board.
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Old 13-01-2010, 14:51   #19
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Re: whalley to return?

thanks for that clear and concise explanation Ilyas

Top Man

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 13-01-2010, 14:57   #20
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Re: whalley to return?

I would like to add "Wasn't Barnet ace Mr Khan!!!!"

On Stanley On, with Illyas we trust

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 13-01-2010, 15:19   #21
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Re: whalley to return?

I went up to the ground today and had a chat with Lewis Carroll about the shop etc I must say again that Lew is a top chap with bags of sales experience and I hope we can all help him as he turns the shop around. He has already improved the point of sale systems and he is working on all the back room software to speed up and keep tabs on all purchasing. I know it’s not too sexy to talk about systems and software but these improvements will prove to be the backbone of what I am know sure will be a top rate store and internet shopping experience for fans.
As a word of caution this will all take time and the club could do with as much extra cash as possible with all the games that have been called off revenue is sure to be down on budgeted amounts.
If you have any ideas to help Lew he would love to speak to you over a brew in the club shop. It is easy to post on here but face to face is always better.
Rob Heys has stated that Eric is not coming back and that they hope to arrange a date for a shareholders meeting very soon. (They would like to be in a position to announce a date next week.)
The last thing is the snow, the club need as many people as possible to help from Thursday onwards. The pitch is not frozen under the snow as the white stuff has acted like a blanket, but there is a tremendous amount of snow to shift and all help will be gratefully accepted. longest post since the days of S.O.S..................

Stephen Lowe PROUD to support Stanley
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Old 13-01-2010, 15:45   #22
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Re: whalley to return?

I started reading this post with some trepidation, yet now, I feel a whole lot better. In some respects, I think that the debt that has been cleared by Ilyas and Peter Marsden more than covers the cost of EW's shareholding, which to all extent and purposes is valued at nothing. And we all know that 50% of nothing = nothing.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 13-01-2010, 17:00   #23
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Re: whalley to return?

I dont fully understand all this 50% stuff and eric whalley, but i just wanna see it took off him so theres no chance of him coming back and the club being run more smoothly without rumours of change all the time
We are the Reds!

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Old 13-01-2010, 17:02   #24
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: whalley to return?

THANKS ilyas n Loweiy, yer comments have turned my day around big time.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 13-01-2010, 17:27   #25
God Member

Re: whalley to return?

Thanks for your time and efforts, Ilyas and Loweiy.
Aren't there enough snow stories to fill the LET at the moment without having to frightening the life out of some of us?
I'm still shuddering at the thought and it's not the cold weather.
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Old 13-01-2010, 18:00   #26
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Re: whalley to return?

Thanks for taking the time to post Chaps
Working Towards Change

One thing I can give and still keep: my word.

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Old 13-01-2010, 19:03   #27
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Re: whalley to return?

I went up to the ground today and had a chat with Lewis Carroll
When you signed the visitors book did you see E Whalley in there . . . . . I did
“I’ve lost count of the number of occasions I flew in from Hong Kong, went to a game and just flew back again" - Ilyas Khan

Hey you, don't watch that watch this! This is the heavy heavy monster sound,
The nuttiest sound around. So if you've come in off the street and you're beginning to feel the heat,
Well listen buster, you better start to move your feet to the rockinest, rock-steady beat of STANLEY

SOS 243
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Old 13-01-2010, 19:57   #28
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Re: whalley to return?

thanks Ilyas, and Loweiy.

as we knew the rumour or spectre of EW returning have always been there, but it being in print today certainly 'realised' the threat. But Mr K is on top of it and that is good enough for me!
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Old 13-01-2010, 20:03   #29
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Re: whalley to return?

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
thanks Ilyas, and Loweiy.

as we knew the rumour or spectre of EW returning have always been there, but it being in print today certainly 'realised' the threat. But Mr K is on top of it and that is good enough for me!
some say spectre, i say Freddie Kruger.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 13-01-2010, 20:57   #30
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Re: whalley to return?

Many Thanks Ilyas for the post and for all you are doing for Stanley.

6th March 1962 - They turned off the gas but nothing could extinguish the flame!
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