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Old 15-10-2009, 17:11   #1
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What next

Accrington Stanley may sell players Lancashire Telegraph - Accrington Stanley
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Old 15-10-2009, 17:30   #2
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Re: What next

Whilst I understand the cash flow situation and things are quite tight, we must hope that the club do not sell any of the players because we may have an outside chance of play offs. This can only generate further funds by increased crowds of a successful team.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 15-10-2009, 18:28   #3
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Re: What next

confusing signals abound - - - players not received full wages, seems we've just seen a glimmer of taxman light, other debts now declared to exist, unusual 'share' issue, ground improvements, buying the ground posibilities and now emphasising the player sale scenario. Am reminded of the 4 golden Galbraith years that saw us purchase a new stand in anticipation of a brighter future that never happened. C'mon Stanley learn the lessons - team first, asset building optional so long as team building not compromised.
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Old 15-10-2009, 20:45   #4
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Re: What next

The problem is any club who can't survive on gates alone, ( probably 99% of the football league) , have to sell to balance the books. The clever bit is getting a cheaper player to fill the boots of the ones who leave
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Old 15-10-2009, 20:48   #5
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Re: What next

Now is time to take stock, take a very deep breath sit down and come up with a serious medium term & long term business plan about what we have.

There always seems to be an idea of if we get Utd in the FA Cup 3rd Round, if such & such a Club comes in for so and so.

Lets just build slowly on what we have got and get the simple things right first!

If any of the above happens it is an unexpected bonus and should be treated as such
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Old 15-10-2009, 20:52   #6
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Re: What next

if any of the above happens it will be used to balance the books first!

clear ALL the debts and then we save money on interest and penalties.
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Old 15-10-2009, 21:03   #7
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Re: What next

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
if any of the above happens it will be used to balance the books first!

clear ALL the debts and then we save money on interest and penalties.
Don't disagree, but if we are a business/brand with a plan going forward, we won't have the debts will we?
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Old 15-10-2009, 21:21   #8
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Re: What next

footy is sell save sell save sell save . its no more playing 4 the club you play then get good then sold thats footy today .
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Old 15-10-2009, 22:00   #9
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Re: What next

Originally Posted by Pendle Red View Post
There always seems to be an idea of if we get Utd in the FA Cup 3rd Round, if such & such a Club comes in for so and so
If that happened what's the betting that another mysterious directors loan would appear on the balance sheet.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 16-10-2009, 16:31   #10
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Re: What next

As a Lincoln City fan who experienced a similar situation in 2000, although perhaps not quite as severe. I think clubs really to need to cut their cloth according to their situation, players are really the only assets that a club own and if they are good enough to be sold on then they probably need to be. There are 23 clubs in League 2 who have to be selling teams to make ends meet, but as someone mentioned above the idea is to replace them with players who are cheaper but just as good or better.

League 2 Football Blogs -
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Old 16-10-2009, 20:27   #11
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Re: What next

totally agree however to replace better quality players at Stanley at a lesser cost would be difficult if not nigh on impossible due to the low wages
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Old 16-10-2009, 20:58   #12
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Re: What next

Our manager John Coleman does seem to find them quite often.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 16-10-2009, 21:01   #13
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Re: What next

We provide a starting point for disappointed youngsters, recently released by bigger clubs. Chris Turner being one, who can work hard and make their way back up the leagues the hard way.

Out of the few hundred 17 and 18 year-olds released every season, a small amount will make it up the leagues to the Premiership, and many more will make a living out of football.

All clubs in the lower leagues will have a look at some of these youngsters, many will give them a chance in the hope the youngsters turn out to be gems, with a big sell-on fee, putting money into the club and ensuring the cycle continues.

Thats life at the bottom, it always has been.
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Old 18-10-2009, 11:25   #14
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Re: What next

I think it is inevitable that if we get through the tax debt problem and into the January transfer window any decent offer for the likes of Symes, Grant, Turner or Ryan would be impossible to turn down, for financial reasons alone, assuming the player embargo is lifted with the threat of the winding up order gone. It would be a great shame because in my opinion this is the best side we have ever had at the Crown Ground and it is probably one of the cheapest since we went full time. This being true then I am sure Coley, Jimmy and their contacts can help replace any players with ones good enough to help us maintain steady affordable progress.
Whilst dreams of a play-off place would be fantastic I do feel that this would only jepordise the clubs future once again if hopes of greater things are dashed on the rocks of a play-off failure. Our floating fans want to watch a good game of football but seem to be easily put off once the team fails to thrash all comers. A steady increase in achievement season on season whilst playing attractive football would be the ideal. The fan base would hopefully grow steadily but strongly as people become passionate about watching regardless and not just in search of the quick fix of a five - nil trouncing of that day's opposition. Promotion to League One at this stage would bring with it two senario's
1) we keep the same squad who will all require paying more anyway because we are at a higher level but we get bounced every week back into League two as a consequence crowds drop and debt returns.
2) we have to buy better players thus increasing debt, the crowds will not grow to cover this cost because we will inevitably only be good enough to finish in the lower reaches of that very strong Division and relatively new fans will probably drift away as the thrill of winning every week is taken away from them.

Let's set reallistic hopes for this season

1) Hope we have a football club on the 1st of November

2) Pardon the cliche but take each game as it comes- ie. lets hope we beat Shrewsbury on Tuesday and have a bumper JPT 3rd round against Bury at the Crown where we can show our appreciation to one of our greatest allies in the fight to raise finance for the SOS Fund and beat their team of course (sorry one game at a time).

3) Hope we continue to play attractive exciting football for at least one half of every game and keep /increase the support of new fans, even if like yesterday we are the better side but we lose.

4) Hope as a consequence of (3) we avoid relegation as early as possible.

I think anything else this season would be far too much to hope for (using that word far too much) and would be the most immense bonus, besides we do have to save some hope for hoping England will win the World Cup at the end of the season, we musn't be greedy. :-)
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Old 18-10-2009, 11:41   #15
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Re: What next

That, Minister Onymfo, is absolutely spot on.
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