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Old 27-09-2008, 20:47   #31
Resting in Peace

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Re: Photo Competition 52

Originally Posted by AccyLass27 View Post
Awaits Mick's reply.... cos there might be soon lol
Don't you start madam !! ... nah, all this will be going over Mick's head I expect, unless he thinks 'tis serious enough to amend ... notice last sucking up sentence.
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Accrington Web
Old 27-09-2008, 20:56   #32
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Re: Photo Competition 52

Thought you only came out after dark???
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
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Old 27-09-2008, 21:00   #33
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Re: Photo Competition 52

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Don't you start madam !! ... nah, all this will be going over Mick's head I expect, unless he thinks 'tis serious enough to amend ... notice last sucking up sentence.

Am only a madam when it suits

Yes, I can imagine Mick rolling his eyes as he reads it
Just like most people probably will have
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Old 27-09-2008, 21:10   #34
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Photo Competition 52

Originally Posted by cazzer View Post
Thought you only came out after dark???
Oh yes, you can laugh, you try being a vampire in a town full of hoodies and see if you don't get a little nervous going around attending to your nightly chores!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 27-09-2008, 21:14   #35
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Re: Photo Competition 52

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Oh yes, you can laugh, you try being a vampire in a town full of hoodies and see if you don't get a little nervous going around attending to your nightly chores!
Getting harder, isn't it Less, alcohol content, drug content, HIV's ... no decent blood stock these days .
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Old 27-09-2008, 21:29   #36
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Re: Photo Competition 52

Oh yes, you can laugh, you try being a vampire in a town full of hoodies and see if you don't get a little nervous going around attending to your nightly chores!
Not many hoodies carrying crucifixes or garlic Less! mind you, they may smell of garlic at 3 am in the morning.

Getting harder, isn't it Less, alcohol content, drug content, HIV's ... no decent blood stock these days .

Ha Ha! Nice one Kate!
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 28-09-2008, 06:24   #37
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Re: Photo Competition 52

Here we go again
Look i have said this before the photo competitions are just a bit of fun we have had 52 photo competitions upto now without any problems, we have some basic rules and thats enough if the prize's where holidays or colour tv or a car then i would tighten the rules a lot more but its not its a bit of fun.
The basic idea behind the competitions was to get members out and about and get used to there cameras and software.
with a little prize at the end of it
so lets keep it that way please A BIT OF FUN
But if you want 3 pages of rules i am sure i can sort that out too
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Old 28-09-2008, 09:42   #38
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Cool Re: Photo Competition 52

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Jambutty, you are never lost for words, as the above post proves.
And as far as pointing out flaws in the rules...if you think the rules are flawed then you can locate a moderator and put it to them,(for the consideration of perhaps being changed) and also, if you think the rules are need not enter the competition.
I don't particularly like the aspersions you cast over the members of this forum...we aren't all the may not like some of us, but there is no need to lump us all in the same category.
Let me see if I have got this right.

If I point out a loophole in the rules that CAN be exploited it is deemed as me casting aspersions over the members of this forum, is not OK and you object to it.

Yet an avatar that that actually calls every person stupid because they cannot see a non-existent picture is defended by most, I’m told that I have no sense of humour because it was a joke, it is OK.

A severe case of double standards if ever there was one. But then that is the case from some forum members.

Pray tell me, how was I to find out about the loophole except by entering the competition?

I responded to an appeal asking for more people to join the photo competition, discovered the loophole and decided to bring it out into the open to see what other people’s views were.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 28-09-2008, 09:49   #39
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Re: Photo Competition 52

The rules are in place for a fun competition on a local community forum, it's not the official secrets act that could be exploited
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Old 28-09-2008, 09:51   #40
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Re: Photo Competition 52

Jambutty, you take the really do.
I bet you were what is the equivalent of a barrack room lawyer.
What I was pointing out was the way you have gone about pointing out what you see as a loophole in the rules.
You feel you can make snide and scathing comments about our(the forum members) integrity in voting....I find that offensive, because it isn't how I operate.
And yet you choose to judge me....and all the other members of the forum.
Yes...we do want members to participate in the competition, but not if they are going to question the motives of the participants and other members of the forum.

