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Old 09-06-2009, 20:27   #226
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Re: Winding up proceedings

so, having worked this out ...

provided that the club can continue making the same revenue as last year ... and having reduced the wage bill by approx £300,000 .. and provided all those figures are correct ... then we should easily manage the debt?

fair do's then!
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Old 09-06-2009, 20:45   #227
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Smile Re: Winding up proceedings

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
so, having worked this out ...

provided that the club can continue making the same revenue as last year ... and having reduced the wage bill by approx £300,000 .. and provided all those figures are correct ... then we should easily manage the debt?

fair do's then!
The way that I am looking at it Macca is this, EW has been to see the taxman last year and told him how he was going to sort out the debt we had then, after the WUO being issued last week, I would have thought that when EW went to see the taxman last week that what EW had to say would have been triple checked for its validity this time!!! So in essence, if the taxman is happy then I am happy

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Old 09-06-2009, 20:57   #228
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Re: Winding up proceedings

Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN View Post
The way that I am looking at it Macca is this, EW has been to see the taxman last year and told him how he was going to sort out the debt we had then, after the WUO being issued last week, I would have thought that when EW went to see the taxman last week that what EW had to say would have been triple checked for its validity this time!!! So in essence, if the taxman is happy then I am happy
well i aint happy Valarian, will the complete abscense of dialogue with the people who offer to help n the rank n file supporters.
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Old 09-06-2009, 21:08   #229
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Smile Re: Winding up proceedings

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
well i aint happy Valarian, will the complete abscense of dialogue with the people who offer to help n the rank n file supporters.
Sorry Cashy, not understanding that! Please explain

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Old 10-06-2009, 09:49   #230
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Re: Winding up proceedings

Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN View Post
Sorry Cashy, not understanding that! Please explain
What Cashman means that the club/directors/chairman have not talked to the group of supporters or Ilyas in a meaningful way in how they could help overcome the situation we are now in. The club/directors/chairman have stated on a number of occasions they do not need outside intervention i.e. Ilyas putting in £250,000 because the strings attached were that a rights issue of shares had to be issued and that would mean Eric losing overall control of the club.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
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Old 10-06-2009, 10:04   #231
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Re: Winding up proceedings

Although Stanley is in my blood, being isolated down in Surrey (and shortly to move near to other Stanley fans on the south coast), I do not know the personalities involved. However, from a distance and with no antagonisms in my bagage, I venture to voice a few thoughts. 1) EW and the board obviously would want to manage the situation themselves if possible. 2) The situation cannot be entirely (if at all) of their own making. 3) If the proposed take-over is still 'on', then possibly it is not appropriate timing to be including Ilyas and an official fans' company. 4) Having said that, the club must recognise that fans involvement is much deeper than collective big money (gate receipts). As Cashy has intimated, the 'club' needs to be as touchy-feely with supporters as possible if the drift to B'burn/Burnley is to be stemmed. 5) Once the new fans' company is reality and pledges collected, there can be no excuse for the board not to say why they are ignoring / rejecting help, otherwise they don't deserve customers on a matchday. 6) At the moment season ticket holders may have paid to watch kids in Stanley shirts get hammered every week, so the Google Page Ranking machine needs to wake up and smell the coffee (thanks to whoever posted that super phrase ! ). Can I go back to sleep now ? - us old uns need it y'know ).
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Old 10-06-2009, 16:11   #232
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Smile Re: Winding up proceedings

Originally Posted by Outback Ozzy View Post
What Cashman means that the club/directors/chairman have not talked to the group of supporters or Ilyas in a meaningful way in how they could help overcome the situation we are now in. The club/directors/chairman have stated on a number of occasions they do not need outside intervention i.e. Ilyas putting in £250,000 because the strings attached were that a rights issue of shares had to be issued and that would mean Eric losing overall control of the club.
Thanks for that I am only happy with the outcome of the taxman.... I am as unhappy as everybody else with how the "Club" ignore the "Fans" and "Supporters" Lets just hope that we will soon be seeing some changes.......

