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Old 13-01-2010, 21:04   #31
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Re: whalley to return?

So, is it safe to put my "Whalley Out" banner back in the cupboard now?
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Accrington Web
Old 13-01-2010, 23:32   #32
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Re: whalley to return?

if he comes back ill pay him with washer
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Old 14-01-2010, 07:35   #33
Senior Member+

Re: whalley to return?

Iylas khan please buy eric whalleys shares and cut out the plastic millionaire.
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Old 14-01-2010, 09:55   #34
Full Member

Re: whalley to return?

I am struggling to understand the EW situation.
Surely, if he is stil the majority share holder (52%) he still has overall control of the club. I would have thought that any money donated by Ilyas was simply a donation and nothing else, and does not affect EW's majority share holding.

Although the club was worthless before Ilyas's donation, and all the other wonderful donations and fund-raising events, it is now worth considerably more, and therefore will surely have increased the value of EW's 52% share holding.

Before the 'bail-out', EW owned 52% of a massive debt. As I see it, he now still owns 52% of the club, as it stands today with those debts having been cleared.

I am probably incorrect in this line of thought, but it seems this way to me. Perhaps this could be clarified by Ilyas or anyone else 'in the know'.
I used to come in your ears!
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Old 14-01-2010, 10:33   #35
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Re: whalley to return?

"Finally, on the shares. The equity has been for some time and will continue to be for some time to come, almost irrelevant in terms of control. Our club has large costs and requires massive further investment, and unless and until an equity shareholder has the wherewithal and committment to stump up that cash, he or she has no practical say."

Quote from Ilyas's post earlier.

"Surely, if he is stil the majority share holder (52%) he still has overall control of the club." . . . . . . . He only owns shares, he is not the Chairman or the Director and he is hardly in a financial position to start throwing money Stanley's way.
So - at the moment - it's not a problem.

If an investor came forward and started to throw millions in stanley's direction then the investor would want as many shares as possible so when the club value rose his shares would rise too and so he would see some financial benifit.

So at the moment he can keep them . . . . . . Unles he wants to sell them to me . . . . Mr Whalley, if you read this forum PM me with a price, I will buy the shares from you.
“I’ve lost count of the number of occasions I flew in from Hong Kong, went to a game and just flew back again" - Ilyas Khan

Hey you, don't watch that watch this! This is the heavy heavy monster sound,
The nuttiest sound around. So if you've come in off the street and you're beginning to feel the heat,
Well listen buster, you better start to move your feet to the rockinest, rock-steady beat of STANLEY

SOS 243

Last edited by Stephen666; 14-01-2010 at 10:36. Reason: can't spell
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Old 14-01-2010, 15:30   #36
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Re: whalley to return?

Didn't O'Neill buy all of EW's shares?
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Old 14-01-2010, 15:58   #37
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Re: whalley to return?

Originally Posted by andyh View Post
Didn't O'Neill buy all of EW's shares?
“I’ve lost count of the number of occasions I flew in from Hong Kong, went to a game and just flew back again" - Ilyas Khan

Hey you, don't watch that watch this! This is the heavy heavy monster sound,
The nuttiest sound around. So if you've come in off the street and you're beginning to feel the heat,
Well listen buster, you better start to move your feet to the rockinest, rock-steady beat of STANLEY

SOS 243
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Old 14-01-2010, 18:33   #38
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Thumbs up Re: whalley to return?

Thanks Ilyas.
It is so good to be reassured and have situations clarified.
Ilyas is the man to lead us forward. I would love Ilyas to aquire EW's shares. Iyas has integrity, intelligence and is always as honest and frank as he can be. We get transparency and empathy which are, in my opinion, the characteristics that would make him an ideal Chairman and major share holder. Also we get no false promises but honest and fair appraisals of the situations about finance, the ground etc. Ilyas is spot on when he suggests that things cannot change overnight but that it can change in stages.
Come on all regular supporters and encourage and educate all fringe Stanley fans to come and support the team, the club and the management and help us to cosolidate and move our wonderful, historic little club forward.
On Stanley On !!!!
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Old 15-01-2010, 10:17   #39
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Smile Re: whalley to return?

Originally Posted by expatriate View Post
Good afternoon everyone. And a very very happy new year to you all.

I have received a few emails privately and therefore, as usual, when the volume of enquiry is this heavy, and the subject is so open, I decided to come onto the forum and allow the largest audience of interested people to get a chance to see my view, and also to ask any other questions they might have......

......Accy Stanley are a community club in all respects. The club belongs to the people of the town, not to any one individual or company. My philosophy remains unchanged.

I hope this might help, but if you have other questions, please address them on this bulletin board.

Originally Posted by loweiy View Post
I went up to the ground today and had a chat with Lewis Carroll about the shop etc I must say again that Lew is a top chap ....... longest post since the days of S.O.S..................

I know that neither of you want/need any thanks, but, thanks for taking the time to post and taking the time to speak to people at the club

Cheers lads

19 Years in the Football League

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Old 09-02-2010, 19:45   #40
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Re: whalley to return?

Eric appears well out of it - Chesters game with Forrest Green is off tonight as allegedly the players won't play due to unkept promises.

Forest Green V Chester - The Football Forum - More Than Just A Game
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Old 09-02-2010, 19:47   #41
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Re: whalley to return?

Originally Posted by widnes viking View Post
Eric appears well out of it - Chesters game with Forrest Green is off tonight as allegedly the players won't play due to unkept promises.

Forest Green V Chester - The Football Forum - More Than Just A Game
Great minds think alike, was posting that on another thread at the same time
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