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28-09-2008, 10:48
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: Photo Competition 52
Sorry! Don't know what happened but my post got posted twice.
Last edited by jambutty; 28-09-2008 at 10:51.
28-09-2008, 10:50
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: Photo Competition 52
[quote=derekgas;635691]for a start, I havnt been approached by anybody else on this forum seeking karma.. THAT is cheating, and cheap! I apologise for the thread wandering rant![/quote]
When you make a Karma award, a window pops up showing the words that state something to the effect of; “Thank you for awarding some Karma. You may be lucky enough to receive some in return.”
Not wanting to breach rule 15a I cannot state what my comment was nor your PM to me in response other than to state I was not seeking Karma, just following what is stated above.
Yet you still deliberately set out to do a thread wander because you had a point to make.
28-09-2008, 10:51
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Re: Photo Competition 52
Ummmm taste of own medicine JB  why dont ya like it? 
28-09-2008, 10:52
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Photo Competition 52
Oooh look butt you'll be able to complain about double posting now, after all that can't be YOUR fault!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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28-09-2008, 10:59
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Photo Competition 52
Originally Posted by jambutty
Sorry! Don't know what happened but my post got posted twice.
An Apology!
Have the tablets started working?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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28-09-2008, 11:06
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Re: Photo Competition 52
I thread wandered because I had a point to make JB, and not just because I wanted to ruin a thread, which is what you seem to do at times.
I hadnt named anybody, accused anybody directly or been snide, again, unlike yourself, but now that you have raised the point I was making, YOU awarded me karma, it was for quite an old post (that seemed strange, because it is unlikely that you missed the post originally), in the award, you made a point of letting me know you were awarding karma because I had less rep than yourself (which suggests that the karma was for a reason other than agreeing with the post), then suggested that I might like to return the favour! As you point out, the karma award system requests that you may be lucky enough to receive karma in return, as such, I dont need a reminder, therefore I see the award as phishing for karma, which is against the rules, is cheating, and cheap, as I said before, nobody else picked up on this Jim, except your good self, as I knew you would, and in doing so, allowed me to post, by return, exactly what you are about, now, what were you saying about walking right into a trap?
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
28-09-2008, 13:04
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: Photo Competition 52
Originally Posted by derekgas
I thread wandered because I had a point to make JB, and not just because I wanted to ruin a thread, which is what you seem to do at times.
I hadnt named anybody, accused anybody directly or been snide, again, unlike yourself, but now that you have raised the point I was making, YOU awarded me karma, it was for quite an old post (that seemed strange, because it is unlikely that you missed the post originally), in the award, you made a point of letting me know you were awarding karma because I had less rep than yourself (which suggests that the karma was for a reason other than agreeing with the post), then suggested that I might like to return the favour! As you point out, the karma award system requests that you may be lucky enough to receive karma in return, as such, I dont need a reminder, therefore I see the award as phishing for karma, which is against the rules, is cheating, and cheap, as I said before, nobody else picked up on this Jim, except your good self, as I knew you would, and in doing so, allowed me to post, by return, exactly what you are about, now, what were you saying about walking right into a trap?
No! I don’t ruin a thread.
I have the nerve to post my opinion on an issue that is different to other people’s views and get castigated for doing so. Then if I ‘fight’ my corner people take umbrage and resort to name calling.
I wanted to award you some Karma for a particular recent post but was unable to do so at the time because I’d done my two for the day. When I was able to make the award I couldn’t remember which post it was so I sought out one of yours.
Phishing for Karma against the rules? Just exactly which rule is that? Oh! Silly me. You make up your own rules to suit your own purposes.
28-09-2008, 13:41
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Re: Photo Competition 52
If we were to have yet another poll, entitled 'does Jambutty ruin, or enhance the majority of the threads in which he posts', I am sure the vast majority would vote 'ruins a thread', we cant ALL be wrong can we? I notice the rules poll has ONE difference of opinion! Mmmm, wonder who's that might be?
Nobody objects to you having an opinion Jim, it is the way you put your opinion across sometimes, and seemingly have the opinion that that, is the ONLY opinion that should count for anything, and all others should be disregarded, fighting your corner is one thing, down right obstruction quite another, and that is why you are castigated and called names.
The post you say you wanted to award karma for would be available, providing it wasnt deleted, and would come up in my profile much earlier than the one for which you actually sent it, so that excuse dont wash with me either, you were phishing for reputation in my eyes.
Although I am sure I have seen something about 'phishing for reputation' here, I cannot see it in the rules, but would still say you are morally wrong to accuse others of possibly cheating, whilst 'seeming' to influence the issue of reputation for your own benefit, say what you will about it, you made it look VERY clear that you would like karma returned, that to my mind is wrong.
I dont make ANY rules, but I know when I see something as being against the rules/immoral or both.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
28-09-2008, 15:55
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: Photo Competition 52
Originally Posted by derekgas
If we were to have yet another poll, entitled 'does Jambutty ruin, or enhance the majority of the threads in which he posts', I am sure the vast majority would vote 'ruins a thread', we cant ALL be wrong can we? I notice the rules poll has ONE difference of opinion! Mmmm, wonder who's that might be?
