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01-06-2009, 19:30
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Re: Winding up proceedings
Originally Posted by Nickelson
He has already spoken on here saying he is prepared to put £200,000 in providing new shares are released.
That is NOT a CONTRIBUTION to the FIGHTING FUND, I am not familiar with the state school system but as an example your understanding is woeful.
01-06-2009, 19:53
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Re: Winding up proceedings
Originally Posted by Revived Red
Having been away over the weekend, I've had time to reflect and I'm only just catching up on the various posts. So, for what they are worth, herewith my latest thoughts.
1. About Eric's interview, the cost of the extra seats should have been budgeted over the three years we have been in the League. The club has always known (or should have known) the rules. Was it pinning its faith on a strange belief that somehow the Football League would bend its rules?
2. Still relating to that interview, we should not forget that the loss of revenue from Fraser Eagle's shirt sponsorship was the responsibility of the club. The club had assumed that the deal was longer than in fact it was.
3. Why has the club for so long ignored other possible income streams? This messageboard has been full of excellent ideas, especially from Macca.
4. What will the players be thinking? Those considering new contracts are hardly likely to put pen to paper in present circumstances. Those still under contract are more likely to look for offers from other clubs.
5. Elsewhere it has been noted that a potential sponsor has been put off by the betting scandal. I wonder if the reason, more specifically, was the scandal itself - or rather the club's handling of it.
6. This is the most crucial point. If Eric Whalley has brought us to this situation, how can he be expected to get us out of it? As many others have said, the accumulation of the debt would have been deliberate. Why was no action taken earlier? How can it be possible for action to be taken now that could not have been taken, say 6 months ago?
On point No 2 Revived Red, I think - And I may be wrong, if so I apologise now  - that the money lost fom F.E. is for the Stadium naming, not for the shirts and as F.E. have gone bust we will most likely not see a penny
As for post No 1 you are bang on the money, we have known for years. The rest of your points are also quite correct, though I do not know enough about some of the points in No 6 . All in all a sensible post...
19 Years in the Football League
Last edited by VALAIRIAN; 01-06-2009 at 19:58.
01-06-2009, 20:21
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Re: Winding up proceedings
Originally Posted by slerpy
I quote from another thread where Ilyas spoke of a fighting fund....
I am ready to lead the way with at least £250,000. And you can quote me on that.
, I am not familiar with the state school system but as an example your understanding is woeful.
For your information i have left state education. However one could think your understanding is woeful also. 
01-06-2009, 20:35
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Re: Winding up proceedings
Originally Posted by Nickelson
I quote from another thread where Ilyas spoke of a fighting fund....
For your information i have left state education. However one could think your understanding is woeful also. 
I dont think this is the place for bickering to be honest,
and Ilyas has to be thanked for coming on here and posting quite a frank, open and honest post regarding what alot of people have been thinking and talking about.
its good to read from the other page..
01-06-2009, 21:04
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Re: Winding up proceedings
I wasn't, i placed a smiley after my post.  (cheers for the karma btw.)
Yes Ilyas indeed provides us with info from the other side, compared to other sources. Him and SouthernRed have forged a strong link with the fans via this messageboard. Onceagain thank you Ilyas.
01-06-2009, 21:11
Accy Red
Re: Winding up proceedings
Originally Posted by Nickelson
Him and SouthernRed have forged a strong link with the fans via this messageboard.
I'd like Southern Red to have an input into what's going on at the moment, but I understand he may like to stay out of it.
"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
01-06-2009, 21:36
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Re: Winding up proceedings
i lov erick thanks 4 -10 start or kick out down to uinbond prm or north pay up thats all and stop monning its you club as you keep saying
01-06-2009, 21:47
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Re: Winding up proceedings
Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN
On point No 2 Revived Red, I think - And I may be wrong, if so I apologise now  - that the money lost fom F.E. is for the Stadium naming, not for the shirts and as F.E. have gone bust we will most likely not see a penny 
Thanks, Valairian. To be honest, I did wonder about that. But I discounted the possibility because I reckoned that the stadium sponsorship money for this season would have been paid already at the start of the season so would not affect the debt. But it was announced at the time that the income from the Combined Stabilisation shirt sponsorship would be far less than that expected from Fraser Eagle. So that would certainly affect this season's income.
In fact, we simply do not know. If it was indeed stadium sponsorship that was being referred to, one wonders how this was paid. Annually? At the start or end of the season? On 1 January? Or monthly? Again, all unknown. Well, unknown to me anyway.
02-06-2009, 01:52
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Re: Winding up proceedings
Just to clear up what was lost from Fraser Eagle in May 2008, from t'fishy site - The ground will continue to be known as the Fraser Eagle Stadium for the next three years, however the value to the club is less than 40% of the original six figure deal per year.
Full article -http://www.accringtonstanley.co.uk/index.php?main=news/archive.php (then find May 2008)
Agree with all of your points, btw, RR.
Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
02-06-2009, 09:25
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Re: Winding up proceedings
Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
02-06-2009, 09:59
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Re: Winding up proceedings
Originally Posted by Outback Ozzy
C'mon swallow your pride and listen to what the supporters and Ilyas have to say and what the club are being offered!!
I think that is where the problem lies. It is the CLUB that is being offered help not Eric. If we have a share issue then the money raised goes to the club and Eric still has his original shares unsold. What Eric would rather have is somebody come in and buy his shares then the money would go into his back pocket, but the club would still be in trouble. If we go down the road that Ilyas suggests Eric will still have his shares but would probably not be the major shareholder or be in sole control of the club. Decisions would have to be made by a vote and not just by him. I don't think he would like that, but at least the CLUB would benefit finacially by a share issue. As Ozzy says it is time for Eric to listen to what Ilyas is saying or his shares will end up being worth NOTHING.
02-06-2009, 12:31
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Re: Winding up proceedings
So where did the money from the game against Burnley go last year then?? eg. If it was used to pay wages but this year it's going to the Taxman then where does the wage money come from??
Sounds a little like snubbing Peter to pay Paul!
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