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Old 01-03-2017, 07:35   #46
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Re: Wycombe Wanderers Thread

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in years gone by didn't a player who gashed his head have to leave the pitch, sniff into the bottle of smelling salts, get some emergency stitches from the club doctor, then have some badly applied bandages wrapped round their bonce before returning several minutes later to a huge roar of the crowd and the flash bulbs of cameras from across the world getting the shot for next morning's papers?
Yesterday it was all done with the speed of an F1 pit stop and as much fuss as if Billy's sock tie had come loose.

I reckon they were wusses in "the good old days".
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Old 01-03-2017, 08:35   #47
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Re: Wycombe Wanderers Thread

think everyones said it. as for the beast scoring against us he,ll be dropping down the leagues hopefully soon. i imagine coley had teams he always scored against no matter who was marking him, its just one of those things. a bit like the doncaster game in a lot of ways. not too sure about the goalkeeping situation though as the lad seems more than a little shaky to me. maybe a game on the bench might help him.
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Old 01-03-2017, 08:51   #48
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Re: Wycombe Wanderers Thread

On reflection...and I haven't been looking at ' The Mirror' !. After 45 minutes of the teams matching each other on a dodgy surface ( but all praise to Buzzer for the pitch which he finally produced ,)..Wycombe showed why they are showing such excellent form in League Two...and Ade's second goal was a real gem !. However, the Reds can be pleased with their efforts and the result gained from these !.
I only hope that the pitch holds up for Saturday, if it does then a similar show from the team should be rewarded with the 3 points so desperately needed.

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Old 01-03-2017, 09:01   #49
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Re: Wycombe Wanderers Thread

barnet will be another side similar to wycombe with constant high balls into the box and scrapping for everything. hope the ref on saturday will be less tolarant on all the physical stuff and a main stand linesman who can get more than one decision correct in 90 odd mins.
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Old 01-03-2017, 09:14   #50
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Re: Wycombe Wanderers Thread

good morning Yonmon. "After 45 minutes of the teams matching each other on a dodgy surface".

Did you, perchance, slip a little brandy into ones flask of cocoa yesterday? Or maybe I did???

my impression was that we pretty much battered them in the first half and whilst the pitch looked bare in parts the ball ran true on it.
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Old 01-03-2017, 09:26   #51
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Re: Wycombe Wanderers Thread

Must agree wi LordD on this, at half time 2 or 3 nil would not have been unjust imho.
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Old 01-03-2017, 10:26   #52
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Re: Wycombe Wanderers Thread

Originally Posted by Lord Didsbury View Post
good morning Yonmon. "After 45 minutes of the teams matching each other on a dodgy surface".

Did you, perchance, slip a little brandy into ones flask of cocoa yesterday? Or maybe I did???

my impression was that we pretty much battered them in the first half and whilst the pitch looked bare in parts the ball ran true on it.
Having recently become a member of 'Alcoholics Unanimous ' ..( If you don't fancy an evening libation, then your 'AU' mentor phones you and persuades you to take one !)..I only
sip a small ''Absolut and It' after ten in the evening. So no Lord Didsbury, not a drop of Brandy touched my lips via that vilest of concoctions, namely the dreaded distillation of the Cacao Bean !.
However, I was, as I said, more than pleased with the overall performance from the Reds, against a not very Football-minded Wycombe and a Referee who was perhaps a trifle inconsistent supported by Assistants of a similar ilk !.
I am sure that you, Cashy, and all who attended will agree with me when I once again forward a word of appreciation to Buzzer for his sterling efforts to produce the playing surface we noted last evening....I was, and I'm not often, astonished at the way it played and stood up to the test.

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Old 01-03-2017, 10:30   #53
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Re: Wycombe Wanderers Thread

Yes, Buzzer deserves the freedom of the town.
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Last edited by Lord Didsbury; 01-03-2017 at 10:31. Reason: It's more like a village but let's go with town
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Old 01-03-2017, 10:51   #54
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Re: Wycombe Wanderers Thread

Originally Posted by Lord Didsbury View Post
Thought the ref was very good tonight. Let play flow and nurtured a good tempered game.
Sorry to disagree Lord D but IMHO he should have booked a couple of Wycombe players, (and possibly one of ours), in the first half in order to stop the constant pushing in the back of our lads. On the way home I called in to The Albion pub in Clayton to meet friends and in my brief report to them I commented about the number of fouls that I observed by Wycombe but also those that were not given. Quick as a flash one of my friends was on the BBC Sport website and quoted 15 fouls by Wycombe to only 8 by us. I reckon that you could have added another 15 to the Wycombe statistic. Also in the 89th minute on the half way line in front of the Cow Shed one of their lads should have been Red carded for a clear use of the elbow in the face of one of our players in a heading duel. No Red, not even a Yellow and not even a talking to! Unbelievable!
I can understand the desire for a continuous flowing game but surely the referee's job IMHO is to ensure a fair match by applying the laws and for the safety of the players. He failed on both counts as he allowed Wycombe to constantly cheat with their persistant 'niggly' pushes from behind and he also missed the Red card!

