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Old 16-03-2006, 00:41   #31
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Re: Your vote for player of the year so far??

Rob has been a kingpin in our progress over the second half of the season. Paul has been a great captain & leader in the absence of Cav but has won for the last three years now. Time for a change & as a former keeper know that recognition at this post is very rare, plus lets hope both Rob & Charlton can see their way to a second season for him at the Interlink.
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Old 16-03-2006, 00:57   #32
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Re: Your vote for player of the year so far??

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
It doesn't matter what you say on here. Unless you are a
paid up member of the supporters club and attend the next meeting your vote counts for nought, unless you are a distant member, in which case arrangements are being made for you to vote by e-mail.

sorry but wrong.. this would be for the WWW player of the year thats been presented for the last three years and will be presented again this year at the same awards night as official and supporters club awards...

you do NOT have to be a member of the supporters club to vote for this one mate

official club awards , supporters club awards and WWW award...all presented on same night... we wont mention the junior awards
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Old 16-03-2006, 18:12   #33
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Re: Your vote for player of the year so far??

rob elliot for me very good saved us in last moments hopefully we'll have him next season
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Old 17-03-2006, 11:39   #34
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Re: Your vote for player of the year so far??

Not Elliot due to him not playing enough games but hes been top draw and not taking anything away from him. players that do deserve a mention are Stuart jones, Darren Ranolph & Anthony barry fair play to all 3 of them and all played supperbly in there time at the Crown Ground and of course the best captain in the league Cav not had the best of seasons for one reason or another but still a class act and top bloke. Then theres Edwards??? Welch??? Rocky??? Richardson???? Boco??? Mullers???? all worth there weight in gold and have all been a different class this season but God (Ian Craney) & the Scouse gorgie best (Gary roberts) have been something totally different and most games this season have really been on top of there game. Had call between them 2 but has to be........................ for his goals, assists, crosses and amazing trickery has to be the scouse bestie.
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Last edited by Cammy ASFC; 17-03-2006 at 11:43. Reason: need to add to the post
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Old 17-03-2006, 14:26   #35
I am Banned

Re: Your vote for player of the year so far??

Robert Elliot should be player of the year , a new addition to the squad hes highly skilled and in some matches kept the points 4 us!
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Old 28-03-2006, 18:42   #36
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Re: Your vote for player of the year so far??

Originally Posted by KIPAX
Its a bit early for player of the season even if it is "so far" .. the real player of the season for accy web will be held nearer to the end and have the same format as the last few years
Unfortunatly this will now not be happening unless someone steps in to buy the trophy and organise it this year as I am unable to do it due to time and money issues ....
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Old 28-03-2006, 21:17   #37
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Re: Your vote for player of the year so far??

Originally Posted by KIPAX
Unfortunatly this will now not be happening unless someone steps in to buy the trophy and organise it this year as I am unable to do it due to time and money issues ....
That's a shame Tony, you've done a good job in the past but maybe a few of us could get together and chip in for this year's trophy, I'd be willing to part with a few quid - anyone else?
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Old 28-03-2006, 21:31   #38
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Re: Your vote for player of the year so far??

i would say elliot and mullin.. elliot for the world class saves he does and also keeping us in the game so many times and also mullin for scoring goals when we need them
we are the clayton end......
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Old 28-03-2006, 21:37   #39
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Re: Your vote for player of the year so far??

Cheers AccyMad.. but ya would also need to find someone to organise and sort it out as well and money seems easier to find than volounteers and hrs
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Old 28-03-2006, 21:41   #40


Re: Your vote for player of the year so far??

Originally Posted by AccyMad
That's a shame Tony, you've done a good job in the past but maybe a few of us could get together and chip in for this year's trophy, I'd be willing to part with a few quid - anyone else?
But me in for £20..........Possibly the most important season since the hardship and indignity of 1962 and we can’t honour one man above the squad that retuned us to the Football League?
Irrespective of what happens something fantastic should be done to show our gratitude for what’s been achieved over the last three seasons by some very decent and brave men.<O
Personally, I’d give it to Eric or one of the Sponsors who have never wavered from returning to us, our pride. <O

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Old 28-03-2006, 22:56   #41
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Re: Your vote for player of the year so far??

Player means Player.

I believe that both John Coleman and Jimmy Bell are still registered as players.

After seven years of the "Coleman era" , wouldn't it be nice to see Jimmy receive an honour too ?
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Old 29-03-2006, 09:57   #42
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Re: Your vote for player of the year so far??

Originally Posted by KIPAX
Cheers AccyMad.. but ya would also need to find someone to organise and sort it out as well and money seems easier to find than volounteers and hrs
Yea I realise that Kipax and if I can help I will, leave it with me and I'll see if I can rope in a couple of people to assist cos I don't think I could do it on me own!
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Old 29-03-2006, 12:32   #43
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Re: Your vote for player of the year so far??

Gary Roberts for me without doubt!!!! He deserves to play in the league. Which incidentally i'm sure he will wearing a stanley shirt!!! (touch wood, fingers crossed, not walking under a ladder)
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Old 29-03-2006, 17:54   #44
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Re: Your vote for player of the year so far??

just an idea, but my family used to award a player every year and we always tried to honour someone who wouldn't necessarily receive an award. For example Paul Mullin has swept the board nearly every year and could feasibly do the same this year. So he can't have it.

If we still did the award, then I would award it to both Elliott and Randolph. Before big Dazzer came we were awful in defence with a plethora of makeweights just turning out. After Charlton intervened we had a steaady ship, clean sheets and a confident defence. Elliot saves stand out more because they are more recent, but both keepers have made really top class saves that have defended one goal leads and draws, and usually in the last few minutes when it has really mattered. The rest of the team create and score the goals, but those guys are mainly responsible for where we are now. The speech would go along the lines of "Rob woulda got it but he's only been here a short while. Dazza woulda got it but he didn't Stay now, Stay now, Dazzer if you gotta go away. So we giving it to both of you"

We will likely never see those two again, so it will be bye bye trophy. But it would be good to watch them playing in Champions League games in ten years knowing that we gave them a player of the year award
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Last edited by maccawozzagod; 29-03-2006 at 17:58.
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Old 29-03-2006, 17:58   #45
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Re: Your vote for player of the year so far??

if we had one of those awards macca in my book it would go to guy and a top player, i love the guy to nonsense centre back..
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