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Old 20-11-2005, 12:13   #61
Full Member

Smile Re: where's the roof? (merged)

I have heard on the roofvine that THE ROOF, currently situate in Barbados, is not a happy spectator cover. The weather is so good out there that it has had few chances to test its metal. A transfer request is in the offing and I believe Frickley have put a five bob bid in to test the water (where the roof leaks). Other clubs are gathering like vultures to try and secure the services, on the cheap, of our mythical, almost legendary, structure. Meanwhile, the Ultras drum-skins deteriorate daily after every downpour. A task force should be sent, Falklands style, to capture and return the roof to our fans. It's a straight ruthless or roofless!
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Accrington Web
Old 20-11-2005, 12:41   #62
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SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: where's the roof? (merged)

Does this mean the ultras are now going to war?

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 21-11-2005, 09:59   #63
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Re: where's the roof? (merged)

Well, Rob, are you going to tell us what happened at last Thursday's meeting with the LCC or is it a secret?
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Old 21-11-2005, 12:31   #64

Angry Re: where's the roof? (merged)

Aye C'mon. Did the meeting take please and what transpired?????????????? Still at Square One?
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Old 21-11-2005, 14:58   #65
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Re: where's the roof? (merged)

Info on fishy site now. Not just a roof, but a new bar area too. Whay-hey!Cheers for that, Rob.
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Old 21-11-2005, 15:43   #66
Full Member

Re: where's the roof? (merged)

We are still confident that we can achieve this by the end of the season.
Same answer as usual then. end of season, before winter and many more.

Some people seem easy to please with the same answer we have had many times. If there is no start date then the chances of it being done this season are poor to say the least.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
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Old 21-11-2005, 17:55   #67
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Re: where's the roof? (merged)

been taking your daily dose of pessimism i see, 'Someone'


come on accy, this is our season - roof or no roof
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Old 21-11-2005, 20:14   #68
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Re: where's the roof? (merged)

Originally Posted by Someone
Some people seem easy to please with the same answer we have had many times.
I don't know about being easy to please, Someone, but I am pleased...pleased that the club I love is making the sort of progress, both on and off the field, that we could only dream about a few seasons ago.

The dedicated people who run this club are on a steep learning curve and it's only natural that they will make a few mistakes along the way. After all, they are in uncharted waters.

They are also ambitious and this may sometimes cause them to promise us things that take longer to materialise than they - and we - anticipated.

However, I have every faith that in time they will fufill those promises and achieve all that we desire from a roof over the Clayton End to a place in the football league.

Call me easy to please, even call me gullible if you want, Someone, but I would rather have a cherished dream in my heart than a cynical sneer on my lips.

Don't just keep the faith...spread it.
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Old 21-11-2005, 20:18   #69
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Re: where's the roof? (merged)

Thats the Ultra Spirit

On Stanley On

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 21-11-2005, 20:39   #70
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Re: where's the roof? (merged)

Amen to that Wynonie

Best Drummer in the land
The Day The Ultras Formed The Cowshed Choir
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Old 21-11-2005, 20:57   #71
Full Member

Re: where's the roof? (merged)

The club give you the same old excuse and your "wheres the roof" campaign dies a death.

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
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Old 21-11-2005, 21:15   #72
Senior Member+

Re: where's the roof? (merged)

Well we have been given an answer, if it isn't constructed by end of the season as the club say then question again will be inevitabely asked...
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Old 21-11-2005, 21:47   #73
Full Member+

Re: where's the roof? (merged)

I, for one, am disappointed at the continual delays.

In December 2003, Eric said the roof was our #1 priority and that "We expect the construction work to be carried out at the end of the season, all ready for the 2004/05 campaign".

In May, it was "we are optimistic that work will start on the covering for the clayton Terrace early in June. The structural calculations that we were waiting for are now all but complete and as soon as they are passed by the building inspector we can order the steelwork and start to lay the concrete foundations. The work has taken longer than we had initially hoped, however this is mainly down to getting the work done at the right price. The people involved with these projects have saved us thousands of pounds and it is unfair of anyone to criticise them because we haven't had things ready as quickly as we wanted. If money was no object I am sure we could have got things moving much sooner, but there is no grant funding available for Nationwide Conference clubs at the moment and so this means that the club must pay the full amount for the developments".

It can only appear that the club's primary objective is to hope that we are promoted to the Football League and that we will get the additional funding that has already been cited for the Whinney Hill side development.

If the gates are not high enough to afford such expenditures at the moment and that the very real possibility of being promoted means that it is better to wait and spend the money on wages now and receive the grants on promotion later, I wish the club would just say so. They have said the same thing about the Whinney Hill side development and we are all grown-up enough to understand such an argument. But to be repeatedly strung along like this only leads to frustration and disappointment with each delay.
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Old 21-11-2005, 21:58   #74
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Re: where's the roof? (merged)

...its only a roof
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Old 22-11-2005, 16:11   #75
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Re: where's the roof? (merged)

At the end of the day, whilst the roof doesn't seem to be any nearer completion, there has definately been a lot of work done on getting a good squad together, surely this should be our priority anyway...?

Best Drummer in the land
The Day The Ultras Formed The Cowshed Choir
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