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Old 07-01-2016, 19:41   #106
Junior Member

Re: Windass and Crooks.............

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Thats the difference mate yeh acted within existing rules, which to anyone with a grain of sense, are poor at the best, and only a club with no class would do it the way rangers have imho.
We sent the club an email saying we are looking to talk to them, what more could you want, the full contract details? The way your director is acting on twitter is classless if anything. I don't see the reasoning for such a large amount of abuse towards Rangers, we never wrote the rules. If it makes us "classless" so be it but I don't understand why they wished we communicated a contract through the club as it is between the player and Rangers, nothing to do with Stanley as they already knew they wanted to leave.
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Old 07-01-2016, 19:47   #107
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Re: Windass and Crooks.............

Originally Posted by LD72 View Post
We sent the club an email saying we are looking to talk to them, what more could you want, the full contract details? The way your director is acting on twitter is classless if anything. I don't see the reasoning for such a large amount of abuse towards Rangers, we never wrote the rules. If it makes us "classless" so be it but I don't understand why they wished we communicated a contract through the club as it is between the player and Rangers, nothing to do with Stanley as they already knew they wanted to leave.
it does make you classless, if yeh think thats the way to do things, says even more to me that you are failing to grasp this. so be it.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 07-01-2016, 19:56   #108
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Re: Windass and Crooks.............

Originally Posted by LD72 View Post
We sent the club an email saying we are looking to talk to them, what more could you want, the full contract details? The way your director is acting on twitter is classless if anything. I don't see the reasoning for such a large amount of abuse towards Rangers, we never wrote the rules. If it makes us "classless" so be it but I don't understand why they wished we communicated a contract through the club as it is between the player and Rangers, nothing to do with Stanley as they already knew they wanted to leave.
Jesus Christ - A Rangers Fan calling one of our Directors "classless"

Most of yours are in Barlinnie
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Old 07-01-2016, 19:57   #109
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Re: Windass and Crooks.............

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
it does make you classless, if yeh think thats the way to do things, says even more to me that you are failing to grasp this. so be it.
You are failing to grasp the concept of the Bosman ruling "" Like I said, we notified the club we were engaging in discussions, what more could the club want? You offered them a contract, they rejected it, we offered them one and they accepted it, get over it. Its just sheer bitterness now as yous are losing out on a fee.
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Old 07-01-2016, 19:59   #110
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Re: Windass and Crooks.............

Originally Posted by LD72 View Post
We sent the club an email saying we are looking to talk to them, what more could you want, the full contract details? The way your director is acting on twitter is classless if anything. I don't see the reasoning for such a large amount of abuse towards Rangers, we never wrote the rules. If it makes us "classless" so be it but I don't understand why they wished we communicated a contract through the club as it is between the player and Rangers, nothing to do with Stanley as they already knew they wanted to leave.
Rangers might not have, technically, done anything wrong but surely there is a certain moral etiquette that should be observed - I would have thought that with all the dodgy dealings etc that have been associated with your club & what your fans have had to go through because of such goings on that Rangers fans would have some empathy with our fans who feel rightly aggrieved at the way Stanley have been treated
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Old 07-01-2016, 19:59   #111
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Re: Windass and Crooks.............

Not bitterness at all its fairness summat you dont seem to be able to grasp.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 07-01-2016, 20:03   #112
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Re: Windass and Crooks.............

Originally Posted by LD72 View Post
We were in no way obligated to communicate through AS and despite that we still sent an e-mail saying we are going to talk to them.
So why is your director saying we are classless etc? Thousands of clubs sign players on pre-contracts every year, what makes it so bad that we done it?
That's the key issue in the whole scenario.......instead of asking politely if Rangers could speak to the pair ( which I'm sure if an e-mail was indeed sent, nobody in the higher infrastructure of A.S.F.C. would have objected to, ) your club has just imposed its will regardless.

As for "thousands of clubs" signing players on pre-contracts, methinks that is a somewhat exaggerated statement. It happens.....but most clubs use a bit of diplomacy when approaching such a situation, i.e. asking politely for permission to speak to the player(s).

That is why it is "classless".

And response to your "edit"....I know the F.I.F.A. rules regarding this situation. The whole scenario is down to a third rate Belgian lower league footballer, who in his eyes, wanted the right to free movement at the end of a contract. The fact that Bosman opened up a whole financial can of worms for smaller clubs seems to be forgotten.

The reality that the scenario can be exploited is what sticks in the throat. You've cherry picked our two key performers; and got them both for what will probably amount to be next to nothing when compensation is awarded. At a time in the season where the whole situation could possibly de-rail our promotion bid.

Rangers have just ridden roughshod over A.S.F.C. to secure their signatures get two promising young footballers on the cheap.