I'm sure my opinions do not matter one jot to you....a nd the fact that I feel offended by your attitude to my integrity...I'm sure will cause you no alarm either.
I think that if you feel so strongly about this competition then perhaps you shouldn't enter it...after all it isn't compulsory to enter...or for that matter, to vote.
This is my last word on this subject
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 28-09-2008, 09:55   #41
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Cool Re: Photo Competition 52

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Well, at least it is getting our attention and may lift it from a down turn of interest. So come on folks, upload now, whether we vote with our heads or hearts gives us an entertainment over a couple of weeks.
Ooooer! It looks like I’ve been rumbled.

Stumbling on the loophole like I did gave me the opportunity to attract attention to the photo competitions. I knew that some people would not be able to resist the chance to put the boot in so the thread would become active. As I stated, one thing that I do know about - is people.

Mission accomplished!
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 28-09-2008, 10:02   #42
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Re: Photo Competition 52

If I saw a 'loophole' in any of the rules of this forum (not that I would search for them) then I would bring it to a mods attention in a discreet way via pm, not make sure that evrybody knows about it and could therefore (if they wanted) exploit it, I know a good few accywebbers personally now, and the winner of the last competition is one of my favourite accywebbers... but I didnt vote in that, simply because I was doing other things, had there been a general knowledge of this loophole, and it was being exploited, I think perhaps I may have heard about it. The 'stupid' avatar is also a bit of fun, and I, like many others here think jambutty needs to find something else to do than continually seeking to find fault with this forum and/or its members, for a start, I havnt been approached by anybody else on this forum seeking karma.. THAT is cheating, and cheap! I apologise for the thread wandering rant!
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 28-09-2008, 10:28   #43
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Cool Re: Photo Competition 52

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Jambutty, you take the really do.
I bet you were what is the equivalent of a barrack room lawyer.
What I was pointing out was the way you have gone about pointing out what you see as a loophole in the rules.
You feel you can make snide and scathing comments about our(the forum members) integrity in voting....I find that offensive, because it isn't how I operate.
And yet you choose to judge me....and all the other members of the forum.
Yes...we do want members to participate in the competition, but not if they are going to question the motives of the participants and other members of the forum.

I'm sure my opinions do not matter one jot to you....a nd the fact that I feel offended by your attitude to my integrity...I'm sure will cause you no alarm either.
I think that if you feel so strongly about this competition then perhaps you shouldn't enter it...after all it isn't compulsory to enter...or for that matter, to vote.
This is my last word on this subject
Maybe but I don’t have double standards.

You would lose your bet.

As I stated before if I complain about snide comments being made about me those comments are meant as a joke and I should get a sense of humour and I have to accept it.

But when I SUGGEST that the current photo competition COULD be exploited it is wrong and people suddenly take umbrage.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 28-09-2008, 10:35   #44
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Re: Photo Competition 52

That is because you tarred everybody with the same brush jim, you should have been more discreet! You will be attacked if you continually attack others and the forum in general, and especially the ones who work so hard to make it possible (or impossible for you to post on here), if there were to be a vote here to ask how many members would prefer you not to be allowed to post, I am certain the result, at present, would not be in your favour, I for one would vote against allowing some of your ridiculous rants, accusations and trivial snipes!
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 28-09-2008, 10:47   #45
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Photo Competition 52

As one of accywebs latest hobbies seems to be search the rules to fit your annoyance, I thought I'd have a go.

10: Please think when you post. Make sure what you write would be acceptable to forum members as a whole, and is not offensive. Reported posts will be deleted.
I know someone that breaks every part of this rule most times he/she posts.

a] he/she never seems to think.
b]what he/she writes is usually unacceptable to the members as a whole.
c] He/she is always offensive but claims someone else started it first.

Back on thread, will be uploading a piccy as soon as nursey allows me to stay up after dark.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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