Originally Posted by garinda
Like sometimes coming across as bitter, and prone to occasionally showing themselves up?
Yes, I hope Katex's mother wasn't like that.
Is that how you see me, Garinda ? Ah well, always open to criticism, will have to take a look in the mirror, don't feel bitter about anything or anybody, and showing myself up ... well, yes, maybe make a plonker of myself sometimes...

You appear to have taken my 'skimming over the tribute' remark personally for some reason.
My mum was nothing special, just did what was expected :
Family came first.
Never raised a hand to me, a look was enough.
Made sure was a meal on the table when I came home from school, and never to an empty house.
Saved to take us on holiday every year.
Provided us with lovely meals including home baking.
Made sure we were decently turned out, washed and brushed, and immediately attended to any loose buttons.
Showed me many skills like knitting, crocheting (lol)embroidery and making artificial flowers.
Although, never overindulged in stating her love for myself and my brother, I knew that by 'what she did, not what she said' let me know that I was secure in her love.
When I wanted to ask her a question, she never said "Not now, haven't got the time".
The list is endless.
This is what I meant, which to me, were the accepted mundane duties of a mother.
Just that her common sense had no boundaries and helped her to be the good mother that she was.