Thats why it stinks.
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Old 07-01-2016, 20:05   #113
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Re: Windass and Crooks.............

Originally Posted by AccyMad View Post
Rangers might not have, technically, done anything wrong but surely there is a certain moral etiquette that should be observed - I would have thought that with all the dodgy dealings etc that have been associated with your club & what your fans have had to go through because of such goings on that Rangers fans would have some empathy with our fans who feel rightly aggrieved at the way Stanley have been treated
We showed morale etiquette by emailing yous which we were in no way obligated today, I genuinely don't understand what else you expected us to do. Stanley haven't been treated in any way badly, yes I understand you will be gutted at losing two good players for next to nothing, but that is in no way Rangers or Warburtons fault.
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Old 07-01-2016, 20:15   #114
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Re: Windass and Crooks.............

I am trying to keep out of this as much as possible since I follow both clubs and have done for quite a few years but part of the problem here is that it's Accy Stanley and the way things are done can often seem far removed from the real world at times.

That is part of the magic about Stanley and part of the the reason people are attracted to them. Football like other businesses have moved on and changed and not always for the better. Pre Bosman Clubs could effectively freeze players out of the game by retaining their registrations and not allowing them to sign for other clubs but still not pay them. That suited clubs becuase players either had to sign new contracts or not get paid if they couldn't find a club to pay for them. Post Bosman and European employment law the balance has swung the other way and now players hold all the cards and agents hawk them around clubsfor more money and a percentage.

On the question of how Rangers approached this, and I would say this about any other team too, is the way businesses conduct affairs. gone are the days of telephone calls and chats as well as letters. Business is conducted by email in the real world. I don't go into work to a pile of letters or telephone messages it's dozens of emails. I don't get bills through the post anymore it's emails, bank statements - nope emails and as for payslips at work more bloody emails.

If rangers were trying to sign them other than by a Bosman then yes I would agree that they way it was done would be wrong but that's not the case. I have also watched Rangers lose players under a Bosman or have to be sold for less than their worth because the contract was coming to an end and it is "annoying" but with European employment law it's unlikely this will change. It is more likely that transfer fees will be scraped altogether and that will have more effect.

The best outcome here is Stanley and Rangers agree a sensible fee given what the outcome will be in the summer and Coley gets the money to strengthen the team.

Getting back to the football I think it would be best to replace Windass with McCarten at least and perhaps Conneely could take over the Crooks role. What ever happens letts not forget that this is one of only two seasons where relegation is not an option. As I and others have said before losing player who have done well at the end of the season is nothing new and neither is replacing them. Now lets get back to following the team because this may be a setback but in terms of previous seasons it pales into insignificance because the club is safe and debt free unlike some previous years.
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Old 07-01-2016, 20:38   #115
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Re: Windass and Crooks.............

Rangers are only following rules mark Warburton is professional as they come. This story appeared months ago,so why all the furore now I remember reading along the same lines that rangers were very interested that was in November. The last time rangers were interested in a player ,the team from the dark side ,(Celtic) signed him and have left him on the bench. That is why rangers don't conduct their business in public. If Stanley could do this they would or should because it would be in the best interests of Stanley as a club to get the best deal for themselves . the best scenario would be rangers give Stanley 200,000 tax bill paid play a friendly raise a bit more cash for Stanley. Plus it would be a good excuse to pop down to accy .
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Old 07-01-2016, 20:38   #116
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Re: Windass and Crooks.............

It matters not what happens now, it cannot be changed, what matters is the second half of this season,simple as, we just gotta keep at it and see where it takes us,
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Old 07-01-2016, 20:41   #117
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Re: Windass and Crooks.............

What's done is done just think the extra revenue Stanley will get when every rangers supporter in a 30 mile radius pops over to see Josh and crooks.
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Old 07-01-2016, 20:42   #118
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Re: Windass and Crooks.............

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
It matters not what happens now, it cannot be changed, what matters is the second half of this season,simple as, we just gotta keep at it and see where it takes us,
Indeed it is. One things for sure it won't be down and there's still no reason it can't be up.
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Old 07-01-2016, 20:43   #119
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Re: Windass and Crooks.............

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
It matters not what happens now, it cannot be changed, what matters is the second half of this season,simple as, we just gotta keep at it and see where it takes us,
I have every confidence in coley finding replacement's and let's hope it spurs Stanley onwards and upwards.
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Old 07-01-2016, 20:55   #120
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Re: Windass and Crooks.............

My last words on the subject cos as others have said, what's done is done & we have to get on with our season but I can't help but wonder if Rangers fans would feel no wrong has been done if the boot was on the other foot?
Except that wouldn't happen because, despite their difficulties, Rangers are still seen as a big club & they & others like them will always be able to screw over smaller clubs like Stanley - it's just sad that it's allowed to happen but that's football & indeed life.
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