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Old 10-06-2009, 17:19   #233
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Re: Winding up proceedings

Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN View Post
Thanks for that I am only happy with the outcome of the taxman.... I am as unhappy as everybody else with how the "Club" ignore the "Fans" and "Supporters" Lets just hope that we will soon be seeing some changes.......
only just come back but outback ozzy has pretty much explained it. cheers outback, just read the winding up has been postponed fer 12 months, so that "Should" be a good starting point, but pardon my cynicism, i doubt if it will.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 10-06-2009, 18:47   #234
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Smile Re: Winding up proceedings

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
only just come back but outback ozzy has pretty much explained it. cheers outback, just read the winding up has been postponed fer 12 months, so that "Should" be a good starting point, but pardon my cynicism, i doubt if it will.
Cheers Cashy

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Old 10-06-2009, 22:25   #235
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Re: Winding up proceedings

Heys hails Accrington supporters

Published: 10/06/2009

Accrington chief executive Rob Heys has paid tribute to the "fighting fund" set up by supporters to help aid the cash-strapped club.
Club shareholder Ilyas Khan looks set to start the fund with £250,000, while Lancashire Telegraph columnist Stephen Lowe has volunteered to become a director of the new company.
Stanley were issued with a winding up order last month due to an unpaid £300,000 tax bill but the High Court hearing was adjourned after they put forward proposals to HM Revenue and Customs about clearing the debt over the next 12 months in instalments and Heys said: "It's been set up by a local businessman but how he'd like to distribute it is yet to be decided."
Speaking to PA Sport, Heys continued: "I think he's looking perhaps to alter the allocation of shares in the club so there's still quite a bit of talking to be done about how that will be used, but just the fact that it's there is encouraging.
"I think the club will get itself out of the situation that we're in and we've obviously shown that to the Revenue but it does mean cutting costs, and something like the fighting fund would help us because we wouldn't have to perhaps cut our costs quite as dramatically, so obviously any money that's coming into the club can only be a good thing for Accrington Stanley."
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Old 10-06-2009, 23:07   #236
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Re: Winding up proceedings

wow, an acknowledgement of its existence!

somebody had to say something and I thought they would wait until a formal approach had been made. But the early signs are encouraging.
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Old 10-06-2009, 23:52   #237
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Re: Winding up proceedings

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
wow, an acknowledgement of its existence!

somebody had to say something and I thought they would wait until a formal approach had been made. But the early signs are encouraging.
Couldnt agree more, lets hope it moves forward with a little more urgency on the Clubs part. Because,lets be honest, the sooner the club is back on an 'even keel' the better for all, and fans. Feeling quite a bit more optimistic now


Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

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Old 10-06-2009, 23:54   #238
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Re: Winding up proceedings

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
only just come back but outback ozzy has pretty much explained it. cheers outback, just read the winding up has been postponed fer 12 months, so that "Should" be a good starting point, but pardon my cynicism, i doubt if it will.
No problems Cashy

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
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Old 11-06-2009, 15:58   #239
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Smile Re: Winding up proceedings

Originally Posted by mab View Post
Heys hails Accrington supporters

Published: 10/06/2009

Accrington chief executive Rob Heys has paid tribute to the "fighting fund" set up by supporters to help aid the cash-strapped club.
Club shareholder Ilyas Khan looks set to start the fund with £250,000, while Lancashire Telegraph columnist Stephen Lowe has volunteered to become a director of the new company.
Stanley were issued with a winding up order last month due to an unpaid £300,000 tax bill but the High Court hearing was adjourned after they put forward proposals to HM Revenue and Customs about clearing the debt over the next 12 months in instalments and Heys said: "It's been set up by a local businessman but how he'd like to distribute it is yet to be decided."
Speaking to PA Sport, Heys continued: "I think he's looking perhaps to alter the allocation of shares in the club so there's still quite a bit of talking to be done about how that will be used, but just the fact that it's there is encouraging.
"I think the club will get itself out of the situation that we're in and we've obviously shown that to the Revenue but it does mean cutting costs, and something like the fighting fund would help us because we wouldn't have to perhaps cut our costs quite as dramatically, so obviously any money that's coming into the club can only be a good thing for Accrington Stanley."
Nice to see that the club knows we are hear, and lets face it, if Rob Heys is talking about it, then Eric is aware fully of it and must in his own mind know it is a way forward, or we would have had the flippant "We don't need anybody else's cash - we can sort it out ourselves" A possible break through Onward and upward

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Old 11-06-2009, 19:29   #240
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Re: Winding up proceedings

Or it could just be £££ they see, it's always clever not to upset your boss or your new boss.

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