Having said all that, in the first half Matty Pearson seemed to have been assigned to employ Wycombe like tactics and to man mark Akinfenwa and he did so by reciprocating with similar 'pushing' tactics to Wycombe's! In the second half we went to sleep for two minutes and BANG, BANG we were behind! We battled on though and dug out a point.
I remember watching Wycombe's manager Gareth Ainsworth for many years as a skilful and cultured goal scoring forward who was still playing up to the age of about 39 and I used to wish that he could have played for us. I cannot believe that as a manager he uses such 'Ugly' football tactics as we saw last night. The constant hoofing of the ball up into the air was awful to watch and is not the way I would want my team to play. Coley said the same in his post match video on the fishy site. Some people would say that is effective and all that really matters is getting three points at the end of the match! I can understand that being the view of a manager and players who get paid by results but it is not what I want to watch as a paying customer.

Buzza and his helpers did a super job in getting the pitch fit in spite of the rain and the 'disappearing grass' which is beginning to look a bit thin! I think we have had the pitch relaid and reseeded three summers in succession now and I reckon that it should be left to grow thicker this summer and only have minimal remedial work done on it to repair and reseed the worst areas. The roots need to be allowed to thicken up into the sub soil and to build a thicker and stronger weave that will stand up to the winter weather better next season.

We should have won and earned three points last night.......
but we were not allowed to by poor refereeing and by awful tactics employed by last nights opponents.

We must ....
Trust in Coley and Jimmy's belief that 'Football' will win through...
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Last edited by choirboy; 01-03-2017 at 10:57.
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Old 01-03-2017, 19:07   #55
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Re: Wycombe Wanderers Thread

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
...not too sure about the goalkeeping situation though....
I suspect a few paid-up members of the Amalgamated Union of League Two Goalkeepers were on a work to rule last night. Watching the goals from other League 2 games there were some real howlers from some the lads between the posts.
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Old 01-03-2017, 19:49   #56
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Re: Wycombe Wanderers Thread

When considering the attributes required by a good league 2 striker, the following assets are surely paramount.
1. A master of deception.
2. The strength of an Ox.
3. More slippery than an eel.
4. As deadly as a King Cobra.
For all of the above, read Adebeyo Akinfenwa, a.k.a. - 'The Beast'
As his roly-poly frame waddles at walking pace across the field, lapping up the 'Who ate all the pies?' derision coming from opposition fans, he flatters to deceive (1)
When in possession of the ball, strong men just bounce off him (2)
Defenders tasked with marking him at corners, throw-ins etc. just can't seem to get a grip on his Billy Bunter frame (3)
Turn your back on him for a second & he strikes with the speed of a rattlesnake (4)
I'm sure that, following his release by the Wombles, a salary based on a cow pie (a la 'Desperate Dan') bonus scheme, would have tempted our nemesis to waddle round in a Stanley shirt causing mayhem in the oppositions penalty box.
Love him or loathe him, you can't help but admire The Incredible Hulk!
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Old 01-03-2017, 19:53   #57
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Re: Wycombe Wanderers Thread

Doubt very much if stanley could ever acquire the beast, he seems to favour sides playing down south.
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Old 01-03-2017, 19:55   #58
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Re: Wycombe Wanderers Thread

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Doubt very much if stanley could ever acquire the beast, he seems to favour sides playing down south.
True Cashy, but has he tasted a Hollands Steak n' Pepper pie?
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Old 01-03-2017, 20:06   #59
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Re: Wycombe Wanderers Thread

Originally Posted by Lord Stiffupperlip View Post
True Cashy, but has he tasted a Hollands Steak n' Pepper pie?
If he had it'd explain why he'd rather stay down south
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Old 01-03-2017, 20:30   #60
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Re: Wycombe Wanderers Thread

The Wycombe No 20 was earning a large amount of money 3 contracts ago.

Suspect Wycombe are paying "eye watering" and costly amounts of monies to a L2 southern based "talisman"
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