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Search: Posts Made By: andrewb
Forum: General Chat 25-08-2012, 02:49
Replies: 4,266
Views: 175,365
Posted By andrewb
Re: The Tories

BT have been laying plenty of fibre optic cables. They're spending £2.5 billion on it.
Forum: General Chat 23-08-2012, 18:55
Replies: 4,266
Views: 175,365
Posted By andrewb
Re: The Tories

You've got to be kidding me. You would not be able to do that today if it was still nationalised.

Choose a phone company that doesn't have overseas call centres if that's your gripe. That's the...
Forum: General Chat 23-08-2012, 18:46
Replies: 4,266
Views: 175,365
Posted By andrewb
Re: The Tories

Yes there are problems. The privatisations that happened haven't turned into some utopian system that can do no wrong. It is better than the old system though. Do you honestly trust politicians to...
Forum: General Chat 23-08-2012, 18:18
Replies: 4,266
Views: 175,365
Posted By andrewb
Re: The Tories

Privatisation wasn't just a "bit of political dogma". It lead to competition which benefited the consumer, replacing inefficient state monopolies and taking the taxpayer off the hook. Take the...
Forum: General Chat 22-08-2012, 02:22
Replies: 4,266
Views: 175,365
Posted By andrewb
Re: The Tories

No need to imagine. The Government borrowed £8bn the last July Labour were in office. Public Sector Finances, July 2009 (
Forum: General Chat 24-06-2012, 10:34
Replies: 82
Views: 3,014
Posted By andrewb
Re: Kenneth Hargreaves MBE RIP

Very sad news. Rest in peace.
Forum: General Chat 09-06-2012, 18:38
Replies: 17
Views: 738
Posted By andrewb
Re: papal knighthood for former MP

Sorry to hear that Ken is unwell. I've never heard anyone say a bad word about him. Was clearly very well respected before and after being Hyndburn's MP.
Forum: General Chat 05-06-2012, 10:22
Replies: 31
Views: 1,025
Posted By andrewb
Re: Great to see it

Graham's comments are ridiculous. It's the politics of class warfare and his distain for the better off appears to blind his ability to understand rural poverty.

His argument is pretty baseless....
Forum: General Chat 20-05-2012, 14:25
Replies: 807
Views: 23,938
Posted By andrewb
Re: Did Graham Jones do the right thing?

The People's Pledge are an organisation setting up referenda across the country asking if people want an in/out referendum. They've been mentioned here before and quite a few of us have signed up....
Forum: General Chat 29-03-2012, 06:48
Replies: 4,266
Views: 175,365
Posted By andrewb
Re: The Tories

I think what I think, whether it be in line with a political party or not. I aint financed by anyone.
Forum: General Chat 29-03-2012, 00:46
Replies: 4,266
Views: 175,365
Posted By andrewb
Re: The Tories

Do you realise you're going to look a bit silly when come the next election the NHS is still here; free at the point of use, based on need, not ability to pay?
Forum: General Chat 12-02-2012, 19:31
Replies: 80
Views: 1,806
Posted By andrewb
Re: Northern Parliament

There's a campaign called People's Pledge running local referendums asking people if they want an in/out referendum on the EU. They are designed to highlight just how important the issue is to people...
Forum: General Chat 11-02-2012, 16:36
Replies: 283
Views: 6,759
Posted By andrewb
Re: Election - Place yer bets.

Willing to bet it won't. The polls haven't even closed yet.
Forum: General Chat 11-02-2012, 15:12
Replies: 283
Views: 6,759
Posted By andrewb
Re: Election - Place yer bets.

Maine is a caucus state which conducts straw polls at the various meeting locations around the state. There is no electronic voting.

I've seen the image you posted without the clock covering the...
Forum: General Chat 09-02-2012, 18:45
Replies: 80
Views: 1,806
Posted By andrewb
Re: Northern Parliament

A more effective way is to refuse to vote for any MP or candidate that isn't in favour of a referendum. They'll soon change their tune if enough people speak up.
Forum: General Chat 09-02-2012, 18:43
Replies: 80
Views: 1,806
Posted By andrewb
Re: Northern Parliament

How do you know I'm a paid up member? Either way it doesn't matter. Point is I want an MP that supports and will vote for a referendum, no matter what their respective party leader says. The fact...
Forum: General Chat 08-02-2012, 22:48
Replies: 80
Views: 1,806
Posted By andrewb
Re: Northern Parliament

Agreed. Very much in favour of an EU referendum no matter who's in office. Individual MPs, no matter which party, need to come out in favour of having one. Maybe Graham will come round to it? He...
Forum: General Chat 08-02-2012, 22:18
Replies: 80
Views: 1,806
Posted By andrewb
Re: Northern Parliament

The European Union is out of touch with the North, South, East and West. Graham should really focus his efforts on getting us a referendum on our membership of the EU. If he's committed to more...
Forum: General Chat 31-01-2012, 21:30
Replies: 116
Views: 2,100
Posted By andrewb
Re: NHS reforms..a mess?

Health insurance companies? Have you even read about the reforms? Stop scaring people.

'The end of the NHS as we know it', what a load of guff. It'll still be free at the point of use, based on...
Forum: General Chat 25-12-2011, 08:38
Replies: 50
Views: 1,232
Posted By andrewb
Re: Can Peter pay Paul so Paul can pay Peter?

Labour would have had us in the Euro had it not been so politically toxic! Miliband (Ed) still refuses to rule it out!
Forum: General Chat 23-12-2011, 11:31
Replies: 50
Views: 1,232
Posted By andrewb
Re: Can Peter pay Paul so Paul can pay Peter?

Arguably this isn't proper capitalism. It's crony capitalism. Central banks printing money devalues a currency and hits the middle class with inflation while the bankers run all the way to the.. bank.
Forum: General Chat 23-12-2011, 11:21
Replies: 4,266
Views: 175,365
Posted By andrewb
Re: The Tories

I'd rather he didn't sign it but you are being a bit daft. Before the summit he said he wouldn't sign if he didn't get the things he wanted that were in Britain's interest. They didn't let him have...
Forum: General Chat 25-11-2011, 19:41
Replies: 120
Views: 2,911
Posted By andrewb
Re: Let's Webcast Council

We're all in agreement then. When's the next Council meeting?
Forum: General Chat 14-11-2011, 20:08
Replies: 155
Views: 4,048
Posted By andrewb
Re: Greece Bailout

Brown was at least elected as a Member of Parliament. The Italians have just appointed some bloke who's never been elected.
Forum: General Chat 10-11-2011, 06:57
Replies: 6
Views: 362
Posted By andrewb
Re: drop the bill

Curious question. If they end up running the hospital better, will you still be against it because you disagree with the principle?
Showing results 1 to 25 of 500


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