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Old 22-11-2005, 16:28   #76
Full Member

Re: where's the roof? (merged)

Then why did you all mention the roof in the first place if it isn't important to you?
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Old 22-11-2005, 18:55   #77
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Re: where's the roof? (merged)

my problem is not the roof or lack of it, it is the lack of information that comes out of the club. After whipping up a storm last week the club saw fit to tell us that they had a meeting on thursday to discuss the matter. The outcome of this meeting was not passed to the people until Monday. I know that the administration at Stanley have other jobs to do but it does not take long to tap up a little message. This is indicative of a lot of things at Stanley that could be done better by all, including us. I spoke on the Spreading the Gospel thread about getting in print more often and the club could be in the Telegraph every night if they so wished. The inclusion of a bar and refreshment area did not materialise on Thursday. It would have been mooted and planned weeks or months ago. Keep us informed please Stanley for we are the customers and your employers.
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Old 22-11-2005, 18:56   #78
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Re: where's the roof? (merged)

Yeah you're right...........

Where is that roof?

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Old 22-11-2005, 19:59   #79
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Question Re: where's the roof? (merged)

Sounds to me like the club havent just got a roof planned for the Clayton End but something a whole lot more professional AND bigger - a whole new stand - which is maybe the reason for the delays...

Jimbo T blower

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Old 22-11-2005, 20:36   #80
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SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: where's the roof? (merged)

If they are dithering over the roof to see if they can finance a stand then why wont they admit to it? Its dragging on and people are getting a bit fed up with the carry on.

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