14-06-2009, 20:53
Resting in Peace
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Accrington
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Photo Competition 72
Comp : 72
Congratulations to :Margaret Pilkington On winning the 71 th Accringtonweb Photo Competition.
Each competition will run for 2 weeks, 12 days for uploading photo's and a further 2 days which can be used for voting only.
During the 12 days uploading time you will be able to vote and there will be an option to cancel your vote if you feel a better picture has been submitted.
After the 12 day upload period, voting only will be allowed for 2 days then voting will be stopped.
Anyone can vote, you don't have to enter the competition to be entitled to a vote but it is 1 vote per person.
The winner will get to choose a theme for the next competition.
And to choose a prize from the list in the Gallery .
( You won't need to do anything else, the moderators will create the folder to be uploaded too)
UPLOADING ends at 10pm on the Friday night, you have 48 hours to VOTE (until 10pm Sunday UK time)
The winner then has 12 hours to PM Mick with the next THEME (PLEASE PM DO NOT POST THE NEW THEME ON SITE I COULD MISS IT PM ONLY PLEASE)
if I have not been contacted within this time Mick will pick the theme.
In the event of a tie the person who chose the theme will decide on the winner.
6 entries are allowed per person.
Anymore than this will be removed, your 1st 6 uploads will stay - later ones will be removed.
All images must be your own work, Or close family.
Scanned,(from your own photos) digital, phone, video stills are all allowed,
(please don’t use images off the Internet or from magazines or from postcards as we don’t want Accyweb getting into trouble for hosting copyright images).
You will retain copyright of all your images.
No photo's to be removed from the photo competition by any member except mods or admin
Photo's altered with image editing software will be allowed.
THE NEXT THEME CHOSEN BY Margaret Pilkington : is :Architectural Features
carvings Gargoyles, interesting features that you may not have noticed before
Closing date for this competition is 22:00pm on the Friday the 26th June 2009
and voting will be allowed up to 22:00pm on Sunday the 28th June 2009
It would help me if all members that have entered the competition are on line at the closing of the competition,
so i can set the next competition up quickly thank you .
I know its not all ways possible but if you can it would help
Last edited by Mick; 14-06-2009 at 21:15.