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Old 03-09-2009, 14:06   #16
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MCR ADIM's Avatar

Re: wristbands

They are like the yellow Livestrong ones
Livestrong wristband

but they will proberly be in red
Stanley Ultra's Red and White Army

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Old 03-09-2009, 14:09   #17
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Re: wristbands

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
They'd sell for a minimum of a £1 though and we could perhaps sell them to retailers in the town at that price and allow them to sell at £1.50. Could be a decent hit?

That ones lost on me. People can buy them anywhere for a £1 except for the shops in Accrington who will need to buy them to resell at £1.50

In Dragon Den's style I would have to say 'I'm Out'
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Old 03-09-2009, 14:44   #18
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Re: wristbands

i was thinking out loud Dave and didn't use grammar reet.

We'd have to set a price of x but anyone wanting to buy say 25 would get them cheaper. They could donate any profit back if they wanted or its theirs for their trouble.

We would sell far more if we could get them on every counter in town.
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Old 03-09-2009, 14:49   #19
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Re: wristbands

Crackin' idea.
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Old 03-09-2009, 14:50   #20
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Re: wristbands

If you are going to embark upon this, then you need to spread the wares as far as possible....have them available in pubs, local paper shops, post offices......the more accessible they are, the more people will buy them.....please don't limit them to the Accrington Stanley shop.....many people who have little interest in football, but who would buy these to ensure ASFC doesn't go under, would not go to the shop to buy them, but would buy them from their local paper shop/post office/pub.

I have no interest in football, but would buy some of these as a sign of solidarity.
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Old 03-09-2009, 14:56   #21
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Re: wristbands

Originally Posted by LongLostSon View Post
too long in the tooth to know exactly what a wristband is (tennis player's swet mopperupper ?) - whatever, my point is I would prefer the word 'forever' to follow AS rather than 'save' in front on the actual band - no lasting evidence of the begging bowl motive. Just a thought.
But we 'wrinklies' MUST stick together LLS !! and take some sort of a join me in saying to Macca 'What a great go for it!'. I'll have 20 (10 for each wrist!!)...Alfred.E. will take five!!..don't know where HE will wear 'em though!, but then he's not worried !.
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Old 03-09-2009, 14:57   #22


Re: wristbands

I'd go for this one Rob. A nice decent Red and White band - On Stanley On. Pride of Lancashire and the rest.....pity the club never come up with the idea for the mass fundraiser.........

Nice one Rob...

Get Accy Ladies out on match days selling them to the away crowd

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 03-09-2009, 15:09   #23
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Re: wristbands

Like this ??

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Old 03-09-2009, 15:25   #24
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Re: wristbands

Well I for one will have 3 off (for now) you when you get them.

Have just had a facebook request for "save accrington stanley" group, may be worth posting on their about the idea etc, might get sales through that aswell
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Old 03-09-2009, 15:33   #25
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Re: wristbands

Do you know how long it would take for it go from order to on the wrist macca? Obviously time is of the essence in the current climate.
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Old 03-09-2009, 15:51   #26
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Local Red's Avatar

Re: wristbands

I'd have a couple (at least) and I think a lot would be bought by the Bury fans at the Darlington match too. (Might be a bit short notice though)
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Old 03-09-2009, 15:57   #27
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Re: wristbands

Originally Posted by MCR ADIM View Post
Best ways to sell them would be Ebay and Club shop. Because if you go up to club shop and buy one you might see something else you want to buy thus giving more money to the club!
Yup and with a busy day at the club shop it might make £10 !

They need to be in every pub every corner shop every market stall
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Old 03-09-2009, 16:15   #28
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Re: wristbands


DAny at the Observer contacted me within minutes of the thread going live and will publicise through the paper (next week)

Dan at 2BR contacted me within minutes of the thread going live and I have done a quick appeal for sponsorship - that will be going out all day tomorrow.

thanks guys it means a lot.

As far as turn around goes the quickest I can get them is 7 days by paying an extra seventy quid.

Without the means to pay for it the last resort will be the OSC meeting on monday night (or it could be the week after - I'll check). I'll see what transpires when the appeal for sponsorship goes out but in the meantime I will contact enough regular attendees of the meetings to push through a 'vote' on whether to pay for it ourselves should money not be forthcoming. IT WILL HAPPEN.

So hopefully I can order them on monday at the latest and have them the week after.

WHAT I NEED FROM YOU GUYS - Could anyobdy who will be able to spare me the following saturday morning please volunteer their services. I will knock up some leaflets outlining the proposal and I need folk to visit EVERY shop in and around Accy town centre to ask if they will buy a small quantity to put on their counter. There are more than 200 counters in Accy town centre and if they all buy 10 we are on a winner. If enough people come forward then it will take no more than an hour - but if only one comes forward it will take days.

If you can't do that then please approach your papershop, butcher, hairdresser, publican, etc etc and ask them - IT'S NOT JUST THE TOWN CENTRE

let's all get on this and try to sell the 3000 before we even get them!
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Old 03-09-2009, 16:33   #29
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Re: wristbands

Cracking idea Rob,
Just a thought - would it not be better if you just give each shop 20 or 30 then collect the money the week after, that way the shop doesn't need to buy them, you might get more shops to put them on the counter if they haven't to pay up front for something they might not sell "they should but think how the shop keeper might think about it)
10 might be OK for your shops out the way like up Warner St for example, 10 should sell in mins in the shops on Broadway Etc, so how many will they need to take?? 50? 100? thats my point, will they cough up £50 or £100

Last edited by K.S.H; 03-09-2009 at 16:36.
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Old 03-09-2009, 17:30   #30
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Re: wristbands

i get the thought Ken but I'm also thinking practically and we want the money now!

the other thought is that I don't want to have to go around the shops every other day to collect money etc but it is easier to leave my number and they can ring me to replenish stock on a daily basis if necessary (I'm only around the corner).
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