Nobody objects to you having an opinion Jim, it is the way you put your opinion across sometimes, and seemingly have the opinion that that, is the ONLY opinion that should count for anything, and all others should be disregarded, fighting your corner is one thing, down right obstruction quite another, and that is why you are castigated and called names.
The post you say you wanted to award karma for would be available, providing it wasnt deleted, and would come up in my profile much earlier than the one for which you actually sent it, so that excuse dont wash with me either, you were phishing for reputation in my eyes.
Although I am sure I have seen something about 'phishing for reputation' here, I cannot see it in the rules, but would still say you are morally wrong to accuse others of possibly cheating, whilst 'seeming' to influence the issue of reputation for your own benefit, say what you will about it, you made it look VERY clear that you would like karma returned, that to my mind is wrong.
I dont make ANY rules, but I know when I see something as being against the rules/immoral or both.
Put your theory to the test then! Start a poll. But bear in mind that you are only likely to get something like 40 or 50 votes out of a membership of 14,000 plus, it can hardly be called representative. Unless you deem it so! But that would be arrogant in the extreme.
Wonder no more, it was I.
So if the majority of people are of the same mind then it must be fact eh?
Well once upon a time the majority of the people thought the world was flat and there are many other instances where it turned out that the majority were incorrect. Wasn’t there a recent case where a paediatrician was labelled a paedophile by the majority of his neighbours? Look what happened there. Just because the majority sing from the same hymn sheet it doesn’t automatically follow that the song is the right one.
Oh but they do object to me having an opinion that differs to theirs and because I stick to my guns with evidence to back it up and the other side does not have the nous to do the same to back up their view, they resort to name calling and questioning my mental faculties.
But in what way should I post my opinions? I choose my words very carefully and try to ensure that they cannot be misinterpreted. It is hardly my fault if someone comes along doesn’t read and understand what has been written and puts his/her own spin on it.
Show me where I have obstructed another viewpoint. I’d also be very interested to know how a person can do that.
For your information I did search through your list of posts to see if I could find the one where I wanted to award you some Karma. I was unable to recall which post it was and the searching did not jog my memory. So I can only assume that your refusal to accept my statement, means that you are calling me a liar. Now THAT is against the rules and also immoral.
I never accused anyone of cheating. What I said that it is possible to do so. But heck, why let the accuracy of my statement get in the way of trying to score a Brownie point or two?
Now if there is a anyone else wanting to give me a piece of their mind, then go ahead but you will be ‘talking’ to yourself.
I’m out of this thread because it has gone too far off topic.
28-09-2008, 17:07
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Re: Photo Competition 52
Just for the record - I voted for a photo and I don't even know the photographer AT ALL!
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
28-09-2008, 17:45
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Re: Photo Competition 52
Geez, glad I have nowt to do with it any more, I had enough stick when I run it, this would have topped it and I would have stopped it thats for sure - 1 little word FUN, and that doesn't need rules in my opinion
28-09-2008, 17:46
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Photo Competition 52
Originally Posted by jambutty
I’m out of this thread because it has gone too far off topic.
After removing the rest of the rant, Whose fault is it that it went off topic? None of the other 51 did?

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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28-09-2008, 18:31
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Re: Photo Competition 52
I am not about to start a poll, I said, IF, big difference, (who put a spin on that then?)the majority is not the 14000 you suggest, just the regular posters, and I still know how that would go, without putting it to the test.
We can quote misrepresentation all day, you say people thought the world was flat..fact! Hitler thought he was right!
I am sure noone (not even Less) objects to you having an opinion, but am also sure that most everyone objects to the self righteous, obstroperous way that you do it, just be civil man, and stop trying to belittle or deride people, all the regulars here CANNOT possibly be wrong every time, but when in a debate with you, somehow, you deem them to be wrong, no matter how many they number, people were wrong about the world being flat ONCE, Hitler was wrong ONCE, Jim is never wrong apparently, and that is obstructive.
I have never said I refuse to accept your statement, nor called you a liar, and will post your comment so others may make up thier own mind.
And now you want to run away rather than be proven wrong, I dont need brownie points here Jim, I think I am considered a nice bloke in the mainstream... Mmmm!!
Here is the karma posted by jambutty, this is to allow people to make up there own mind.. phishing or complimentary and honest!
You’ve got less than I have so have some Karma. Hopefully you might return the favour. – jambutty.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
Last edited by derekgas; 28-09-2008 at 18:34.
28-09-2008, 19:45
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Re: Photo Competition 52
As the competition is called "after dark" and after means following does that mean during light ? Another loophole !!!!!
Sorry, please please dont take this too seriously. Its fun...it brings people together to discuss and talk, and takes a lot of work by someone to keep it running. Lets all appreciate his work, get along and take it as it is...a great resource for interesting conversations, differences of opinions and above all light entertainment.
If you can keep your head and remain calm, whilst around you everyone is losing theirs, its likely you dont understand what just went wrong
28-09-2008, 20:00
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Re: Photo Competition 52
Originally Posted by banjoman
As the competition is called "after dark" and after means following does that mean during light ?
Eeew you right Banjoman ... LOL. Meant 'after the sun has set' or 'between dusk and dawn', but basically 'After Darkness has fallen and before light shows its glow again'. Anyway, think most have understood what I meant ...funny language this English 'innit ...  
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