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Old 28-05-2010, 19:21   #16
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K.S.H's Avatar


If you have purchased any item from the store over the last month
I have but no-one took any details off me
or purchased a season ticket. Have a look at your season ticket number or the 3/4 digit number on your receipt, this is your membership number.
Bought season ticket over phone, there not out yet so I can't check number, no receipt, if same as old season ticket then I'll have to nip up Whinney hill tip and try and find it

On the drop down option on the login menu, change the option to client ref/postcode and you should be able to enter without the need for a password. You can then change or reset your password from there. If your struggling, email me your name (real) and not your forum name of course and I will get it resolved for you.
Still not letting me in, tried season ticket for this season (IF I remembered number correctly!)
Email sent

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Accrington Web
Old 28-05-2010, 19:35   #17
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I've solved it Lew, now logged in OK

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Old 28-05-2010, 20:53   #18


just registered. looks good.
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Old 28-05-2010, 21:30   #19
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Called at the Stanleystore today and spoke to a very tired but excited Lew!!He'd been up to all hours trying to get the webstore up and running these last few weeks, and to top it off he had two sales from fans using the new layout with in acouple of hours of the site being up and runningand in the post all before midday.The futures looking good
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
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Old 28-05-2010, 21:47   #20
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Cool Re:

Originally Posted by mab View Post
called at the stanleystore today and spoke to a very tired but excited lew!!he'd been up to all hours trying to get the webstore up and running these last few weeks, and to top it off he had two sales from fans using the new layout with in acouple of hours of the site being up and runningand in the post all before midday.the futures looking good


19 Years in the Football League

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Old 29-05-2010, 09:35   #21
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Slightly confused; was told by Commercial Team that last year's season ticket number would be the ASFC number for life?? My lad was no 2. I've tried to add him to my new account and he's been allocated another number??

Also you're ready to sell tickets for the Burnley home game on the 27th of July. You sure this date is correct?? It's been in the press and on Southport's official site that we play at Haig Ave that night. Surely we won't have enough players to make two teams up???
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Old 29-05-2010, 16:30   #22
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Site looks great.

Registered no problem.
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Old 30-05-2010, 19:56   #23
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Problem I was having was the email, I filled in the "Email me my details"
I did receive an email but it appeared to be blank, image not showing so selected "View>Load images" (In evolution)
Still blank apart from the new logo
Tried again - same thing
Then I decided to highlight all the email and the text shown up
So - I received an email with an image with a white background and the text was white

All sorted now

PS looking at my history I seem to have bought 23 season tickets for next season, not bad for £190

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Old 31-05-2010, 11:12   #24
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I'll have one off you Ken!!
email for all window cleaning quotes
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Old 01-06-2010, 09:53   #25
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That is looking like a mighty fine website. Been having a little play around with it, and I'm impressed... I like that web orders can now get names & numbers printed on shirts (makes me very tempted to get Fatso 42 on the back of one...). Seems to have a decent range of products on there, and is a huge improvement over the old store; that it now shows which products are currently available, and which, are sold out is a significant aspect that was always lacking from its previous incarnation. So. Yes, impressed. If the delivery speed is as efficient as the site I'll be a happy wombat.

Just one question; have kids' replica shirts always been so expensive? I was thinking of getting one for my daughter; the smallest is a 6 year old's and she's 5 (she can grow in to it a bit!), and that's £29.99, which is only a fraction lower than the price of an adults. Maybe it's always been that way, and I'll freely admit I've not looked in to the pricing of kids shirts before, but I'd have expected rather more difference in the prices...
All the best,

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Old 01-06-2010, 12:23   #26
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They was on about pricing of kids shirts on watchdog last weel Fatso, they have always been comparitivly expensive, n umbro n the companies that make em, use the excuses etc n say its justified. so aint down to stanley or any club. its the greedy pigs that manufacture em.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 01-06-2010, 15:49   #27
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Originally Posted by cashman View Post
They was on about pricing of kids shirts on watchdog last weel Fatso, they have always been comparitivly expensive, n umbro n the companies that make em, use the excuses etc n say its justified. so aint down to stanley or any club. its the greedy pigs that manufacture em.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to look and see if that's still on iPlayer. It'll be interesting to see what excuses the manufacturers use on Watchdog...

It does seem odd that, to all intents and purposes, they're near enough the same price for a 6 year old's as an adults. Especially when you bear in mind that of the difference in the prices paid by the punter, most of that will be the government's cut; the VAT. (In that adult's clothes have VAT at 17.5%, whereas children's clothes are zero rated.)
All the best,

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Old 01-06-2010, 16:31   #28

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Originally Posted by Fatso View Post
It does seem odd that, to all intents and purposes, they're near enough the same price for a 6 year old's as an adults. Especially when you bear in mind that of the difference in the prices paid by the punter, most of that will be the government's cut; the VAT. (In that adult's clothes have VAT at 17.5%, whereas children's clothes are zero rated.)
Adult shirt is £35.99 which is £30.63 with the VAT removed.
Junior shirt is £29.99 and zero VAT rated so the difference the club are charging in effect is 64p less for a kids shirt.

It does look like someone is ripping someone off somewhere.
How do the club justify 64p difference between the 2 shirts I wonder.

Maybe a club representative would like to explain how the 2 shirts only cost 64p difference to make?
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Old 01-06-2010, 17:00   #29
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The club don't make the shirts, Joma do though.
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Old 01-06-2010, 17:32   #30
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Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Adult shirt is £35.99 which is £30.63 with the VAT removed.
Junior shirt is £29.99 and zero VAT rated so the difference the club are charging in effect is 64p less for a kids shirt.

It does look like someone is ripping someone off somewhere.
How do the club justify 64p difference between the 2 shirts I wonder.

Maybe a club representative would like to explain how the 2 shirts only cost 64p difference to make?

And irrespective of whether the minuscule difference in price is down to the club, or the manufacturer, it's quite an anomaly. And the "excuse" given on Watchdog (just go to about 53 minutes in, if you want to go straight to the relevant bit) was very much of the "dog ate my homework" variety... essentially, it was down to the cost of designing the shirts, and transporting them... ho-hum...
All the best,

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